Moscow Sports at Luzhniki

On July 25, in the territory of the Olympic complex "Luzhniki" held a grand sports festival "Moscow Sports at Luzhniki", dedicated to the birthday of Moscow Sport Committee and Olympic complex "Luzhniki". Tens of thousands of Muscovites flocked to the festival, to spend a weekend of fun and health benefits.

"Moscow Sports at Luzhniki" is dedicated to the birthday of Moscow Sport Committee and Olympic complex "Luzhniki". Organizers prepared for Muscovites grand-scale event. "Moscow Sports" will show all the know-how and cutting-edge trends and technologies of the modern sports world, trends and achievements of the athletes.

Presenting your attention the photos from the festival, Made photographer © Vladimir Mayorov.
19 ph

1) Girls-stunt - agility and grace

2) Russian grenadiers go on the attack

3) Live rock musicians attracted the attention of young people

4) Streetball Finals - the strongest wins.

5) called brave fighters to fight

6) All who wish to holiday can have a tasty meal

7) The soldiers go into battle

8) The re-enactment battle

9) Last minute stunt cause confusion of the public

10) Girls -kaskadery demonstrate unarmed combat techniques. Costumes of the Great Patriotic War and the prop gun

11) Soldiers in the ranks of the militia do volley - used pyrotechnics

12) Warriors of the People's Militia era of 1812 are going to attack

13) The re-enactment battles in front of the astonished audience

14) Member of the French artillery in a suit

15) Member of holiday in the French grenadiers suit

16) The helmet shining in the sun - as a symbol of power

17) Clubs of historical reconstruction - an indispensable attribute of many holidays

18) A stunt dressed as sailors jump into enemy recess.

19) Bike trial - the art of young and agile
