How to help birds spend the winter in your region
I suggest you learn how you can help the birds migrate severe winter frosts. Read more.
It is believed that in mid-November tits and other "winter visitors" - goldfinches, bullfinches, jays, anticipating ambulances cold, migrate from the forests close to human habitation and are waiting for our help.
Since we are talking today about the nature, it is worth recalling that at the time when there was no Hydrometcenter and other Internet, our ancestors relied on flora and fauna if the entire poultry flocks appeared at the house, then, is about to strike up cold. And November 12 is our observation precursor to predict the weather on a special sign: if bird whistles - to be a clear day, if beeping - be a night frost is going to a lot of tits on the feeders - a blizzard and snowfall.
So, in the cold warmed to the little feathered creatures need energy that is taken from the bird food. Those wishing to help the birds can easily make a manger, to find the "building materials" for which is easier - just take a box of juice or milk, cut a hole in it and hang around the house.
If you want to have in the garden in summer settled tits, you can hang the feeders in the fall, as well as bird houses (as in the photo), which the birds will spend the night in the cold. Houses made of boards, such as birdhouses, tits dislike. Accustomed as over the winter to nest boxes, they were willing to inhabit them in summer.
As feed for the birds fit a variety of "goodies": roasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or peanuts, boiled rice, buckwheat, barley, potatoes and even unsalted fat and meat. Oddly enough, nimble titmouse in the winter it is very fond of fat.
It is extremely important: wild birds, including tits, you can not feed the black bread, as in birds bread quickly swells and haunting, it may even kill her. Rye bread is especially dangerous because it adds more yeast.
In summer, the birds feed on insects and plant seeds, thereby fulfilling its important mission to protect garden plants from a variety of bugs. Shinichi family "with many children", it is up to 15 chicks to feed them all parents literally rummage Nearby trees, carefully collecting caterpillars, butterflies, larvae, etc.
It is believed that in mid-November tits and other "winter visitors" - goldfinches, bullfinches, jays, anticipating ambulances cold, migrate from the forests close to human habitation and are waiting for our help.
Since we are talking today about the nature, it is worth recalling that at the time when there was no Hydrometcenter and other Internet, our ancestors relied on flora and fauna if the entire poultry flocks appeared at the house, then, is about to strike up cold. And November 12 is our observation precursor to predict the weather on a special sign: if bird whistles - to be a clear day, if beeping - be a night frost is going to a lot of tits on the feeders - a blizzard and snowfall.
So, in the cold warmed to the little feathered creatures need energy that is taken from the bird food. Those wishing to help the birds can easily make a manger, to find the "building materials" for which is easier - just take a box of juice or milk, cut a hole in it and hang around the house.
If you want to have in the garden in summer settled tits, you can hang the feeders in the fall, as well as bird houses (as in the photo), which the birds will spend the night in the cold. Houses made of boards, such as birdhouses, tits dislike. Accustomed as over the winter to nest boxes, they were willing to inhabit them in summer.
As feed for the birds fit a variety of "goodies": roasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or peanuts, boiled rice, buckwheat, barley, potatoes and even unsalted fat and meat. Oddly enough, nimble titmouse in the winter it is very fond of fat.
It is extremely important: wild birds, including tits, you can not feed the black bread, as in birds bread quickly swells and haunting, it may even kill her. Rye bread is especially dangerous because it adds more yeast.
In summer, the birds feed on insects and plant seeds, thereby fulfilling its important mission to protect garden plants from a variety of bugs. Shinichi family "with many children", it is up to 15 chicks to feed them all parents literally rummage Nearby trees, carefully collecting caterpillars, butterflies, larvae, etc.