Pip-Boy 3000, the new incarnation of the instrument of Fallout (no Rad-X)

Fans Fallout years already create all sorts of versions of Pip-Boy. Someone is just a useless piece of plastic, disguised as a working device, and someone and a full functional device creates.
Recently in the network has information about the Pip-Boy 3000, a device that can perform some of the functions of the very devaysa of the game.
new Pip-Boy is based on a real smartphone iPhone, and the case is printed on a 3D printer. Furthermore, for Pip-Boy 3000 is created and associated application under iOS, capable of displaying maps, location of the owner, temperature, weather conditions.
In addition, the device can determine the level of radiation. However, as all previous incarnations Pip-Boy, this device is devoid of anti-radiation drug input Rad-X. It's too bad, but nothing to be done, doctors have not yet created this medicine.
Also smartphone and housing device has a controller and low background radiation meter (by the way, this meter has been designed the same development team).
In the near future creators Pip-Boy 3000 plan to add some medical sensors to display information about the health of the owner. Actually, to do this is not so difficult, at least to introduce the basic sensors, which are already quite a lot on the market.
Via Singularity Hub
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222463/