School children will no longer be blamed on the exam!
We all remember his final exams at school. The long days of experiences irreplaceable nerve cells scribbled pieces of paper, and many thought with friends in misfortune how to hide a crib so that it would not have found and had the opportunity to write off.
And it worked, it was possible! Today, many with a smile on his face recall the story of the Soviet comedy "The Adventures of Shurik" when one of the characters, having advanced at the time the technical means of communication, trying to fool the professor, who happens to be even more advanced.
"Until then the technician came!" The modern methods of cheating combine newfangled tricks with microphones in the ear, and all your favorite old spurs on his knees in the watch dial. Write off all also love, not wanting to teach unloved items.
The main character of the movie - a modern school teacher with a modern gadgets, much more advanced than the professor in "The Adventures of Shurik." Google Glass allows you to find a well-hidden, even cribs. Loafers and idlers have a chance to write off no more!