Fate Cherkizon: one year later
It has been a year since the Moscow authorities have closed down the country's largest Cherkizovo market. He held more than 200 acres and has existed for 19 years. According to the "Federation of Migrants of Russia" in the labor market of more than 100 thousand. People, of whom, according to the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation, about 60 thousand. Merchants from China. After the close of the market in June 2009, the Chinese make up a significant part of the traders moved to other Moscow markets - the shopping center "Moscow" in Lublin, "Gardener" on the Moscow Ring Road and "Luzhniki».
20 ph via Ilya Varlamov
Despite the fact that a year has passed, apparently in the territory, little has changed, the market no one is not actively blows. Today we are the representatives of the prefecture checked how things are going.
To the question: "What will be here in the future?" The workers are responsible - "Order!»
At the site of the ruins of the pavilions will be built on land 4TK Izmailovskii to Shchelkovo highway.
Abandoned containers on the territory of the market, which is bordered by AST. There is nothing special to endure - you just need to take out the empty containers and clean up the garbage.
"And you survived thrown dummies?" - "Nooo, all taken out, you will not find anything."
Security neighboring AST section entitled "Aliev," said that they fulfill the requirements of the prefecture and almost all were taken.
More serious break construction, sawing and gradually dismantled.
Both markets are still AST are integers.
Moscow authorities intend to completely demolish all the buildings on the Cherkizovsky market in 2011. This was announced by Head of the Department of Consumer Market and Services, Vladimir baby. According to him, today demolished 70 percent of the buildings, but I saw no more than 30. Also Malyshkov said that eventually all the buildings at the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow will be dismantled after the new year.
Contradictory information so far supplied about what will be built in the liberated areas. According to one version - there is a park and shopping complex. On the other hand, on the former site of the market usher in sports and ozdorovitel ny complex. In the prefecture of the Eastern District of Moscow reported that the planned construction at the Russian State University of Physical Education and Sport - Olympic Training Center.
20 ph via Ilya Varlamov
Despite the fact that a year has passed, apparently in the territory, little has changed, the market no one is not actively blows. Today we are the representatives of the prefecture checked how things are going.
To the question: "What will be here in the future?" The workers are responsible - "Order!»
At the site of the ruins of the pavilions will be built on land 4TK Izmailovskii to Shchelkovo highway.
Abandoned containers on the territory of the market, which is bordered by AST. There is nothing special to endure - you just need to take out the empty containers and clean up the garbage.
"And you survived thrown dummies?" - "Nooo, all taken out, you will not find anything."
Security neighboring AST section entitled "Aliev," said that they fulfill the requirements of the prefecture and almost all were taken.
More serious break construction, sawing and gradually dismantled.
Both markets are still AST are integers.
Moscow authorities intend to completely demolish all the buildings on the Cherkizovsky market in 2011. This was announced by Head of the Department of Consumer Market and Services, Vladimir baby. According to him, today demolished 70 percent of the buildings, but I saw no more than 30. Also Malyshkov said that eventually all the buildings at the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow will be dismantled after the new year.
Contradictory information so far supplied about what will be built in the liberated areas. According to one version - there is a park and shopping complex. On the other hand, on the former site of the market usher in sports and ozdorovitel ny complex. In the prefecture of the Eastern District of Moscow reported that the planned construction at the Russian State University of Physical Education and Sport - Olympic Training Center.