5 crazy restrictions which prevent progress in the way of human
In "Yoga - the sutras" Patanjali formulated 5 limitations of the mind, which prevent progress in the way of man:
1. Avidya flare - a complex of ignorance: Man falls victim to grief through their own delusions such as "I am the body." This ignorance, belittles the status of the person and leads to many troubles.
2. Abhinivesha flare - a set of attachment: The mind is the refuge of desire, sadness, likes, dislikes, attachment and hatred. Despite the knowledge that the mind is responsible for attachment to samsara (transient existence and related fatalities), the person is not able to give up attachment to his mind, or otherwise restrict its quirks and get rid of sorrow and failure.
3. Astitha Klesha - complex oscillations: The world is full of different objects of the senses, seducing people with undisciplined mind. They dart from one object to the other senses, not realizing that these objects are eventually poison that robs them of all sense of distinction and composure. As a result, people are immersed in endless suffering throughout life. Just call this complex mental instability.
4. Lobha flare - a complex of greed: Staying in the mistaken belief that the purpose of life - the accumulation of money, cars, real estate, etc., people worked hard from dawn to dusk to earn and obtain personal property in excess of their natural needs. These temporary acquisition pollute the mind of excessive greed, a person becomes a victim of misfortune and suffering.
5. dvesa flare - a complex of hatred, pursuing selfish goals, the person enters into a labyrinth of endless desires of all kinds. When his desires are not fulfilled, it is unreasonably blames the people around them and God, and thus feeds the hatred to people and to God.
All these restrictions are harmful to the human mind. Become victims of such distortions, the man betrays his true oblivion Atmic nature and becomes a victim of suffering and unhappiness. All this happens through no fault of our true nature (Prakriti), but because of the influence on us is our own mind
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