Cat shocked!
Just look at this face Ofigevshy!
The story was this. Recently my husband and I were at a party in a beautiful sunny Tomsk. Early in the morning, waking up, the husband opened the window and looked down, and on the balcony of the neighbors in shock froze the cat pose.
In cat break the pattern. He never saw someone peeking from a nearby window and looked at him. The cat looked at her husband, the husband looked at the cat. The cat did not move. And I do not even blink. My husband went for the camera and looked again. The cat did not move. My husband took a picture of a cat and called me.
I looked out the window. The cat looked at me in the same position gnarled and did not move.
I even blink 2 times, and the cat sat motionless like a statue, and staring at me.
- A cat live exactly? - I asked the husband.
- It seems to be, - said the husband.
I looked out the window again. The cat continued to sit in one fixed position with bulging eyes.
Then out of the window again looked husband was convinced that the cat has not changed its position.
- Maybe it is stuffed? - I suggested. And once again I looked out the window. The situation did not change cat. He also twisted gawked. But he looks too stuffed to live.
A moment I'm still staring at the cat and tried to call him, that he somehow reacted (though where to call if you have shared at least 3 meters on the 9th floor.
The cat sat.
At some point, he finally came out of the coma, slowly turned and ran to his apartment.
Perhaps his shock.
The story was this. Recently my husband and I were at a party in a beautiful sunny Tomsk. Early in the morning, waking up, the husband opened the window and looked down, and on the balcony of the neighbors in shock froze the cat pose.
In cat break the pattern. He never saw someone peeking from a nearby window and looked at him. The cat looked at her husband, the husband looked at the cat. The cat did not move. And I do not even blink. My husband went for the camera and looked again. The cat did not move. My husband took a picture of a cat and called me.
I looked out the window. The cat looked at me in the same position gnarled and did not move.
I even blink 2 times, and the cat sat motionless like a statue, and staring at me.
- A cat live exactly? - I asked the husband.
- It seems to be, - said the husband.
I looked out the window again. The cat continued to sit in one fixed position with bulging eyes.
Then out of the window again looked husband was convinced that the cat has not changed its position.
- Maybe it is stuffed? - I suggested. And once again I looked out the window. The situation did not change cat. He also twisted gawked. But he looks too stuffed to live.
A moment I'm still staring at the cat and tried to call him, that he somehow reacted (though where to call if you have shared at least 3 meters on the 9th floor.
The cat sat.
At some point, he finally came out of the coma, slowly turned and ran to his apartment.
Perhaps his shock.