Wax figures of George S. Stuart
Wax figures of George S. Stuart For more than 50 years, George S. Stuart creates models of historical figures who were important for the political power structure of his time and influenced the course of history. Today his collection of more than four hundred models. Its exhibits are exhibited in the Smithsonian, they can be found in private collections. George S. Stuart works in his studio located in Ojai, California.
37 photos via liveinternet
Serfs (serfs)
Anastasia Romanova
Ivan IV
Empress Elizabeth I
Boris Godunov
Patriarch Philaret
Tsar Michael Romanov
Patriarch Nikon
Stenka Razin
Natalia Narishkina
Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Ivan V
Tsarevna Sophia Alekseyevna
Peter I, 1698
Eudoxia Lopukhina
Tsarevich Alexis Petrovich
Peter I, 1724
Empress Catherine I
Empress Anna Ivanovna
Peter III
Empress Catherine II (robes of state)
Yemelyan Pugachev
Frederick II
Prince Potemkin
Empress Catherine II in 1790
Paul I
Alexander I Pavlovich
Baroness Krudener
Tzar Nicholas I
Empress Marie Feodorovna
Alexander II Nikolaevitch
Alexander III
Empress Alexandra Fedorovna
Gregory Rasputin
Tzar Nicholas II
Vladimir Lenin
Joseph Stalin
37 photos via liveinternet
Serfs (serfs)

Anastasia Romanova

Ivan IV

Empress Elizabeth I

Boris Godunov

Patriarch Philaret

Tsar Michael Romanov

Patriarch Nikon

Stenka Razin

Natalia Narishkina

Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich

Ivan V

Tsarevna Sophia Alekseyevna

Peter I, 1698

Eudoxia Lopukhina

Tsarevich Alexis Petrovich

Peter I, 1724

Empress Catherine I

Empress Anna Ivanovna

Peter III

Empress Catherine II (robes of state)

Yemelyan Pugachev

Frederick II

Prince Potemkin

Empress Catherine II in 1790

Paul I

Alexander I Pavlovich

Baroness Krudener

Tzar Nicholas I

Empress Marie Feodorovna

Alexander II Nikolaevitch

Alexander III

Empress Alexandra Fedorovna

Gregory Rasputin

Tzar Nicholas II

Vladimir Lenin

Joseph Stalin
