Bastards attack Reksonu

Himself was not present at this event, but naryl for you a few texts from the theme:
Number of times:
- REXONA - antiSPERMpirant №1 in the world !!! This is the best contraceptive in the world !!! Best friend pelotka !!! Give two !!! Ibatstsa REXONOY with pleasure. REXONA even opens the Academy of confidence - because ibatstsa it can confidently! GAGA 25.07.2005 13:03:43
Gago, you're a fool.
Reksona is not a contraceptive, but quite the contrary - it spermspirant dried pellets of sperm. Make them like this: Oligophrenic with hairy legs generously commit himself to his feet, and specially trained staff from reksony pellets then rolled into balls. These beads are then inserted into the plastic bottle reksony. Oligophrenic because they did not spoil the sperm from sad reflection on the plight of the Russian intelligentsia. A hairy legs are needed, because better semen to hair sticks, and convenient roll as a result of increased productivity.
And you, damn, do not you know - not pishy. Expert 25.07.2005 13:13:48
Expert you niibatstso aware bespesdy
You are not the master of confidence? GAGA 25.07.2005 13:32:47
- Number Dyva:
- Management of the company kindly asks to stop bullying in our forum. Due to the fact that our manager is on vacation and promptly wipe up your messages, we can not, we will be forced to ask for help to the police administrator 03.07.2005 01:57:44
Militsyya seeing your forum you also pesdy and rolled over propogandu pornography and inciting ethnic hatred ... your administrator caught African kanibaly and now Evo-intensive fry your ass ... sings vernetsa he niskora and kada vernetsa - your ass wipe for NIVO will be a problem, not so much your crappy site ... Drink yadu and ubeytes a running just to be sure ... Shrek 03.07.2005 04:57:25
and why you do not have a replacement?
Why this idiot went on vacation without leaving a person who can poudalyat our brilliant forum posts?
and refer you to the police and then what? jail floor CIS? because it is already half of the CIS knows about this forum and nerds admin who for such idiocy, I would advise to dismiss huyam.
In Babruysk zhyvotnyh !!! Bull Terrier 03.07.2005 06:02:49
? to outrageous!
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for your attention, ebites Ryksona antiperspirants and wake №1 in the world. or even №0.
chopping block is the word - antiperspirant. papahivaet fascism. compare 'antiperspirant - humanism "," deodorant - some shit ».
so sho inciting ethnic hatred takes place mylytsyoner Pappa 03.07.2005 06:21:01
I spit on your dick Academy confidence, bitch!
Bugagaga Vasya 03.07.2005 06:45:12
- Number tari:
- The confidence that many women are missing, there is no certainty, but rather faith. But nowadays many companies are doing everything in order to help the little lovely part of our population. For example the company "Unilever" its product, cosmetic, and "cleaning" product lines evoke in us fine cooking, brilliant temptresses, confident business woman and neat housewives - ideal companions for the handsome prince. Now there is no sense to look someone in the mouth and agree with everything heard; we can safely assert their views without fear of excessive gesticulation any hot office or on the dance floor or in the company on the summer barbecue. Rexona - my assistant, always and everywhere. Thank Unilever. Davydov 13.05.2005 23:54:58
Unilever Thank you gave this stupid cap nimnogim all that you need for its miserable existence ... Shrek 01.07.2005 21:41:09
2Davydova Oscilloscopes and smear their pelotka reksonoy. Chuck and Huck 01.07.2005 21:43:09
Thank univeller, May fchira Jin waved his hands at barbecues and yobnulas in Osire, utanula ... I'm single again Husband Davydova 01.07.2005 22:03:24
My condolences Clamps still unrecognized chemzhe zakochilsya eksprement Chuck and Huck 01.07.2005 22:07:30
Unilever, on-stsuko! PA is the leaver Princesa plant, ische better pastavit cancer and ёbnut sneakers pas glupay zhirnay ass! Tsatskipetski 01.07.2005 23:18:27
fucking David IAW pelotka reksonoy and everything will zoebis; padonak 02.07.2005 16:28:44
Confidence that many women are missing, there is no certainty, but rather faith. But nowadays many companies are doing everything in order to help the little lovely part of our population get cancer, namely:
1) to make clothes for ёbli shmotki- mini dekalte etc.
2) come up reksonu (special thanks)
3) ... etc. shadow 02.07.2005 16:57:52
Thanks! Yes ebites FSE in the mouth
Pashley nahuymudaki Stsuko 02.07.2005 17:25:30
I am sure that many women are missing, there is no certainty, but rather a brain. But nowadays many companies are doing everything in order to help the little lovely (with regards to Moscow - 5% of the female population, rejecting in advance any junk for 40, does not kill with the first word of his brutal stupidity) of our population. For example the company "Unilever" its product, cosmetic, and "cleaning" product lines evoke in us fine cooking, brilliant temptresses, confident business woman and neat housewives, bravo minetchitsa, first-class davalschits, pelotkobrilshits, at a time drain neebalschits - ideal companions for the handsome prince. Now there is no point in taking someone in his mouth and agree with everything heard; can safely defend his point of view, is not afraid to get in the first bill on the forehead and be sent to the dick for the first reason. Rexona - my assistant, always and everywhere. Thank Unilever. I now pindosskie uebische !!! StsukinUssan 02.07.2005 21:41:13
The method by Ilona Davydova ... take swab smear the forehead Domestos, Omo zanyuhivaesh powder, paste in Áčko REKSONU !!! and huyarish week course ... ... Shrek 03.07.2005 05:03:47
- Number chatyre:
- You fucking ... udavletvarit nipaverish pelotka - ischo this garbage ... that make the repairs within five menut wallpaper pile of pelotka - that's closest pirspiktiva!
Karoche ritsept simple. Prosish forgive pakakat before repair, Pat razdivaish Dagan. vynosish fsyu furniture out of the room, putting forgive cancers paseredine, ibёsh mercilessly fucking as an enemy of the people, Pat vstavlyaish f pesdu zhystyanoy vial (zhylatilno with dihlafosom or dishovym alcohol dezikom nakraynyak) and zhylatilno aftagenom and zhylatilno because of the angle, nachinaish warm edge of the vial indecent tarchaschega from pelotka flock cancers pasredi empty room. Then follows a distinctive sound chafkayuschega hlapka and tvaya pelotka uniformly applied to the FSE pavrzhnasti room for elimenta ykzotiki mozhysh nakarmit forgive agurtsami or Camomile, f depending on Tavo a pattern hochish ... and ischo mozhna passing herbarium IS tioschschi do for etava before padzhiganiem nada patstavit tioschschu sa series stenkay and nakarmit pelotka balls AT patshipnikofffi nails ... fucking good luck bro ... take care sibya.