Alice in Wonderland - Kiberhorror in pictures :)
In the role of Alice - lina_des. lina-des.livejournal.com/
- Why textbooks are always so boring? - Thought Alice, trying not to nod off - because it is impossible to either prepare for the exam, solid boring things.
She was almost asleep, but suddenly ran dark and the wind claimed the bill, which she always carried with him in the book, so as not to lose.
Alice jumped up and ran for the bill. It's almost in desperation, she noticed a bill jammed in dry twigs next to the unusual pack of cigarettes.
Alice was very curious girl. In its 16 years, it has managed to try Kent, Marlboro, Camel, Gauloises, L & M and even gold Java. A new brand in the arsenal - more reason to boast.
However, in a pack of cigarettes were not, but real cigarettes. Well, it is even steeper. Finished his, Alice threw the bull into the bushes, looked around and noticed an unusual briefcase.
Only she began to examine the suitcase found in gadgets like silence around suddenly exploded horribly nasty, vile and idiotic gygykanem.
Alice held her ears and feverishly pondered what to do, when suddenly I heard like a caring whisper: "The gun ... take the gun." Yes, indeed, because in the suitcase just he had a gun.
- Textual smileys decide!
There was a blessed silence. Behind again came a whisper: "However, now I have to look like this."
- Mom Mia, and you're still someone?
- I? I - Cheshire dog. Pal. Nice to meet you.
- Pal? Friend, that is?
- Tambovskiy_volk you Friend, I Pal.
- Okay, whatever you say. You look, my friend, really sucks.
- Well, someone bellowed to emul.
Alice became suspicious and ran to the suitcase behind the mirror.
- Hey, buddy. Druk! It was something wrong. I need to somehow get out of here, exam tomorrow, and I have a textbook horse is not lying.
- Then choose. Go to index and search your direction.
Index Alice found quite quickly, although there has already managed to darken.
- Well, the pills because the pills. Interestingly, I have to get in or out? - Thought Alice.
And to be sure swallowed both pills.
Nothing happened.
Alice wandered back to the bag and friend. It got dark completely. My friend hung between the branches and the ground and quietly swaying in the air. Coming closer, Alice complained of incorrect coding index, but Pal did not answer. Alice struck a lighter and jumped back in horror.
- Glitches are hauntingly disturbing - grimly summed Alice - it is necessary to do something, my brain is not formatted.
Found in a suspicious suitcase butylёk with polusodrannoy label Alice examined it carefully. Skull and crossbones was not. Alice opened the vial and drank the contents in one gulp.
There was absolute silence. The darkness has filled all visible space, leaving no light pixel.
- Alice woke with a start.
- Perhaps we should stop sitting up to four in the morning on the Internet. - Flashed in my head. Alice looked relieved and enjoy the yellow leaves, the sun, the sky and the whole-and-bear unscathed and went on to read a textbook.
When it got dark, Alice went home. Behind her came a barely audible whisper, but she decided to assume that it was just the wind.
Posted in [mergetime] 1162220384 [/ mergetime]
- Thank you so much amazing patient, relaxed, cheerful and courageous and also hardy model lina_des!
© busconductor
- Why textbooks are always so boring? - Thought Alice, trying not to nod off - because it is impossible to either prepare for the exam, solid boring things.

She was almost asleep, but suddenly ran dark and the wind claimed the bill, which she always carried with him in the book, so as not to lose.

Alice jumped up and ran for the bill. It's almost in desperation, she noticed a bill jammed in dry twigs next to the unusual pack of cigarettes.

Alice was very curious girl. In its 16 years, it has managed to try Kent, Marlboro, Camel, Gauloises, L & M and even gold Java. A new brand in the arsenal - more reason to boast.

However, in a pack of cigarettes were not, but real cigarettes. Well, it is even steeper. Finished his, Alice threw the bull into the bushes, looked around and noticed an unusual briefcase.

Only she began to examine the suitcase found in gadgets like silence around suddenly exploded horribly nasty, vile and idiotic gygykanem.

Alice held her ears and feverishly pondered what to do, when suddenly I heard like a caring whisper: "The gun ... take the gun." Yes, indeed, because in the suitcase just he had a gun.

- Textual smileys decide!

There was a blessed silence. Behind again came a whisper: "However, now I have to look like this."

- Mom Mia, and you're still someone?
- I? I - Cheshire dog. Pal. Nice to meet you.
- Pal? Friend, that is?
- Tambovskiy_volk you Friend, I Pal.
- Okay, whatever you say. You look, my friend, really sucks.
- Well, someone bellowed to emul.
Alice became suspicious and ran to the suitcase behind the mirror.

- Hey, buddy. Druk! It was something wrong. I need to somehow get out of here, exam tomorrow, and I have a textbook horse is not lying.
- Then choose. Go to index and search your direction.
Index Alice found quite quickly, although there has already managed to darken.

- Well, the pills because the pills. Interestingly, I have to get in or out? - Thought Alice.

And to be sure swallowed both pills.
Nothing happened.
Alice wandered back to the bag and friend. It got dark completely. My friend hung between the branches and the ground and quietly swaying in the air. Coming closer, Alice complained of incorrect coding index, but Pal did not answer. Alice struck a lighter and jumped back in horror.

- Glitches are hauntingly disturbing - grimly summed Alice - it is necessary to do something, my brain is not formatted.
Found in a suspicious suitcase butylёk with polusodrannoy label Alice examined it carefully. Skull and crossbones was not. Alice opened the vial and drank the contents in one gulp.

There was absolute silence. The darkness has filled all visible space, leaving no light pixel.
- Alice woke with a start.
- Perhaps we should stop sitting up to four in the morning on the Internet. - Flashed in my head. Alice looked relieved and enjoy the yellow leaves, the sun, the sky and the whole-and-bear unscathed and went on to read a textbook.

When it got dark, Alice went home. Behind her came a barely audible whisper, but she decided to assume that it was just the wind.
Posted in [mergetime] 1162220384 [/ mergetime]
- Thank you so much amazing patient, relaxed, cheerful and courageous and also hardy model lina_des!
© busconductor
