Facts about the most scandalous attempts of the twentieth century
Over the centuries many famous people threatened with assassination attempt on their lives, but few of them have managed to avoid the time and save the man. So, read more about the Top 9 most notorious assassinations of the last century, which occurred in the 1900s.
Theodore Roosevelt, US President
In 1912, Roosevelt was struck by a shot to the chest, but the president survived. This helped him incredibly lucky and surround text to speech in 50 sheets, which lay in his breast pocket. Incidentally, the jammed bullet in the chest, President and sneaked in to the end of life itself.
Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik leader
In August 1918 eserka F.Kaplan wounded leader of the world proletariat in the arm and neck. Lenin did not die, but the bullet that was never removed, subsequently became one of the causes of death of the policy in 1924.
Charles de Gaulle, the French general, statesman
One of the champions of this list. In the two years from 1960 to 1962 to life figure was taken 15 attempts. In all cases, organized by members of the terrorist organization OAS, who avenged de Gaulle for granting independence to Algeria. Surprisingly, none of the attempted de Gaulle was not even wounded - amazing luck!
Benito Mussolini, the Italian leader
On Italian politics was committed four assassination. All of them were related to the course that the country has chosen to Mussolini. Closest to the success was the woman who nearly shot off the nose of the Duce. Her "colleagues" were male or misses, or conspiracy to disclose their still under development.
Franklin Roosevelt, the US president
Another American President Roosevelt and another one more attempt. In 1933, the newly elected President Roosevelt arrived in Miami. Once a politician stepped ashore, he heard gunshots. Shot crazy Italian immigrant Giuseppe Zangara. Five shots that killed three and fatally wounded two others, including the mayor of Chicago, who was standing next to Roosevelt.
Ronald Reagan, the US president
March 30, 1981 near the hotel "Hilton" in Washington was an attempt on the newly elected president of America. John Hinckley Jr. left the crowd and three seconds released six bullets in the Reagan and accompanied him. The President was wounded, but managed to save it. Hinckley immediately seized, it turned out that the man suffers from mental illness - he was pathologically obsessed with actress Jodie Foster. It was to impress a girl, Hinckley decided to kill the president.
Joseph Stalin, Soviet politician, statesman, military and party leader
Stalin was made several major attacks: in Georgia in 1933 and two years later, in Moscow in May 1939, from 1942 to 1944, ready to fight four-assassination plan. But none of the items in this list does not work, not even the leader of the injured - their safety and security are at a very high level. It is worth noting that Stalin panicked at his death, by the end of the life of the leader did not trust almost anyone, constantly reinsure and many suspected of plotting against myself.
Charles, Prince of Wales, UK
May 5, 1981 against the son of the Queen of Great Britain Prince Charles sent a letter bomb. Dangerous envelope detected and defused another post. The writer has not been found.
November 7, 1990 was an attempt on the life of the last leader of the Soviet Union - Mikhail Gorbachev
During a solemn demonstration in honor of the October Revolution, Alexander Shmonov shot twice in Gorbachev, but missed. When criminals are caught, he immediately confessed everything and even found an excuse. His act, he explained the desire for justice, accusing the first and last president of the Soviet Union in the killings of innocent people April 9, 1989 in Tbilisi, and January 20, 1990 in Baku.
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Theodore Roosevelt, US President
In 1912, Roosevelt was struck by a shot to the chest, but the president survived. This helped him incredibly lucky and surround text to speech in 50 sheets, which lay in his breast pocket. Incidentally, the jammed bullet in the chest, President and sneaked in to the end of life itself.

Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik leader
In August 1918 eserka F.Kaplan wounded leader of the world proletariat in the arm and neck. Lenin did not die, but the bullet that was never removed, subsequently became one of the causes of death of the policy in 1924.

Charles de Gaulle, the French general, statesman
One of the champions of this list. In the two years from 1960 to 1962 to life figure was taken 15 attempts. In all cases, organized by members of the terrorist organization OAS, who avenged de Gaulle for granting independence to Algeria. Surprisingly, none of the attempted de Gaulle was not even wounded - amazing luck!

Benito Mussolini, the Italian leader
On Italian politics was committed four assassination. All of them were related to the course that the country has chosen to Mussolini. Closest to the success was the woman who nearly shot off the nose of the Duce. Her "colleagues" were male or misses, or conspiracy to disclose their still under development.

Franklin Roosevelt, the US president
Another American President Roosevelt and another one more attempt. In 1933, the newly elected President Roosevelt arrived in Miami. Once a politician stepped ashore, he heard gunshots. Shot crazy Italian immigrant Giuseppe Zangara. Five shots that killed three and fatally wounded two others, including the mayor of Chicago, who was standing next to Roosevelt.

Ronald Reagan, the US president
March 30, 1981 near the hotel "Hilton" in Washington was an attempt on the newly elected president of America. John Hinckley Jr. left the crowd and three seconds released six bullets in the Reagan and accompanied him. The President was wounded, but managed to save it. Hinckley immediately seized, it turned out that the man suffers from mental illness - he was pathologically obsessed with actress Jodie Foster. It was to impress a girl, Hinckley decided to kill the president.

Joseph Stalin, Soviet politician, statesman, military and party leader
Stalin was made several major attacks: in Georgia in 1933 and two years later, in Moscow in May 1939, from 1942 to 1944, ready to fight four-assassination plan. But none of the items in this list does not work, not even the leader of the injured - their safety and security are at a very high level. It is worth noting that Stalin panicked at his death, by the end of the life of the leader did not trust almost anyone, constantly reinsure and many suspected of plotting against myself.

Charles, Prince of Wales, UK
May 5, 1981 against the son of the Queen of Great Britain Prince Charles sent a letter bomb. Dangerous envelope detected and defused another post. The writer has not been found.

November 7, 1990 was an attempt on the life of the last leader of the Soviet Union - Mikhail Gorbachev
During a solemn demonstration in honor of the October Revolution, Alexander Shmonov shot twice in Gorbachev, but missed. When criminals are caught, he immediately confessed everything and even found an excuse. His act, he explained the desire for justice, accusing the first and last president of the Soviet Union in the killings of innocent people April 9, 1989 in Tbilisi, and January 20, 1990 in Baku.

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