Immured alive
Bailiffs in Novosibirsk by the decision of the Leninsky district court erected a wall in an apartment in a house on the street Kotovsky, after the family could not agree on the division of property. As a result, one of the owners Andrew Lavrichenko with her mother Yelena walled appeared to go out with them one - through a window on the fourth floor.
5 ph via reporter ru
"Fifteen years ago, my father bought a second apartment in our entryway, having issued it to his younger brother - says Andrey Lavrichenko. - He's my brother and I got all the necessary permits, re two apartments into one: it did five rooms, one, of course, the kitchen, one entrance to the apartment with a staircase. There we lived with my mother, brother and grandmother all these years. After his father's death in 2003, his younger brother, he - my uncle, he is - my godfather - decided to sell part of their apartments united. By law, he would have to first issue the necessary documents. But he did not do it, because this long and troublesome, and on the advice of "good people" appealed to the Leninsky court with a lawsuit and asked the court to evict me from that part of the apartment, which houses the kitchen and the front door, in the part of it where my room, bathroom, and more two rooms - a mother and grandmother, and that I did not leave his seat - to build a capital wall. When immediate relief all the same "good people" My uncle won the lawsuit in court. I appealed the judge's decision Raven in all courts of the Russian Federation. Bailiffs themselves also went to court, because they believed that the decision to execute - wall up man - absurd. Always answer is that the judge's decision Raven legally and reasonably and necessarily must be fulfilled at a given time. When today I really bricked up and can not get out of the apartment - this is not a joke, it came bailiffs with a group of software (ie with guns - everything as it should be), the judge's decision Raven sang and gave me this ruling " .
5 ph via reporter ru
"Fifteen years ago, my father bought a second apartment in our entryway, having issued it to his younger brother - says Andrey Lavrichenko. - He's my brother and I got all the necessary permits, re two apartments into one: it did five rooms, one, of course, the kitchen, one entrance to the apartment with a staircase. There we lived with my mother, brother and grandmother all these years. After his father's death in 2003, his younger brother, he - my uncle, he is - my godfather - decided to sell part of their apartments united. By law, he would have to first issue the necessary documents. But he did not do it, because this long and troublesome, and on the advice of "good people" appealed to the Leninsky court with a lawsuit and asked the court to evict me from that part of the apartment, which houses the kitchen and the front door, in the part of it where my room, bathroom, and more two rooms - a mother and grandmother, and that I did not leave his seat - to build a capital wall. When immediate relief all the same "good people" My uncle won the lawsuit in court. I appealed the judge's decision Raven in all courts of the Russian Federation. Bailiffs themselves also went to court, because they believed that the decision to execute - wall up man - absurd. Always answer is that the judge's decision Raven legally and reasonably and necessarily must be fulfilled at a given time. When today I really bricked up and can not get out of the apartment - this is not a joke, it came bailiffs with a group of software (ie with guns - everything as it should be), the judge's decision Raven sang and gave me this ruling " .