The destruction of poppy fields in Afghanistan
Ilya Varlamov writes:
Today I want to show you how the Afghan police destroy poppy crops. Quite by accident I came to one of these operations. Since my visit has not been agreed with the press service of the Northern Alliance and NATO, I was able to see how to actually run the operation to destroy poppy fields. You can be sure that this year in Afghanistan still collect a record harvest.
45 photos
01. Early in the morning we leave the hotel and go into the mountains. Driver promises to show the poppy fields.
02. To find them is not difficult. Almost all the slopes in the vicinity of Faizabad in light green patches of poppy fields.
03. On the way there as tiny lawn in a few tens of square meters, and huge, stretching beyond the horizon of the field.
04. Suddenly, the police encounter. They go on another raid. When he learned that I was a journalist from Russia, allowed to go with them and see how fighting with crops.
06. After 30 minutes we arrive at a place of gathering. The police are well armed. You have to understand that for many farmers cultivating poppies - only income. There are cases when the field or undermine police shelling.
07. Support Group.
08. Undo field in two stages. First, cut down the stalks with sticks, and then plowed field tractor. As explained by one of the policemen, the stems should be cut down to the peasants and then not re-planted plants.
09. For works attract residents of nearby villages.
10. Eh ... nice poppy blossoms!
13. In the field sprint women and children. They cry and throw a stick. One month they might have to harvest and sell it, for many people the money was the only option to survive another year in this hole.
16. The options have a little bit. You can start to work and to grow other crops, can go to the Taliban or to starve to death.
18. Having lost everything, many people choose the second option and enter the Taliban. After such raids often come to the village the Taliban to recruit new members. People are ready to despair of all, here are recruiting suicide bombers, who tomorrow will go to avenge the police and the military.
19. At the police operate the camera with double zeal.
20. But in fact, at best, destroying half the crop.
21. Do not cry girl's uncle is now the camera will take your fields, and left alone. You grow up and you will not know the other work, but to grow poppy. After all, heroin - the only thing that makes Afghanistan.
23. A policeman shows how to make heroin from poppies, but I still do not understand the technology.
24. After 15 minutes, the soldiers get used to me, we become "friends." To work was fun, guys moistened cigarette poppy milk and smoke it. The action "against honey Bees" begins.
25. The current US program of Afghan drug trafficking, which focuses on the destruction of poppy fields is a "waste of money". So say the Americans.
26. "The program can be, and destroy a certain number of acres of poppy, but in the end it only plays into the hands of the movement" Taliban ", since, on the one hand, does not reduce the income of the Taliban from the drug trade, and on the other - are in the ranks of militants Afghan farmers dissatisfied destruction of their crops. "
27. The new program involves the replacement of the US as the poppy crop and creating a situation where the Afghan farmers will be more profitable to grow other types of plants.
30. To put in charge of the boy soldiers with GPS navigation, notebook and camera. He fixes the camera all the fields before and after work. Stamped all coordinates. It should also be accountable for American money.
31. Gather the owners of the fields
32. Tractor ...
34. Here is the field after the destruction.
35. Air operations are supported by helicopters.
40. At the end of all the locals get together and read them to the police lecture about the dangers of drug production. Farmers talk about how you can earn money, offer to grow other crops.
41. Farmers sit and look at the policeman, 10 minutes ago smoked "cheerful cigarette." It is somehow strange shakes his head, his speech slurred. Surely they think at this point that the drugs - it is bad.
42. NATO believes that the problem of drug production in Afghanistan should be addressed very carefully - so as not to lose the loyalty of local residents, many of which drug cultivation is the only source of income. "We can not put ourselves in a situation in which deprive people living in the second-poorest country in the world, the only source of income without providing them with any alternative»
44. That is all. Alternatively, as seen in this photo, the residents left. More than half the crops no one touched. US funds will have a remarkable record of the boy with a notebook in which to be seen as brave Afghan soldiers destroy crops this infection. The government will allocate several million dollars to fight poppy. The peasants will gather next month, is expected to record poppy crop.
45. That is all.
Today I want to show you how the Afghan police destroy poppy crops. Quite by accident I came to one of these operations. Since my visit has not been agreed with the press service of the Northern Alliance and NATO, I was able to see how to actually run the operation to destroy poppy fields. You can be sure that this year in Afghanistan still collect a record harvest.
45 photos
01. Early in the morning we leave the hotel and go into the mountains. Driver promises to show the poppy fields.

