... Before the flight did not leave me a bad feeling, some anxiety. It was strange, considering that the summer I always happy and in a good mood - I do not afraid of airplanes, on the contrary, at times, level, looking at what offers views from the window, I am seized downright euphoria some and the pride of humanity.
And then it was not so. All attributed to the fact that once again - the separation from his family, and even - on the eve of burnt hard, felt unwell ...
Stewardess during taxiing read the obligatory prayer, about the emergency exits, the use of life jackets and whistles to scare akulkislorodnymi masks, told us that our flight will take place at an altitude of 10,100 meters, and - has left behind the curtain.
Places I got not the most successful - something prolopushil during registration vyaknut where I want to sit, therefore - in the tail, in an emergency exit. Aircraft - Tu - 204. Incidentally, one of the most Tryasuchev if the tail sit (but just say - this is my personal opinion).
Pretty quickly and cheerfully typed train, by aligning, and flew. I relaxed, intending to take a nap a few hours to Moscow, blissfully stretched out in a chair - the good, leg room I had - like a first-class passengers, even more: emergency exit, no seat in front of me, and those that are - are biased towards passage lepota!
... Just closed his eyes - shakin '. First gently, so as usual, with turbulence. Then stronger. Then even more. Began to fall off folding tables with seat backs. People began to scream and oykat with particularly strong shocks.
Suddenly, the plane began to climb rapidly. Strangely, we seem to have long been at a level ... He raised the curtain window - e-my! Despite the fact that more than 10 thousand meters, we are in a zone of dense clouds.
All clear - pass thunderhead with a fairly high cloud. On and shakes.
Inappropriately remembered that ill-fated flight Anapa - then swore at first, too, all that turbulence is not ruined plane. And just as the crew tried to "jump" through the storm. It all ended tragically, and the official conclusions of the IAC me now sitting in the cabin on top, presumably, already under 11,000 - slightly comforted.
... Tryahanulo absolutely indecent. Women began to cry loudly. Seated next to me was a passenger on the verge of hysteria, prayed and cried at the same time. Unstoppable screaming children, and all together it acted oppressively on the psyche.
P-time! Plane with creepy crackles laid a sharp turn to the right. So sharp that I, seated left on the board, inadvertently fell on his neighbor isteryaschuyu. Women screamed already frankly, somewhere in the back opened luggage rack and bag fell to the passengers. Overbearing bass voice behind unexpectedly loud matyugnulsya:
- What is he, a bastard like firewood we lucky ?!
The aircraft also dramatically equalize. Shaking stronger. Immediately followed by a new turn - now the left, and now the neighbor fell to me, frantically clutching my shoulder ...
Front someone, not something - a loud whisper, not that - silent scream (I can not determine, ears laid again) suggested:
- Students must have confidence - thunderhead pass ...
Hmmm. In such a bumpy, I got 10 years ago when flying Balkan Airlines. Then, by the way, also kayfets all caught on full, and one passenger of almost all ended badly: we were too powerful storm front, at some point, the plane lost altitude (in the language of the inhabitants called it - to get an air pocket), all flew in their seats, and one large man - slept, and was not wearing a seat, apparently asleep when the scoreboard lit up, and the flight attendant did not check. He flew to the ceiling and landed not on his place, and his neighbor, damaging seriously her neck.
Lucky on board the aircraft appeared to some eminent Bulgarian surgeon who was able to provide the necessary assistance to the elderly woman who fell under the man. But when we finally got in Sofia, at the ramp waiting for the local ambulance, and the woman carried on a stretcher ... Since then, I always watch closely board, fastened sleep, and try to control in the sense of neighbors, if they are: reluctance to your neck broke for no reason at all.
... As long as I recalled the Balkan flight a decade ago, the plane suddenly threw Huck, which is already and I was really scary: the sound of the engines grew into ultrasound as a takeoff, in this case - we have started to fall ...!
You know, it feels like a huge airliner with a step jumps. With a vertical drop of meters in twenty or thirty. All jump on their seats, restraining straps, land, anyhow (behind someone gasped hard venerating the armrest). Yelling. Cry. Pray. Hysteria.
Blinked light, d-uh-s !!! - Chorus exhale passengers - a jump down. And then - a maneuver to the left, abruptly left. All shakes and creaks. Again - op-pa! - Sharply down. And again - to the left.
I looked out the window - and was stunned: not white mist was behind him, and - as black as smoke from burning oil, clouds, through which shone barely solar disk.
Maybe we burn?
Brad some.
A-ah !!! (Passengers) - I-yuh !!! - Fall again. So hard. Even I could not stay in his chair, although tenaciously held on to the handle.
And suddenly visited me and guess on which was really scary: and yet the same level (or - flat) tailspin from which he died the ill-fated flight Anapa - in theory, and should be felt by passengers in his early!
