Gubozakatochnaya machine
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Your attention is given one and only of its kind:
Gubozakatochnaya machine!
1. Take gubozakatochnuyu car in the left hand and bring it to the bottom, roll lip.
2. Insert the lip roll out in the opening between the rollers.
3. Hold the right hand to the handle gubozakatochnoy machine, I grab it and start slowly, rotate counterclockwise.
4. After the lip is rolled up, while it is recommended to hold the lip in the rolled-up position. This will save you from wanting to have anything.
5. When it is done, slowly, with the help of the machine, Squeezer lip to its original position.
6. If the lip again had the imprudence to roll out, you should use gubozakatochnoy machine again.
Validity: unlimited
Warranty: 10 km the rolled lip.
taken from here: www.zakatigubu.com/index.php?page=insruction
Your attention is given one and only of its kind:
Gubozakatochnaya machine!
1. Take gubozakatochnuyu car in the left hand and bring it to the bottom, roll lip.
2. Insert the lip roll out in the opening between the rollers.
3. Hold the right hand to the handle gubozakatochnoy machine, I grab it and start slowly, rotate counterclockwise.
4. After the lip is rolled up, while it is recommended to hold the lip in the rolled-up position. This will save you from wanting to have anything.
5. When it is done, slowly, with the help of the machine, Squeezer lip to its original position.
6. If the lip again had the imprudence to roll out, you should use gubozakatochnoy machine again.
Validity: unlimited
Warranty: 10 km the rolled lip.
taken from here: www.zakatigubu.com/index.php?page=insruction