Most friendly whales of the world
The famous zoologist and TV presenter on the BBC studio Marc Karvardin guided tours for enthusiasts by showing them these majestic animals for twenty-five years. Karvardin Marc says: "It's probably one of the most unforgettable experiences. Just imagine what it is - watching how huge a friendly whale approaches the boat of your own accord, looks you straight in the eye, strongly hinting that he wants to communicate ».
Tourists with a friendly deal with the California gray whale in the bay of San Ignacio, Mexico.
"Sometimes they even allow people to tease out his tongue, or kiss her," rsskazyvaet Mark, who, along with writer and actor Stephen Fry is a leading program "Last chance to see" on the channel BBC-2.
Mark loves to talk about whales. He believes that to observe these amazing creatures is very useful and interesting.
Among the many whales that do not mind to chat with someone, there are blue whales and humpback whales, which podplyvaya to the boat, often flipped on its side for a good look at the people.
These whales have begun their journey in the Bering Sea in the Arctic, sailed 20,000 kilometers, which is the most significant distance migration to the mammal. The starting point is the Pacific coast. They start their journey in December. Whales do not eat anything for five months, while again not return to their homes.
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Tourists with a friendly deal with the California gray whale in the bay of San Ignacio, Mexico.
"Sometimes they even allow people to tease out his tongue, or kiss her," rsskazyvaet Mark, who, along with writer and actor Stephen Fry is a leading program "Last chance to see" on the channel BBC-2.
Mark loves to talk about whales. He believes that to observe these amazing creatures is very useful and interesting.
Among the many whales that do not mind to chat with someone, there are blue whales and humpback whales, which podplyvaya to the boat, often flipped on its side for a good look at the people.
These whales have begun their journey in the Bering Sea in the Arctic, sailed 20,000 kilometers, which is the most significant distance migration to the mammal. The starting point is the Pacific coast. They start their journey in December. Whales do not eat anything for five months, while again not return to their homes.
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