Well, it looks like it - everything. Wow - never thought: How much, on average, lasts a plane crash? Well, since the beginning, when passengers begin to suspect that something - not, until the end ...? Three, five, seven minutes? Has anyone ever tried to suggest that it is time to change your mind during all those 160-190 people on board? Those who are then collected on the beams and packed in black plastic bags?
It's an eternity, among other things. Another life ...
And what do you have time to think? How much time do I have left, if my estimations are correct? One, maximum - two minutes?
I-Exxx! - Have fallen so much that the lights went out completely (it before flashing), and the body of the aircraft dangerously cracked. However, the cries of passengers this time I have not heard - maybe I laid ears? Absolute silence in the cabin, but creaks and sausages all trim.
I lifted my head from the chair, and glanced at the others, as I could see in the dim light.
An eerie sight: absolutely white faces, eyes closed, clutching to the whitened knuckles in the arms of his hands. The same posture. Clenched teeth. No one cries, do not pray, do not cry. Silence.
Maybe we have already died? After all, who knows how the transition from life to death? Perhaps it's all seamlessly? And the memory is erased, of the moment? Our bodies already collected at the bottom, and we will now fly like this for ages, with white faces, closed eyes, clenched teeth, clutching the arms?
I'm not particularly religious person, but I can not stand the thought of all that I think, I write, is formulated in a word, all that from which, in fact, is my personality - my thoughts, my goals, my hypothesis, my plans - all of this - is immaterial, and all that - die with me ?! With my physical body, which very few people are interested in? I am convinced that what we all call the soul - a kind of energy, just nifiga unexplored by man. And energy never disappears without a trace. It is transformed into another form of energy - that's all we have in physics, material science, we know. So, I - or rather, some bunch of my personality, energy, what in common parlance is usually called soul - will exist somewhere. In another, perhaps measuring ...
All this is terribly interesting, of course, but the Lord! How did die you do not want, and?
... Again plummeted engines howled at some absolutely unbearable note, and the plane, and the like got a kick in the belly - was any real push, and - began to climb sharply. Again.
... To the place of accident, of course, the first to arrive from local looters. Certainly from me survive any small and fragile in real life stuff. Type cellular phone. These bastards will find her and mocking, will get a phone call from the phone book, and my wife, knowing about the plane crash, and received a call - would then go crazy even after the identification ...
This idea, coupled with the thought of his son, whom I will never see that grow without me, and no one will ever have with him will not play the way I played with him, and he cheerfully laughed when I put it upside down on your knees - this idea led me into a state of such a pity for himself and his family that wanted to cry bitterly and openly as a child. Well, why, and ?!
Oo-oo-oo-ups !!! The fall was so long that the diaphragm is coming right up to the throat nausea. I have. Which never never swayed. Corner of my eye noted that the right of the board fervently in the package pukes girl of about 14, the daughter of my neighbor. So, live on board yet, still, there are ...
How many can take this torture? Most would have at least some end. And most importantly, do anything you can not. Drawing an analogy between the pilots in an emergency, and - the driver of the car (the latter is well known to me), I understand that in the cockpit right now - not to thinking about the soul, they're working up a sweat, pulling, dragging the plane through this fucking storm. Good driver car does not have time to be frightened, he does everything to get out without loss ...
And suddenly we have once again jolted hard (but, however, not as strong as in previous times), and hit my window a ray of sunshine!
... People began to stir. Shake it became much smaller. Inside, the lights came on. Some stood up, shaking themselves, someone began poking things fell on the luggage racks. People avoided looking into each other's eyes - as if they were ashamed of proven only that animal fear. All default pretended nothing happened. I looked out the window - and stunningly beautiful sight opened my eyes: absolutely free, no clouds, earth, far below, and rear - a huge "anvil" storm cloud height is much higher than that on which we are now flying. It menacing club, blue-black in the center, towards the bottom, and gray-white - at the edges ...
We have come a thunderhead.
... And then bass voice that complained about the wood behind, thoughtful, clearly said:
- How Purgatory passed. We trotted, dishes, povzveshivali our sins, and - let go until ...
But really - it seems. Feeling of catharsis.
The stewardess announced that we passed a zone of turbulence, and the straps can detach, and now we will be offered refreshments. And they drove the cart. I spotted it on a trolley cognac.
- Girl, you brandy?
- How much you fifty, a hundred?
- You know, let's - two hundred, perhaps ...
* * *
Thank you for donated airline Kavminvodiavia experience and express my sincere gratitude to the captain and crew of Flight № 1268. You - real professionals, guys. Thank you. Without fools.
