What do spirits (6 photos)
If you use cosmetics (and you, I'm using them at least sometimes), you will be interested to learn from what they may contain. In ancient times they were made, so that people could get the big problems with the skin, and even die, in our time made a little higher quality. I do not urge you to refuse to use them only in the manner of self-education.
1.Ispolzovannoe oil
Scientists at the laboratories of various cosmetic companies have found that when a specific treatment of waste vegetable oil you can get a certain substance, which has an active cosmetic effect. This effect is the regeneration of skin cells and its moderate rejuvenation. Now many of the cosmetic companies are using this cheap ingredient in the manufacture of its products, which have contracts with fast food chains and cafes.
2.Ekstrakt pepper
Who would have thought that an ordinary bitter cayenne pepper, is used in cooking spicy food and gas cans to scare the bullies, can be used for cosmetic purposes? Its active ingredient, capsaicin, "responsible" for the unpleasant burning sensation on contact with the skin of pepper, used in the manufacture of lipstick. If you do it when applied to the lips feel slight tingling, then the most likely to blame for that hot peppers, lipstick gave her component. This lipstick is advisable to keep away from eyes.
3.Kuriny marrow
This component unromantic - only one of a long series of similar elements of animal origin. The bone marrow contains a large amount of glucosamine - an organic substance that stimulates the production of new skin cells and improvement of existing structures. Another useful component of the bone marrow is an anti-inflammatory, so it is often used for the production of humidifiers / softeners skin and face creams.
4.Rybnaya scales
The list of cosmetic products you use are those who promise to "shine" and "flicker"? Maybe uluchshayushie reflections or anything else like that? Hairspray, polish, lipstick? With a high probability to achieve these dramatic effects used substances from the fish scales that give cosmetic means "mother of pearl" effect. The most common source for these substances is herring, which is why it is considered the most common commercial fish is used not only in food.
5.Poroshok cochineal
Most likely in the list of ingredients of your lipstick is explicitly specified koshenilnaya powder, but may be, for example, carmine or carminic acid. Especially likely presence of cochineal in the media, have a pronounced red, such as lipsticks. To prepare this component bugs cochineal first scalded, then dried and pulverized to a fine powder, which is extracted from red pigment, and it has added to many cosmetic products, juices, jellies and even candy.
6.Belaya amber
It sounds very noble, but in fact is a gray or dark powder extracted from the digestive systems of whales, actually dried bile. Although the origin of the smell of amber is quite pleasant, even sweet, which leads to its frequent use in the perfume industry. However, now often used instead of amber of its synthetic substitutes, but in some lines of cosmetics she has encountered.
1.Ispolzovannoe oil
Scientists at the laboratories of various cosmetic companies have found that when a specific treatment of waste vegetable oil you can get a certain substance, which has an active cosmetic effect. This effect is the regeneration of skin cells and its moderate rejuvenation. Now many of the cosmetic companies are using this cheap ingredient in the manufacture of its products, which have contracts with fast food chains and cafes.

2.Ekstrakt pepper
Who would have thought that an ordinary bitter cayenne pepper, is used in cooking spicy food and gas cans to scare the bullies, can be used for cosmetic purposes? Its active ingredient, capsaicin, "responsible" for the unpleasant burning sensation on contact with the skin of pepper, used in the manufacture of lipstick. If you do it when applied to the lips feel slight tingling, then the most likely to blame for that hot peppers, lipstick gave her component. This lipstick is advisable to keep away from eyes.

3.Kuriny marrow
This component unromantic - only one of a long series of similar elements of animal origin. The bone marrow contains a large amount of glucosamine - an organic substance that stimulates the production of new skin cells and improvement of existing structures. Another useful component of the bone marrow is an anti-inflammatory, so it is often used for the production of humidifiers / softeners skin and face creams.

4.Rybnaya scales
The list of cosmetic products you use are those who promise to "shine" and "flicker"? Maybe uluchshayushie reflections or anything else like that? Hairspray, polish, lipstick? With a high probability to achieve these dramatic effects used substances from the fish scales that give cosmetic means "mother of pearl" effect. The most common source for these substances is herring, which is why it is considered the most common commercial fish is used not only in food.

5.Poroshok cochineal
Most likely in the list of ingredients of your lipstick is explicitly specified koshenilnaya powder, but may be, for example, carmine or carminic acid. Especially likely presence of cochineal in the media, have a pronounced red, such as lipsticks. To prepare this component bugs cochineal first scalded, then dried and pulverized to a fine powder, which is extracted from red pigment, and it has added to many cosmetic products, juices, jellies and even candy.

6.Belaya amber
It sounds very noble, but in fact is a gray or dark powder extracted from the digestive systems of whales, actually dried bile. Although the origin of the smell of amber is quite pleasant, even sweet, which leads to its frequent use in the perfume industry. However, now often used instead of amber of its synthetic substitutes, but in some lines of cosmetics she has encountered.
