Updated Feed posts
1.Poyavilas the ability to view an endless belt.
That is, you no longer have to go to a page in peydzhinatore to view more materials. Now, the materials are loaded automatically. For those who innovation seems not very convenient, can choose "paged tape." And to use the site in the usual way.
2.Vozmozhnost collapse posts.
Now you can turn off the posts that have already been reviewed or that you're not interested. Simply select the tab "Minimize the posts."
Then click on the "Minimize" in the lower right corner in every post that you want to roll.
We recall that in this case the posts will not disappear from the tape, as will be shown in a shortened version. By selecting the function "Do not turn off the posts", you can use the site as usual.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on the introduction of the function - write in the comments!
We look forward to your suggestions!
Stay tuned! We work for you!
That is, you no longer have to go to a page in peydzhinatore to view more materials. Now, the materials are loaded automatically. For those who innovation seems not very convenient, can choose "paged tape." And to use the site in the usual way.

2.Vozmozhnost collapse posts.
Now you can turn off the posts that have already been reviewed or that you're not interested. Simply select the tab "Minimize the posts."

Then click on the "Minimize" in the lower right corner in every post that you want to roll.

We recall that in this case the posts will not disappear from the tape, as will be shown in a shortened version. By selecting the function "Do not turn off the posts", you can use the site as usual.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on the introduction of the function - write in the comments!
We look forward to your suggestions!
Stay tuned! We work for you!