Photo taken from the window on the phone, after passing thunderstorm:
© baxus baxus.livejournal.com/219688.html#cutid1 photo
... Before the flight did not leave me a bad feeling, some anxiety. It was strange, considering that the summer I always happy and in a good mood - I do not afraid of airplanes, on the contrary, at times, level, looking at what offers views from the window, I am seized downright euphoria some and the pride of humanity.
And then it was not so. All attributed to the fact that once again - the separation from his family, and even - on the eve of burnt hard, felt unwell ...
Stewardess during taxiing read the obligatory prayer, about the emergency exits, the use of life jackets and whistles to scare akulkislorodnymi masks, told us that our flight will take place at an altitude of 10,100 meters, and - has left behind the curtain.
Places I got not the most successful - something prolopushil during registration vyaknut where I want to sit, therefore - in the tail, in an emergency exit. Aircraft - Tu - 204. Incidentally, one of the most Tryasuchev if the tail sit (but just say - this is my personal opinion).
Pretty quickly and cheerfully typed train, by aligning, and flew. I relaxed, intending to take a nap a few hours to Moscow, blissfully stretched out in a chair - the good, leg room I had - like a first-class passengers, even more: emergency exit, no seat in front of me, and those that are - are biased towards passage lepota!
... Just closed his eyes - shakin '. First gently, so as usual, with turbulence. Then stronger. Then even more. Began to fall off folding tables with seat backs. People began to scream and oykat with particularly strong shocks.
Suddenly, the plane began to climb rapidly. Strangely, we seem to have long been at a level ... He raised the curtain window - e-my! Despite the fact that more than 10 thousand meters, we are in a zone of dense clouds.
All clear - pass thunderhead with a fairly high cloud. On and shakes.
Inappropriately remembered that ill-fated flight Anapa - then swore at first, too, all that turbulence is not ruined plane. And just as the crew tried to "jump" through the storm. It all ended tragically, and the official conclusions of the IAC me now sitting in the cabin on top, presumably, already under 11,000 - slightly comforted.
... Tryahanulo absolutely indecent. Women began to cry loudly. Seated next to me was a passenger on the verge of hysteria, prayed and cried at the same time. Unstoppable screaming children, and all together it acted oppressively on the psyche.
P-time! Plane with creepy crackles laid a sharp turn to the right. So sharp that I, seated left on the board, inadvertently fell on his neighbor isteryaschuyu. Women screamed already frankly, somewhere in the back opened luggage rack and bag fell to the passengers. Overbearing bass voice behind unexpectedly loud matyugnulsya:
- What is he, a bastard like firewood we lucky ?!
The aircraft also dramatically equalize. Shaking stronger. Immediately followed by a new turn - now the left, and now the neighbor fell to me, frantically clutching my shoulder ...
Front someone, not something - a loud whisper, not that - silent scream (I can not determine, ears laid again) suggested:
- Students must have confidence - thunderhead pass ...
Hmmm. In such a bumpy, I got 10 years ago when flying Balkan Airlines. Then, by the way, also kayfets all caught on full, and one passenger of almost all ended badly: we were too powerful storm front, at some point, the plane lost altitude (in the language of the inhabitants called it - to get an air pocket), all flew in their seats, and one large man - slept, and was not wearing a seat, apparently asleep when the scoreboard lit up, and the flight attendant did not check. He flew to the ceiling and landed not on his place, and his neighbor, damaging seriously her neck.
Lucky on board the aircraft appeared to some eminent Bulgarian surgeon who was able to provide the necessary assistance to the elderly woman who fell under the man. But when we finally got in Sofia, at the ramp waiting for the local ambulance, and the woman carried on a stretcher ... Since then, I always watch closely board, fastened sleep, and try to control in the sense of neighbors, if they are: reluctance to your neck broke for no reason at all.
... As long as I recalled the Balkan flight a decade ago, the plane suddenly threw Huck, which is already and I was really scary: the sound of the engines grew into ultrasound as a takeoff, in this case - we have started to fall ...!
You know, it feels like a huge airliner with a step jumps. With a vertical drop of meters in twenty or thirty. All jump on their seats, restraining straps, land, anyhow (behind someone gasped hard venerating the armrest). Yelling. Cry. Pray. Hysteria.
Blinked light, d-uh-s !!! - Chorus exhale passengers - a jump down. And then - a maneuver to the left, abruptly left. All shakes and creaks. Again - op-pa! - Sharply down. And again - to the left.
I looked out the window - and was stunned: not white mist was behind him, and - as black as smoke from burning oil, clouds, through which shone barely solar disk.
Maybe we burn?
Brad some.
A-ah !!! (Passengers) - I-yuh !!! - Fall again. So hard. Even I could not stay in his chair, although tenaciously held on to the handle.
And suddenly visited me and guess on which was really scary: and yet the same level (or - flat) tailspin from which he died the ill-fated flight Anapa - in theory, and should be felt by passengers in his early!
