About bezopastnost at airports and not only
Usually, immediately after the attacks, or even unrest begins a terrible show-off
by the police. Included all the frames, the police with double diligence
check the documents of "suspicious persons", etc., etc. ...
Entrance to the airport now adorn two policemen
Further, the author's words: Let's go together with a colleague. Each backpack behind, with my huge, black and weighs at least 10 kg. He started with Aeroexpress on Belarusian. Here's a first funny moment - when, about a year ago, launched high-speed train to Sheremetyevo and came all sorts of important people, the metal detector stood, but later they have got to somewhere, and the holes from the fixtures closed up chewing gum, so do not throw in the eye. Mini-Express station is worth two ChOPovtsa and no policeman. The contents of our bags no one was interested in, and we quietly passed a train.
by the police. Included all the frames, the police with double diligence
check the documents of "suspicious persons", etc., etc. ...

Entrance to the airport now adorn two policemen

Further, the author's words: Let's go together with a colleague. Each backpack behind, with my huge, black and weighs at least 10 kg. He started with Aeroexpress on Belarusian. Here's a first funny moment - when, about a year ago, launched high-speed train to Sheremetyevo and came all sorts of important people, the metal detector stood, but later they have got to somewhere, and the holes from the fixtures closed up chewing gum, so do not throw in the eye. Mini-Express station is worth two ChOPovtsa and no policeman. The contents of our bags no one was interested in, and we quietly passed a train.