Mother ship "Alexander Obukhov" sank
In a long series of maritime disasters and the tragic events that shook at the time the Soviet Union, a special place, along with the "Admiral Nakhimov", "Alexander Suvorov" occupies the Far East and the loss of mother ships "Alexander Obukhov." Special because died mother ship next to the pier in the bay of the Golden Horn, and because of this event, few if znal- Vladivostok city was then closed. And now no one and did not remember that the May 4, 1982 was a black day for all the Far Eastern fishermen ...
"Floating crab cannery" Obukhov "was built in Leningrad at the Admiralty Shipyard in 1962godu.
Board number PZ-2708. He was assigned to the port of Vladivostok.
The ship's length of 190 meters, width - 20metrov, height - nine-house.
Steamboat little less famous "Titanic" (length 269 m, width 28, 8).
The crew of the vessel reached 720 people, mostly women, employed in manual processing of fish and different seafood. On board were 12 motor boats that were used to catching crab. Just seaside "Dalmoreproduct" were 15 such plavzavoda. "Obukhov," was among the best.
On the fateful day plavzavoda preparing to go from Vladivostok to the next fishing season to the shores of Kamchatka. On board were crew members (640 people) and the mourners. Almost every one. Not without celebratory feasts - the sea on Putin "dry law».
The official cause of the tragedy was announced by the flow into nedoremontirovannom pipeline through which about 600 tons of seawater got into the hold and the ship because of the lost stability. The crew has taken urgent measures to align the vessel by pumping fuel to the opposite bank board, but to prevent a disaster and could not.
There are unofficial stories that most of the crew was then drunk, so he was not able to timely and adequately to prevent the accident
As with all such cases in the Soviet times, the true causes of the accident have not been published.
How not to have been published and the actual numbers of victims. According to official figures, killed 9 people, according to unofficial - much more (often a figure in the region of 100-150 people). They are members of the crews of the two (the second one was on board to follow the passengers on Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), and the mourners their wives and children.
Work on the vessel continued to rise almost 9 months. Divers recovered from flooded cabins and corridors of the bodies, brewed and closed the hole was sealed enclosure, the water was pumped out. According to rumors which went in the city, a few divers were at the time sentenced for looting. In general in Vladivostok, while there were a lot of rumors, only the lazy did not mention it.
On the sea has always happened, and there are many tragedies, the most different. Not all written and not about all remember. About tragedy "Obukhov" is mentioned only in a few articles online and in book "TASS is authorized to remain silent" (published by "Veche", 2008). And the name of the vessel is surrounded by silence until now.
May 4, 2014 was thirty-two years from the date of this human tragedy ...
Events taking place before my eyes. My home and my school were slightly above the pier "Obukhov» ...
I have everything ...

"Floating crab cannery" Obukhov "was built in Leningrad at the Admiralty Shipyard in 1962godu.
Board number PZ-2708. He was assigned to the port of Vladivostok.
The ship's length of 190 meters, width - 20metrov, height - nine-house.
Steamboat little less famous "Titanic" (length 269 m, width 28, 8).
The crew of the vessel reached 720 people, mostly women, employed in manual processing of fish and different seafood. On board were 12 motor boats that were used to catching crab. Just seaside "Dalmoreproduct" were 15 such plavzavoda. "Obukhov," was among the best.
On the fateful day plavzavoda preparing to go from Vladivostok to the next fishing season to the shores of Kamchatka. On board were crew members (640 people) and the mourners. Almost every one. Not without celebratory feasts - the sea on Putin "dry law».

The official cause of the tragedy was announced by the flow into nedoremontirovannom pipeline through which about 600 tons of seawater got into the hold and the ship because of the lost stability. The crew has taken urgent measures to align the vessel by pumping fuel to the opposite bank board, but to prevent a disaster and could not.
There are unofficial stories that most of the crew was then drunk, so he was not able to timely and adequately to prevent the accident

As with all such cases in the Soviet times, the true causes of the accident have not been published.
How not to have been published and the actual numbers of victims. According to official figures, killed 9 people, according to unofficial - much more (often a figure in the region of 100-150 people). They are members of the crews of the two (the second one was on board to follow the passengers on Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), and the mourners their wives and children.

Work on the vessel continued to rise almost 9 months. Divers recovered from flooded cabins and corridors of the bodies, brewed and closed the hole was sealed enclosure, the water was pumped out. According to rumors which went in the city, a few divers were at the time sentenced for looting. In general in Vladivostok, while there were a lot of rumors, only the lazy did not mention it.

On the sea has always happened, and there are many tragedies, the most different. Not all written and not about all remember. About tragedy "Obukhov" is mentioned only in a few articles online and in book "TASS is authorized to remain silent" (published by "Veche", 2008). And the name of the vessel is surrounded by silence until now.
May 4, 2014 was thirty-two years from the date of this human tragedy ...
Events taking place before my eyes. My home and my school were slightly above the pier "Obukhov» ...
I have everything ...
