The capital of New York State
Did so! The capital of the State of New York is not New York City, and the city of Albany!
Albany (Engl. Albany) - a city in the north-eastern United States, the capital of the State of New York and the District of Albany. Albany is about 219 km (136 miles) north of New York City, just south of the confluence of the Mohawk River to the Hudson River. Located on the west bank of the Hudson River, on which there is a major port (Eng.) Russian ... deepened the Hudson River to the port was able to take sea-going vessels. The population of the city proper - 95, 7 thousand., The population of the conurbation - 826 thousand. People (2000).
This so-called The Egg. Americans proudly call it an art center, but in reality - opera and ballet theater to occasionally call in employees mouth (musicians). Tickets on average from 20 to 100 dollars, depending on the type of presentation.
Horizon littered, views of the officials of different offices or hands. Since it is the state capital, the city itself is localized in a surprising number of administrative buildings - from education to agriculture.
All three Picchu was presented to Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza. Composed of nine buildings in which, besides officials may also be noticed by small firms, etc. Along the perimeter of the Plaza is surrounded by construction, like the Kharkov Opera and Ballet Theatre (HATOB). For comparison, the photo - On the left hand - HATOB, Rockefeller Plaza on the right.
Cathedral in the Americas Number of incredible cathedrals, churches, sects, etc.
But there is a downside for example.
Accommodation in the city center - the cheapest, since no one wants to live next door to the place of work. Because the density of the homeless and the poor per square meter surpasses 9000
Photo 5 minutes from the Plaza
Being after 9 pm in the center of the city (Downtown) - life threatening. For the probability of getting shot or being robbed - koayne high. day once ssykatno to walk.
The state is going through hard times, and for the most part due to the crisis (CEP).
Not rare picture:
Subway advertising proplachennyh example)
From men in America emanates not stale, and hemp, the smell prisledoval me all the way, while taking pictures
Picchu was doing at 11 o'clock on Monday. The majority of the black population lives on welfare and in the afternoon they have nothing to do, and that's dumped on the streets, frightening tourists such as I
Children would have to be in school. This pope can buy grass for a fair price.
Ssykotno just to photograph the couple as close to them Cueva cloud was not very friendly gangsta, who departed to the moment when I resolutely take them off the camera = (
Most black people are buying old cars in the range of 1-2 pieces bucks, in that music cram 3-4 pieces bucks and smashing windows in their homes bass
The typical American diner. The prices are affordable and the food is delicious. Within 7-8 dollars.
The American way of quick repair))
Still believe in Obama
These places often find themselves in the criminal chronicle, as robbing them once a month on a regular basis)
Own such shops - Arabs or Indians. Business and family is not uncommon to meet the whole family in the store. Prices are higher than in supermarkets, but excellent altrenativa Russian stall)
Amazingly, almost nobody does not steal !!! Even if a parcel arrived from the Fedex or UPS, it is even in a bad quarter, it may remain for a few hours !!! And so I left the laptop for 1200 dollars directly under the door of the house ...
I can not fail to mention the Americans turn the grill on the barbecue and fried ... everything ... from meat to grass ...
I can not tell you about buses. The better transport system, the poorer city (exception - megacities). The transport system in Albany is developed a little more than full. About 40 routes 100 thousand population. Travel costs $ 1.50 and the bus going to the cloaca of society - the homeless with bottles, porn star, Paris Hilton, sutinery ... For students free bus in any direction.
Trash automatic press. Powered by solar panels.
With all the bad business ...
Russian Orthodox Church, Russian takya and a church))
I have everything !! 1Spasibo!
Albany (Engl. Albany) - a city in the north-eastern United States, the capital of the State of New York and the District of Albany. Albany is about 219 km (136 miles) north of New York City, just south of the confluence of the Mohawk River to the Hudson River. Located on the west bank of the Hudson River, on which there is a major port (Eng.) Russian ... deepened the Hudson River to the port was able to take sea-going vessels. The population of the city proper - 95, 7 thousand., The population of the conurbation - 826 thousand. People (2000).
This so-called The Egg. Americans proudly call it an art center, but in reality - opera and ballet theater to occasionally call in employees mouth (musicians). Tickets on average from 20 to 100 dollars, depending on the type of presentation.
Horizon littered, views of the officials of different offices or hands. Since it is the state capital, the city itself is localized in a surprising number of administrative buildings - from education to agriculture.
All three Picchu was presented to Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza. Composed of nine buildings in which, besides officials may also be noticed by small firms, etc. Along the perimeter of the Plaza is surrounded by construction, like the Kharkov Opera and Ballet Theatre (HATOB). For comparison, the photo - On the left hand - HATOB, Rockefeller Plaza on the right.
Cathedral in the Americas Number of incredible cathedrals, churches, sects, etc.
But there is a downside for example.
Accommodation in the city center - the cheapest, since no one wants to live next door to the place of work. Because the density of the homeless and the poor per square meter surpasses 9000
Photo 5 minutes from the Plaza
Being after 9 pm in the center of the city (Downtown) - life threatening. For the probability of getting shot or being robbed - koayne high. day once ssykatno to walk.
The state is going through hard times, and for the most part due to the crisis (CEP).
Not rare picture:
Subway advertising proplachennyh example)
From men in America emanates not stale, and hemp, the smell prisledoval me all the way, while taking pictures
Picchu was doing at 11 o'clock on Monday. The majority of the black population lives on welfare and in the afternoon they have nothing to do, and that's dumped on the streets, frightening tourists such as I
Children would have to be in school. This pope can buy grass for a fair price.
Ssykotno just to photograph the couple as close to them Cueva cloud was not very friendly gangsta, who departed to the moment when I resolutely take them off the camera = (
Most black people are buying old cars in the range of 1-2 pieces bucks, in that music cram 3-4 pieces bucks and smashing windows in their homes bass
The typical American diner. The prices are affordable and the food is delicious. Within 7-8 dollars.
The American way of quick repair))
Still believe in Obama
These places often find themselves in the criminal chronicle, as robbing them once a month on a regular basis)
Own such shops - Arabs or Indians. Business and family is not uncommon to meet the whole family in the store. Prices are higher than in supermarkets, but excellent altrenativa Russian stall)
Amazingly, almost nobody does not steal !!! Even if a parcel arrived from the Fedex or UPS, it is even in a bad quarter, it may remain for a few hours !!! And so I left the laptop for 1200 dollars directly under the door of the house ...
I can not fail to mention the Americans turn the grill on the barbecue and fried ... everything ... from meat to grass ...
I can not tell you about buses. The better transport system, the poorer city (exception - megacities). The transport system in Albany is developed a little more than full. About 40 routes 100 thousand population. Travel costs $ 1.50 and the bus going to the cloaca of society - the homeless with bottles, porn star, Paris Hilton, sutinery ... For students free bus in any direction.
Trash automatic press. Powered by solar panels.
With all the bad business ...
Russian Orthodox Church, Russian takya and a church))
I have everything !! 1Spasibo!