Giant "robots" guard Iceland
In Iceland, a very revered its history and mythology. They are proud of their feature deeds of their ancestors. So popular and there is still the saga of the great historical figures of the island from the distant past. Now these heroes they plan to visualize not only in the form of monuments, but also in the form of electricity towers ...!
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In Sweden, for example, by 2011 at the entrance to Stockholm Elektroopora plan to put in a world tree Yggdrasil. But Icelanders, of course, much more realists than the Swedes. After all, they do not give support in the form of something mythical, as well as real people - the characters of historical sagas, very common in this northern island.
Draft 45-meter electricity towers in the form of human figures by the American architectural firm Choi + Shine from Brooklyn. Each of these figures will be given the name of a hero of Icelandic sagas, and their in Iceland - a huge amount. Enough for it to sweep such iron chelovechische entire country.
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In Sweden, for example, by 2011 at the entrance to Stockholm Elektroopora plan to put in a world tree Yggdrasil. But Icelanders, of course, much more realists than the Swedes. After all, they do not give support in the form of something mythical, as well as real people - the characters of historical sagas, very common in this northern island.

Draft 45-meter electricity towers in the form of human figures by the American architectural firm Choi + Shine from Brooklyn. Each of these figures will be given the name of a hero of Icelandic sagas, and their in Iceland - a huge amount. Enough for it to sweep such iron chelovechische entire country.
