How to build megaliths?
Looking at the dents, which left some megalith blocks on the surface of the other units, it becomes clear that the lower units were soft. They softened due to heating to a temperature of about 1000 degrees Celsius. This technology allows sinter stone blocks and make the walls stronger. Naturally, we are now even with a strong desire can hardly repeat it.
6 ph + letter via ufo.ck.ua
Megaliths (from the Greek. Μέγας - large, λίθος - stone) - prehistoric constructions of large stone blocks, connected without cement or mortar. In the extreme case this one module (mengir). The term is not strictly scientific, so the definition of the megaliths and megalithic structures fall quite vague group of buildings. In particular, known as megaliths hewn stones large, including not being used for the construction of tombs and monuments. [4] As a rule, they are pre-literate era this area [5].
In this photo you can see the formation of internal trihedral angles, eliminating radial cutting technology tools. This is possible only when the stone softened due to high temperature.
Almost straight line and nearly flat surface to indicate sharing beam cutting technique and sintering at a high temperature.
Fingerprints on this solid rock indicate that it has been heated to the softened state. Similar imprints remain on the hot asphalt.
Tapered projections indicate indentation softened stone blocks holes pressed against this surface.
When heated to 1000 degree plane deformed. On the basis of the images it can be concluded that some megalits were constructed using the combined technology of cutting and heating to a plastic state. Volcanic rocks when heated to a plastic state do not lose their strength properties. On the contrary, prosihodit stress relief, elimination of cracks and rejuvenation stone.
6 ph + letter via ufo.ck.ua
Megaliths (from the Greek. Μέγας - large, λίθος - stone) - prehistoric constructions of large stone blocks, connected without cement or mortar. In the extreme case this one module (mengir). The term is not strictly scientific, so the definition of the megaliths and megalithic structures fall quite vague group of buildings. In particular, known as megaliths hewn stones large, including not being used for the construction of tombs and monuments. [4] As a rule, they are pre-literate era this area [5].


In this photo you can see the formation of internal trihedral angles, eliminating radial cutting technology tools. This is possible only when the stone softened due to high temperature.

Almost straight line and nearly flat surface to indicate sharing beam cutting technique and sintering at a high temperature.

Fingerprints on this solid rock indicate that it has been heated to the softened state. Similar imprints remain on the hot asphalt.

Tapered projections indicate indentation softened stone blocks holes pressed against this surface.
When heated to 1000 degree plane deformed. On the basis of the images it can be concluded that some megalits were constructed using the combined technology of cutting and heating to a plastic state. Volcanic rocks when heated to a plastic state do not lose their strength properties. On the contrary, prosihodit stress relief, elimination of cracks and rejuvenation stone.
