The smallest in the world of comics "painted" on the tip of the hair

Not so long ago Habré to publish news that IBM was able to "print" the world's smallest magazine cover. Now something similar is created not a scientist and an artist who is obviously quite familiar with the latest achievements of science.
So, comics, called «Juanita Knits the Planet», applied on a human hair using a focused ion beam, using a device belonging to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Actually, here is the comic strip, with a description of the process of drawing comics on the hair surface.
But in his usual comic, graphic, version:

By the way, the comic is drawn not just, it was created to attract public attention to the meeting, which is called Exceptional Hardware Software Meeting .
A meeting is held in the framework of cooperation of communities and individual enthusiasts open source (both software and hardware), scientists and research organizations.
According to the authors of the project, such cooperation may be the beginning of the "third industrial revolution", when open achievements of different people and communities are for the benefit of society. In this discussion topics very different - from the fusion reaction and quantum physics devices to create "high vacuum".
The meeting will be held this summer (June 27-29) in Hamburg, Germany.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222211/