As Governor Tkachev Sochi built
The complex of office buildings consists of six buildings and several areas for sponsors.
1. The building of the Anti-Doping Laboratory
2. The building of command center command and control security of the Olympic Park.
3. The building of the center of corporate receptions.
4. Pavilion waiting drivers.
5. Marketing Club IOC
6. Building Executive Center
This building is included in the expanded list of objects to be certified for compliance with the international standard BREEAM.
Only the executive in charge of the building project have sponsors on his official website:
Developer stage "Project" on the website of "Center" Omega "Set of" speech ».
The designer of the stage "Working documentation" LLC "Sochor project».
General contractor: OOO "Garant».
Judging by the photos of the object being built, color palette of the facade was changed in the course of construction. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the original architectural design, proposed by the experts of the Moscow Architectural Bureau "speech» (SPeeCH).
The project was completed in the Mediterranean style of architecture of 18-19 centuries. Overall architectural concept was aimed at creating an image of a comfortable resort. The facades applied decorative elements: pilasters, architraves, cornices and plaster and natural tile.
Now let us compare with the visualization of the working draft, modified Kuban "Master", "Sochor project».
As you can see, while maintaining the contours and volume of construction completely disappeared third component architecture - the beauty, and consequently the architecture itself.
Unfortunately, this situation is a lack of architecture has developed in almost all sites in the zone of responsibility of the Krasnodar Territory and the governor Tkachev.
Whether it's high school, children gardens.
Homes for persons
Houses for volunteers
Khrushchev with plastic loggias for journalists
Classy project route F1
It turned into a normal hangar
And of course plastered hotel castle Hercules, which builds in-law gubernatora.Kotory somehow positioned as a castle in the Russian style.
Against this background, the creation of Luzhkov look like masterpieces of Russian architecture.
Source: arch-sochi.ru