02. To find them is not difficult. Almost all the slopes in the vicinity of Faizabad in light green patches of poppy fields.

03. On the way there as tiny lawn in a few tens of square meters, and huge, stretching beyond the horizon of the field.

04. Suddenly, the police encounter. They go on another raid. When he learned that I was a journalist from Russia, allowed to go with them and see how fighting with crops.


06. After 30 minutes we arrive at a place of gathering. The police are well armed. You have to understand that for many farmers cultivating poppies - only income. There are cases when the field or undermine police shelling.

07. Support Group.

08. Undo field in two stages. First, cut down the stalks with sticks, and then plowed field tractor. As explained by one of the policemen, the stems should be cut down to the peasants and then not re-planted plants.

09. For works attract residents of nearby villages.

10. Eh ... nice poppy blossoms!



13. In the field sprint women and children. They cry and throw a stick. One month they might have to harvest and sell it, for many people the money was the only option to survive another year in this hole.



16. The options have a little bit. You can start to work and to grow other crops, can go to the Taliban or to starve to death.


18. Having lost everything, many people choose the second option and enter the Taliban. After such raids often come to the village the Taliban to recruit new members. People are ready to despair of all, here are recruiting suicide bombers, who tomorrow will go to avenge the police and the military.

19. At the police operate the camera with double zeal.

20. But in fact, at best, destroying half the crop.

21. Do not cry girl's uncle is now the camera will take your fields, and left alone. You grow up and you will not know the other work, but to grow poppy. After all, heroin - the only thing that makes Afghanistan.


23. A policeman shows how to make heroin from poppies, but I still do not understand the technology.

24. After 15 minutes, the soldiers get used to me, we become "friends." To work was fun, guys moistened cigarette poppy milk and smoke it. The action "against honey Bees" begins.

25. The current US program of Afghan drug trafficking, which focuses on the destruction of poppy fields is a "waste of money". So say the Americans.

26. "The program can be, and destroy a certain number of acres of poppy, but in the end it only plays into the hands of the movement" Taliban ", since, on the one hand, does not reduce the income of the Taliban from the drug trade, and on the other - are in the ranks of militants Afghan farmers dissatisfied destruction of their crops. "

27. The new program involves the replacement of the US as the poppy crop and creating a situation where the Afghan farmers will be more profitable to grow other types of plants.



30. To put in charge of the boy soldiers with GPS navigation, notebook and camera. He fixes the camera all the fields before and after work. Stamped all coordinates. It should also be accountable for American money.

31. Gather the owners of the fields

32. Tractor ...


34. Here is the field after the destruction.

35. Air operations are supported by helicopters.





40. At the end of all the locals get together and read them to the police lecture about the dangers of drug production. Farmers talk about how you can earn money, offer to grow other crops.

41. Farmers sit and look at the policeman, 10 minutes ago smoked "cheerful cigarette." It is somehow strange shakes his head, his speech slurred. Surely they think at this point that the drugs - it is bad.

42. NATO believes that the problem of drug production in Afghanistan should be addressed very carefully - so as not to lose the loyalty of local residents, many of which drug cultivation is the only source of income. "We can not put ourselves in a situation in which deprive people living in the second-poorest country in the world, the only source of income without providing them with any alternative»


44. That is all. Alternatively, as seen in this photo, the residents left. More than half the crops no one touched. US funds will have a remarkable record of the boy with a notebook in which to be seen as brave Afghan soldiers destroy crops this infection. The government will allocate several million dollars to fight poppy. The peasants will gather next month, is expected to record poppy crop.

45. That is all.