Well, it looks like it - everything. Wow - never thought: How much, on average, lasts a plane crash? Well, since the beginning, when passengers begin to suspect that something - not, until the end ...? Three, five, seven minutes? Has anyone ever tried to suggest that it is time to change your mind during all those 160-190 people on board? Those who are then collected on the beams and packed in black plastic bags?
It's an eternity, among other things. Another life ...
And what do you have time to think? How much time do I have left, if my estimations are correct? One, maximum - two minutes?
I-Exxx! - Have fallen so much that the lights went out completely (it before flashing), and the body of the aircraft dangerously cracked. However, the cries of passengers this time I have not heard - maybe I laid ears? Absolute silence in the cabin, but creaks and sausages all trim.
I lifted my head from the chair, and glanced at the others, as I could see in the dim light.
An eerie sight: absolutely white faces, eyes closed, clutching to the whitened knuckles in the arms of his hands. The same posture. Clenched teeth. No one cries, do not pray, do not cry. Silence.
Maybe we have already died? After all, who knows how the transition from life to death? Perhaps it's all seamlessly? And the memory is erased, of the moment? Our bodies already collected at the bottom, and we will now fly like this for ages, with white faces, closed eyes, clenched teeth, clutching the arms?
I'm not particularly religious person, but I can not stand the thought of all that I think, I write, is formulated in a word, all that from which, in fact, is my personality - my thoughts, my goals, my hypothesis, my plans - all of this - is immaterial, and all that - die with me ?! With my physical body, which very few people are interested in? I am convinced that what we all call the soul - a kind of energy, just nifiga unexplored by man. And energy never disappears without a trace. It is transformed into another form of energy - that's all we have in physics, material science, we know. So, I - or rather, some bunch of my personality, energy, what in common parlance is usually called soul - will exist somewhere. In another, perhaps measuring ...
All this is terribly interesting, of course, but the Lord! How did die you do not want, and?
... Again plummeted engines howled at some absolutely unbearable note, and the plane, and the like got a kick in the belly - was any real push, and - began to climb sharply. Again.
... To the place of accident, of course, the first to arrive from local looters. Certainly from me survive any small and fragile in real life stuff. Type cellular phone. These bastards will find her and mocking, will get a phone call from the phone book, and my wife, knowing about the plane crash, and received a call - would then go crazy even after the identification ...
This idea, coupled with the thought of his son, whom I will never see that grow without me, and no one will ever have with him will not play the way I played with him, and he cheerfully laughed when I put it upside down on your knees - this idea led me into a state of such a pity for himself and his family that wanted to cry bitterly and openly as a child. Well, why, and ?!
Oo-oo-oo-ups !!! The fall was so long that the diaphragm is coming right up to the throat nausea. I have. Which never never swayed. Corner of my eye noted that the right of the board fervently in the package pukes girl of about 14, the daughter of my neighbor. So, live on board yet, still, there are ...
How many can take this torture? Most would have at least some end. And most importantly, do anything you can not. Drawing an analogy between the pilots in an emergency, and - the driver of the car (the latter is well known to me), I understand that in the cockpit right now - not to thinking about the soul, they're working up a sweat, pulling, dragging the plane through this fucking storm. Good driver car does not have time to be frightened, he does everything to get out without loss ...
And suddenly we have once again jolted hard (but, however, not as strong as in previous times), and hit my window a ray of sunshine!
... People began to stir. Shake it became much smaller. Inside, the lights came on. Some stood up, shaking themselves, someone began poking things fell on the luggage racks. People avoided looking into each other's eyes - as if they were ashamed of proven only that animal fear. All default pretended nothing happened. I looked out the window - and stunningly beautiful sight opened my eyes: absolutely free, no clouds, earth, far below, and rear - a huge "anvil" storm cloud height is much higher than that on which we are now flying. It menacing club, blue-black in the center, towards the bottom, and gray-white - at the edges ...
We have come a thunderhead.
... And then bass voice that complained about the wood behind, thoughtful, clearly said:
- How Purgatory passed. We trotted, dishes, povzveshivali our sins, and - let go until ...
But really - it seems. Feeling of catharsis.
The stewardess announced that we passed a zone of turbulence, and the straps can detach, and now we will be offered refreshments. And they drove the cart. I spotted it on a trolley cognac.
- Girl, you brandy?
- How much you fifty, a hundred?
- You know, let's - two hundred, perhaps ...
* * *
Thank you for donated airline Kavminvodiavia experience and express my sincere gratitude to the captain and crew of Flight № 1268. You - real professionals, guys. Thank you. Without fools.
Photo taken from the window on the phone, after passing thunderstorm:
© baxus baxus.livejournal.com/219688.html#cutid1 photo
