Photos National Geographic for April 2011
A new month, and we once again publish the traditional selection of the best photos from National Geographic. As usual, most of the pictures are available in high resolution and can be used as wallpaper.
1. Mount Merapi, Indonesia. On that day the sun rose directly due to Merapi, "Fire Mountain", highlighting the ominous volcanic smoke that constantly creeps above the horizon. In the foreground of the picture - Borobudur, Buddhist stupa and associated temple complex. Dense morning fog over the forest and rural landscape gives something unreal. (Photograph by Greg Shaw) 78,879,134
2. Cowboy, Cabo San Lucas. This image of a cowboy in Cabo San Lucas was taken at sunset, the air was very stuffy, and light the effect was stunning. When I saw rider toward me, I immediately realized that there is the epitome of beauty of this Mexican city. It is not the ocean, not the whales and seals are frolicking off the coast. It's really all the beauty of this place pass people. They make it spectacular. (Photograph by Brooke Krall) 92,289,594
3. Lonely boat in the sea. This picture I made during the hike on the Jasmund National Park, in north-eastern Germany. Immediately after the storm has passed, I witnessed this amazing picture: the sea was completely calm, and could be seen on the horizon, a tiny boat. (Photograph by Patrick Lienin) 97,034,025
4. Stingray in shallow water off the coast of Key West. When I sailed from the shores of the Bay of Key West, I discovered that my little boat surrounded by sharks and stingrays. They circled around me a couple of minutes, and then went about their business. " (Photograph by Kevin Azzouz) 45,434,263
5. Sandhill Cranes on the Platte River. Every year about half a million Canadian cranes stop to rest on the River Plat in Nebraska to be fed worms, corn, and remains so, that they will find in the surrounding fields. Cranes rest during the spring migration on the way from Mexico and southern US states to the north. (Photograph by Joel Sartore) 42,486,829
6. Rainbow over the Grand Canyon. Rainbow on a distant Hermit Trail at the southern end of the Grand Canyon on a cold November day after rare in this area of the autumn rain. (Photograph by Akshay Sateesh) 58,261,523
7. Soil erosion in Madagascar. Soil erosion in Madagascar formed a pattern similar to the veins on the leaf surface. Erosion - one of the consequences of illegal logging rosewood forests of valuable species of mahogany. (Photograph by Pascal Maitre) 50,264,527
8. Blooming poppy field near Geneva. This fragile poppy unexpectedly staunchly opposed by a strong gust of wind swept over the wheat field not far from the Swiss capital. (Photograph by Gulen Erendag Legrand) 10,620,223
9. The storm in Florida. The Sunshine State is rain almost every day. When I came out of the shopping center in which I work, stormy sky was hanging, but very beautiful. I changed the lens to telephoto to take some pictures of the treetops and sky. But then I poured very strong rain, and I had to hide in the car. And then using the long lens I took this picture, I am focused on the cover of raindrops windshield. Due to this reduced depth of field and get a funny distortion, which is, I think, can convey a sense of thunderstorms in Florida. (Photograph by Michael Roberts) 65,374,056
10. White bear with cub, Shvalbard. From our inflatable boat, we saw the white bear that swam through in the fjord with a cub on his back and came out of the water, I began to shake oneself. Bear and remained on her back. Polar bears are so often defend their cubs from the cold, swim in the icy Arctic waters. (Photograph by Philip Dien) 49,912,210
11. Mount Metterhorn in the rays of the dawn sun, reflected in the waters of the lake ripples nearby Zermatt, Switzerland. (Photograph by Verena Popp-Hackner) 21,477,689
12. Long-tailed monkey, India. Hunting down tigers in the forest Ratambor, I went into some dry gray valley. On the other side, I noticed flowering trees and was about to install the camera on a tripod, when he saw the long-tailed monkey eats sweet red flowers. (Photograph by Mark Vincent Mueller) 96,439,726
13. The boiling lava of a volcano Nyiragongo in the Congo. The crater of the volcano Nyiragongo is one of the largest and least studied lava lakes, over 200 meters in length, and the depth of it is, perhaps, a few kilometers away. Twice lava flows erupted from the lake and ran toward the nearby city of Goma. (Photograph by Carsten Peter) 81,477,051
14. The February sun illuminates the earth, awaiting the arrival of spring. (Photograph by Giuliano Mangani,) 35,273,038
15. In this photo with a slow shutter speed, you can see four lightning over the city of Scottsdale, Arizona. (Photograph by Richard T. Cole) 35,385,945
16. National Park Ķemeri in Latvia. Arose thousands of years ago, at a time when the Baltic Sea has receded, these marshes, swamps and woodlands form the national park "Kemeri", which is included in the program of the European Union «Natura 2000", which are under the protection of more than 27,000 objects. (Photograph by Diego Lopez) 70,846,185
17. Park Sioux "Cheyenne River", South Dakota. Among more than many US national parks - Park Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, South Dakota. Ancient boulder among feather in the Cheyenne River. Today, descendants of the Sioux across the United States are working hard to regain the land that belonged to them for many centuries. (Photograph by Jack Dykinga) A glacial remnant boulder is surrounded by grassland in Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Park in South Dakota. A growing number of tribes across the United States are making moves to bring back land crushed over generations of human use.
18. Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park close-up. (Photograph by Karen Cameron)
19. The Milky Way above the rock Balansd Rock in National park "Arches" Utah. (Photograph by Bret Webster) 81,866,990
20. Multi-colored dunes National Park Lassen Volcanic National Park, California. Multi-colored dunes visible for Cinder-Kone. Such a variety of colors - the result of volcanic activity. From such beauty just takes your breath away. The landscape is somewhat reminiscent of the canvas, painted in oils or tapestry woven by God. (Photograph by James and Kelly Stone) 26,724,763
21. Point Cliffs of-Arches on background of a winter sunset in the National Park "Olympic". (Photograph by Kevin McNeal) 11,395,075
22. Reflection of El Capitan mountain in the Merced River in winter Yosemistkom National Park, California. (Photograph by Jean Slavin) 83,841,659
23. The main source Badab Surt in winter. Source Badab Surt is located in the city of Sari in Iran, Alborz mountains, at an altitude of 1840 meters above sea level. (Photograph by Rashid Amiri Ara) 28,701,749
24. Rio Negro, Brazil. Rio Negro, which translates as "Black River" is so called because of the dark waters, which are painted so because of the high content of tannin. Rio Negro flows through the National Park «Lencois Maranhenses». In its tributaries there are algae, which can change the tint of water on a blue or green. (Photograph by George Steinmetz) See release Caño Cristales - the most beautiful river in the world.
25. Oak in Sweden. In this beautiful spring day, my daughter Keane played with his dog Noppe in the shade of a huge oak in the reserve Sandermar near Stockholm, very close to the Baltic Sea. (Photograph by Dick Eriksson) 92,209,050
26. Praying Mantis, Panama. In the foreground of the picture - a praying mantis, insect waits for dinner. In the background - flashing lights of cars crossing the Panama Canal. (Photograph by Christian Ziegler) 18,676,271
27. Lifting a rock climber at the waterfall Yossemit Falls. Climber Kate Rutherford does not hear anything until the climb the steep cliff of the highest waterfall in North America, Yosemite Falls. And find a place to cling and hang for a while it is also not easy. Rock, polished by the water, does not give reliable clues climbers, so this route is called Freestone is considered one of the most dangerous. However, it's worth it, because the top is opened simply stunning scenery. Kate says that "the route really is beautiful." (Photograph by Jimmy Chin) 36,084,917
28. Water moccasins. I saw this water copperhead snake (Agkistrodon piscivorus) in a drainage ditch, where he worked on field studies on biodiversity in the plantations of pines in North Carolina. In the photo he is normal for this position reptile protection. (Photograph by Jared Skye) 88,365,182
29. Lethbridge Viaduct in the morning mist This viaduct, a length of 1600 meters, situated at an altitude of 100 meters above the ground, is the largest railway construction in Canada. (Photograph by Travis Nykamp)
30. Lago di Olginate Italy. A layer of low clouds above an alpine valley in northern Italy, south of Lake Como. Clouds of thick enough to completely hide the valley, where the lights twinkling below, as if through a veil. Above the moonlight and cirrus clouds make the night is not so dark. You can easily see the Lago di Olginate and the lights of the villages on the banks. (Photograph by Stefano Anghileri)
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1. Mount Merapi, Indonesia. On that day the sun rose directly due to Merapi, "Fire Mountain", highlighting the ominous volcanic smoke that constantly creeps above the horizon. In the foreground of the picture - Borobudur, Buddhist stupa and associated temple complex. Dense morning fog over the forest and rural landscape gives something unreal. (Photograph by Greg Shaw) 78,879,134
2. Cowboy, Cabo San Lucas. This image of a cowboy in Cabo San Lucas was taken at sunset, the air was very stuffy, and light the effect was stunning. When I saw rider toward me, I immediately realized that there is the epitome of beauty of this Mexican city. It is not the ocean, not the whales and seals are frolicking off the coast. It's really all the beauty of this place pass people. They make it spectacular. (Photograph by Brooke Krall) 92,289,594
3. Lonely boat in the sea. This picture I made during the hike on the Jasmund National Park, in north-eastern Germany. Immediately after the storm has passed, I witnessed this amazing picture: the sea was completely calm, and could be seen on the horizon, a tiny boat. (Photograph by Patrick Lienin) 97,034,025
