Dubious achievements of British scientists
According to the Internet, the British scientists involved in sometimes very funny things. Sometimes one wonders: whether the world launched a campaign to discredit the scientists whether these scientists - most unemployed people in the world.
10 location: British scientists have found that ducks like rain. At the opening of the fact that everyone knows villager, scientists took three years and 300 thousand pounds.
9th place: Another group of scientists has discovered that dogs yawn behind their hosts. Amazing dependence is due to cognitive behavioral instincts of the dog.
8th place: the dubious benefit of another study in which it was found that for complex actions cats prefer to use the right front paw and cats - left. However, on average, all cats are ambideksterami, that is equally good command of both right and left front paw.
7th place: Also, British researchers found that among the ants also have crooks and corrupt. That, however, is logical, since the ants are social insects with a rigid hierarchical system of organization of life.
6th place: Almost looks sweetly another discovery by British scientists: they found that nine out of ten London ladybirds suffer from fungal venereal disease. However, sexually transmitted diseases in insects are easy character.
5th place: A person can die of boredom - is also one of the recent statements by British scientists. By the end of the study approximately 40% of subjects suffering from boredom, died.
4th place: To be straight A - dangerous to mental health. According to British scientists, students, with only excellent marks significantly more likely to suffer manic depression than students with average academic performance.
3rd place: British scientists from the University of Kiel (Keele University) conducted an experiment that proves the fact that language and profanity can reduce physical pain. This was reported by the newspaper The Telegraph.
2nd place: In another experiment, it was found out that smile no one gets better. Strangely in this case that the experiments were conducted on laboratory snails and snakes.
1st place: The parents scolded the children for the invention, but do not tell the truth on average 100 times a year, British scientists have calculated. However, there is another study that demonstrates that, on average, modern man is telling the truth 3, 5 times a day.