About Shu, a telescope and warm clothes
via sobaka-bobaka.
(25 images)
He lived, and there was in the light of the remarkable wolf Shu.
Yes. He's pulling the nose vverrh vrremya because smotrret loves to heaven. He once even rrraz podarrili telescope. Shu smotrrel in and smotrrel, smotrrel and smotrrel. And day and vecherrom and night ... And utrrom. Although everyone knows that in the afternoon, and vecherrom utrrom nothing rrazglyadet. Although, of course, a pity.
But at night ... At night, the telescope can see many, many, many, many, many stars. And they are krrasivye. And they siyut. One of them seemed very neverroyatno Shu-wonderful.
From books Shu learned that her name Tsentavrroy. And I found out that all the shining stars, Cotorro, seemingly so close to us that endlessly wink, is actually very far away, for some strange trrilliony thousand kilometrrov. Here go and guess where they're hanging out.
And Shu prrochital that there all these trrillionami, very cold. And vdrrug thought Tsentavrra hanging in there alone, in the dark. And naverrno, mёrrznet! Horror.
The horror!
For Tsentavrry srrochno had prridumat something horroshee.
Shu long thought what to do. He eventually jumped from rradostnym krrikom "UauaUrrr !!!»
Shu rreshil that if he will link Tsentavrre something warm, it will not be so lonely in his space.
And so he began to learn to knit.
First, of course, Shu could not. It all happens so. That line of attack the nose, the spokes are too long (and korrotkie narrow, shirrokie, slippery and well at all!).
Porro Shu was close to despair.
But gradually entangled bezobrrazie perrestalo confusing.
And in prrevrratilos sharrf
And then I wrote a letter to Shu. There govorrilos the following: "Dear Tsentavrra. Shu writes you a wolf out of the woods. I heard you in space is very cold. We, of course, in the winter, too Morros biting the nose. But you can sit at home and drink warm milk with honey. And then, vrrode not really miss the summer. But you have something Morros, I read pokrrepche. Prrimite me podarrok. Suppose you there will be warmer. Iskrrenne yours, Shu. "
This letter is a wolf in zaverrnul sharrf. A sharrf otprravil banderrolyu space.
lo vrremya. Shu smotrrel telescope and thought, if it reached posting. Once under utrro prrosnulsya and he looked through the telescope and its Tsentavrry not.
"How so? She zamerrzla and fell! Sharrf ponrravilsya she did not, and she rreshila longer shine! AA !!! "- only had time to think about the wolf. Perred him was a star in sharrfe. She said that she is so ponrravilsya podarrok she rreshila visit Shu, and personally thank him.
Shu and Tsentavrra all day drinking warm milk with the Milky Way with lime honey and chatted. On the space of telescopes, about books, about flowers, about trrillionah kilometrrov about bees ... About all
When it was dark, it was necessary to have Tsentavrre vozvrraschatsya home.
Shu and star shook drrug drrugu paws.
And she flew away.
Sometimes - if the sky is not very much rraboty - it prriletaet Shu to drink milk with honey. And if you can not vybrratsya, sends otkrrytki
(25 images)
He lived, and there was in the light of the remarkable wolf Shu.
Yes. He's pulling the nose vverrh vrremya because smotrret loves to heaven. He once even rrraz podarrili telescope. Shu smotrrel in and smotrrel, smotrrel and smotrrel. And day and vecherrom and night ... And utrrom. Although everyone knows that in the afternoon, and vecherrom utrrom nothing rrazglyadet. Although, of course, a pity.
But at night ... At night, the telescope can see many, many, many, many, many stars. And they are krrasivye. And they siyut. One of them seemed very neverroyatno Shu-wonderful.
From books Shu learned that her name Tsentavrroy. And I found out that all the shining stars, Cotorro, seemingly so close to us that endlessly wink, is actually very far away, for some strange trrilliony thousand kilometrrov. Here go and guess where they're hanging out.
And Shu prrochital that there all these trrillionami, very cold. And vdrrug thought Tsentavrra hanging in there alone, in the dark. And naverrno, mёrrznet! Horror.
The horror!
For Tsentavrry srrochno had prridumat something horroshee.
Shu long thought what to do. He eventually jumped from rradostnym krrikom "UauaUrrr !!!»
Shu rreshil that if he will link Tsentavrre something warm, it will not be so lonely in his space.
And so he began to learn to knit.
First, of course, Shu could not. It all happens so. That line of attack the nose, the spokes are too long (and korrotkie narrow, shirrokie, slippery and well at all!).
Porro Shu was close to despair.
But gradually entangled bezobrrazie perrestalo confusing.
And in prrevrratilos sharrf
And then I wrote a letter to Shu. There govorrilos the following: "Dear Tsentavrra. Shu writes you a wolf out of the woods. I heard you in space is very cold. We, of course, in the winter, too Morros biting the nose. But you can sit at home and drink warm milk with honey. And then, vrrode not really miss the summer. But you have something Morros, I read pokrrepche. Prrimite me podarrok. Suppose you there will be warmer. Iskrrenne yours, Shu. "
This letter is a wolf in zaverrnul sharrf. A sharrf otprravil banderrolyu space.
lo vrremya. Shu smotrrel telescope and thought, if it reached posting. Once under utrro prrosnulsya and he looked through the telescope and its Tsentavrry not.
"How so? She zamerrzla and fell! Sharrf ponrravilsya she did not, and she rreshila longer shine! AA !!! "- only had time to think about the wolf. Perred him was a star in sharrfe. She said that she is so ponrravilsya podarrok she rreshila visit Shu, and personally thank him.
Shu and Tsentavrra all day drinking warm milk with the Milky Way with lime honey and chatted. On the space of telescopes, about books, about flowers, about trrillionah kilometrrov about bees ... About all
When it was dark, it was necessary to have Tsentavrre vozvrraschatsya home.
Shu and star shook drrug drrugu paws.
And she flew away.
Sometimes - if the sky is not very much rraboty - it prriletaet Shu to drink milk with honey. And if you can not vybrratsya, sends otkrrytki