4. Stingray in shallow water off the coast of Key West. When I sailed from the shores of the Bay of Key West, I discovered that my little boat surrounded by sharks and stingrays. They circled around me a couple of minutes, and then went about their business. " (Photograph by Kevin Azzouz) 45,434,263
5. Sandhill Cranes on the Platte River. Every year about half a million Canadian cranes stop to rest on the River Plat in Nebraska to be fed worms, corn, and remains so, that they will find in the surrounding fields. Cranes rest during the spring migration on the way from Mexico and southern US states to the north. (Photograph by Joel Sartore) 42,486,829
6. Rainbow over the Grand Canyon. Rainbow on a distant Hermit Trail at the southern end of the Grand Canyon on a cold November day after rare in this area of the autumn rain. (Photograph by Akshay Sateesh) 58,261,523
7. Soil erosion in Madagascar. Soil erosion in Madagascar formed a pattern similar to the veins on the leaf surface. Erosion - one of the consequences of illegal logging rosewood forests of valuable species of mahogany. (Photograph by Pascal Maitre) 50,264,527
8. Blooming poppy field near Geneva. This fragile poppy unexpectedly staunchly opposed by a strong gust of wind swept over the wheat field not far from the Swiss capital. (Photograph by Gulen Erendag Legrand) 10,620,223
9. The storm in Florida. The Sunshine State is rain almost every day. When I came out of the shopping center in which I work, stormy sky was hanging, but very beautiful. I changed the lens to telephoto to take some pictures of the treetops and sky. But then I poured very strong rain, and I had to hide in the car. And then using the long lens I took this picture, I am focused on the cover of raindrops windshield. Due to this reduced depth of field and get a funny distortion, which is, I think, can convey a sense of thunderstorms in Florida. (Photograph by Michael Roberts) 65,374,056
10. White bear with cub, Shvalbard. From our inflatable boat, we saw the white bear that swam through in the fjord with a cub on his back and came out of the water, I began to shake oneself. Bear and remained on her back. Polar bears are so often defend their cubs from the cold, swim in the icy Arctic waters. (Photograph by Philip Dien) 49,912,210
11. Mount Metterhorn in the rays of the dawn sun, reflected in the waters of the lake ripples nearby Zermatt, Switzerland. (Photograph by Verena Popp-Hackner) 21,477,689
12. Long-tailed monkey, India. Hunting down tigers in the forest Ratambor, I went into some dry gray valley. On the other side, I noticed flowering trees and was about to install the camera on a tripod, when he saw the long-tailed monkey eats sweet red flowers. (Photograph by Mark Vincent Mueller) 96,439,726
13. The boiling lava of a volcano Nyiragongo in the Congo. The crater of the volcano Nyiragongo is one of the largest and least studied lava lakes, over 200 meters in length, and the depth of it is, perhaps, a few kilometers away. Twice lava flows erupted from the lake and ran toward the nearby city of Goma. (Photograph by Carsten Peter) 81,477,051
14. The February sun illuminates the earth, awaiting the arrival of spring. (Photograph by Giuliano Mangani,) 35,273,038
15. In this photo with a slow shutter speed, you can see four lightning over the city of Scottsdale, Arizona. (Photograph by Richard T. Cole) 35,385,945
16. National Park Ķemeri in Latvia. Arose thousands of years ago, at a time when the Baltic Sea has receded, these marshes, swamps and woodlands form the national park "Kemeri", which is included in the program of the European Union «Natura 2000", which are under the protection of more than 27,000 objects. (Photograph by Diego Lopez) 70,846,185
17. Park Sioux "Cheyenne River", South Dakota. Among more than many US national parks - Park Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, South Dakota. Ancient boulder among feather in the Cheyenne River. Today, descendants of the Sioux across the United States are working hard to regain the land that belonged to them for many centuries. (Photograph by Jack Dykinga) A glacial remnant boulder is surrounded by grassland in Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Park in South Dakota. A growing number of tribes across the United States are making moves to bring back land crushed over generations of human use.

18. Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park close-up. (Photograph by Karen Cameron)

19. The Milky Way above the rock Balansd Rock in National park "Arches" Utah. (Photograph by Bret Webster) 81,866,990
20. Multi-colored dunes National Park Lassen Volcanic National Park, California. Multi-colored dunes visible for Cinder-Kone. Such a variety of colors - the result of volcanic activity. From such beauty just takes your breath away. The landscape is somewhat reminiscent of the canvas, painted in oils or tapestry woven by God. (Photograph by James and Kelly Stone) 26,724,763
21. Point Cliffs of-Arches on background of a winter sunset in the National Park "Olympic". (Photograph by Kevin McNeal) 11,395,075
22. Reflection of El Capitan mountain in the Merced River in winter Yosemistkom National Park, California. (Photograph by Jean Slavin) 83,841,659
23. The main source Badab Surt in winter. Source Badab Surt is located in the city of Sari in Iran, Alborz mountains, at an altitude of 1840 meters above sea level. (Photograph by Rashid Amiri Ara) 28,701,749
24. Rio Negro, Brazil. Rio Negro, which translates as "Black River" is so called because of the dark waters, which are painted so because of the high content of tannin. Rio Negro flows through the National Park «Lencois Maranhenses». In its tributaries there are algae, which can change the tint of water on a blue or green. (Photograph by George Steinmetz) See release Caño Cristales - the most beautiful river in the world.

25. Oak in Sweden. In this beautiful spring day, my daughter Keane played with his dog Noppe in the shade of a huge oak in the reserve Sandermar near Stockholm, very close to the Baltic Sea. (Photograph by Dick Eriksson) 92,209,050
26. Praying Mantis, Panama. In the foreground of the picture - a praying mantis, insect waits for dinner. In the background - flashing lights of cars crossing the Panama Canal. (Photograph by Christian Ziegler) 18,676,271
27. Lifting a rock climber at the waterfall Yossemit Falls. Climber Kate Rutherford does not hear anything until the climb the steep cliff of the highest waterfall in North America, Yosemite Falls. And find a place to cling and hang for a while it is also not easy. Rock, polished by the water, does not give reliable clues climbers, so this route is called Freestone is considered one of the most dangerous. However, it's worth it, because the top is opened simply stunning scenery. Kate says that "the route really is beautiful." (Photograph by Jimmy Chin) 36,084,917
28. Water moccasins. I saw this water copperhead snake (Agkistrodon piscivorus) in a drainage ditch, where he worked on field studies on biodiversity in the plantations of pines in North Carolina. In the photo he is normal for this position reptile protection. (Photograph by Jared Skye) 88,365,182
29. Lethbridge Viaduct in the morning mist This viaduct, a length of 1600 meters, situated at an altitude of 100 meters above the ground, is the largest railway construction in Canada. (Photograph by Travis Nykamp)

30. Lago di Olginate Italy. A layer of low clouds above an alpine valley in northern Italy, south of Lake Como. Clouds of thick enough to completely hide the valley, where the lights twinkling below, as if through a veil. Above the moonlight and cirrus clouds make the night is not so dark. You can easily see the Lago di Olginate and the lights of the villages on the banks. (Photograph by Stefano Anghileri)
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