Little House on the tiny island Tauen
Near the coast of British Cornwall is just a tiny island called Tauen, the only connection which is tridtsatimetrovy suspension bridge from the neighboring island.
Initially, this small two-bedroom cottage was a tea house of the British King Edward. Since 1930, this building was the property of various lords and dukes. Until 2012, the. When the last owner sold it, there was organized a holiday home which can visit anyone, of course, subject to availability. Sale took place at a private auction. According to experts, the last owners, Lord and Lady Long, sold the house for one million pounds. Today, a week-long stay here will cost you 5575 pounds with full board and service.
Initially, this small two-bedroom cottage was a tea house of the British King Edward. Since 1930, this building was the property of various lords and dukes. Until 2012, the. When the last owner sold it, there was organized a holiday home which can visit anyone, of course, subject to availability. Sale took place at a private auction. According to experts, the last owners, Lord and Lady Long, sold the house for one million pounds. Today, a week-long stay here will cost you 5575 pounds with full board and service.