Some facts about contraception
9 photos + text
1.During all times were popular spermicides - means that violate the chemical environment of the vagina, which contributed to the destruction of sperm. In ancient Egypt acted as a spermicide crocodile dung. To prevent pregnancy Egyptian cotton blended with honey and a mixture of manure and to an act of love.
2. In ancient Greece such tampons were made of elephant dung. In addition, the Greek women were "bookmark" of spiders - arthropods thrust inward live.
3.But most harmful spermicides used in ancient China - where the mercury was introduced into the vagina.
4. In ancient Rus' was the most common method of douching urine - own or partner. Of course, the effects of such experiments could be all sorts, including death. But the efficiency of use of spermicides to prevent pregnancy, does not exceed 50% even now.
5. To avoid conception, ancient and drank infusions of various herbs. Brew juniper, euphorbia, burdock, peas, ginger and even a mandrake (most of these plants has a weak contraceptive properties)
6.Naibolee thrust for 4 days after the act of chewing parsley. There were also more reliable recipes. For example, men drank an infusion of cotton extract. But then it turned out that it causes infertility, so it is no longer used.
7.Prezervativ - not a modern product. It was used more by the ancient Greeks. According to legend, the wife of the king of Crete, Minos created the first condom from the bladder goats to protect themselves from the royal semen, which allegedly consisted of snakes and scorpions. In ancient Africa, condoms are made from crocodile skin. In Europe - from the intestines of animals and cotton. In China - silk. Naturally, when condoms were reusable. They were washed and then soaked in a special spermicidal solution, dried and stacked in a box, and then fetched as needed.
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8.4 thousand. Years ago and began to use intrauterine contraception. That women themselves are not only laid - silver beads, rings, springs. Cleopatra, for example, used sponges soaked in wine vinegar, - receive double protection.
9.Suschestvovali and totally inexplicable method. For example, in medieval Europe it was believed that a woman can become pregnant only if you reach orgasm at the same time with a man. Also, some "experts" were convinced that the woman can become pregnant only during menstruation, and all the rest of the time it is protected.
10. In the USSR and contraceptives things were bad because government policy was aimed at having children: the more - the better. Therefore, women are used as a means of protection and slices of lemon, and soap and aspirin, douche potassium permanganate, vinegar. As a result of the country due to lack of affordable contraception has been an incredible number of abortions.
9 photos + text
1.During all times were popular spermicides - means that violate the chemical environment of the vagina, which contributed to the destruction of sperm. In ancient Egypt acted as a spermicide crocodile dung. To prevent pregnancy Egyptian cotton blended with honey and a mixture of manure and to an act of love.

2. In ancient Greece such tampons were made of elephant dung. In addition, the Greek women were "bookmark" of spiders - arthropods thrust inward live.

3.But most harmful spermicides used in ancient China - where the mercury was introduced into the vagina.

4. In ancient Rus' was the most common method of douching urine - own or partner. Of course, the effects of such experiments could be all sorts, including death. But the efficiency of use of spermicides to prevent pregnancy, does not exceed 50% even now.

5. To avoid conception, ancient and drank infusions of various herbs. Brew juniper, euphorbia, burdock, peas, ginger and even a mandrake (most of these plants has a weak contraceptive properties)

6.Naibolee thrust for 4 days after the act of chewing parsley. There were also more reliable recipes. For example, men drank an infusion of cotton extract. But then it turned out that it causes infertility, so it is no longer used.

7.Prezervativ - not a modern product. It was used more by the ancient Greeks. According to legend, the wife of the king of Crete, Minos created the first condom from the bladder goats to protect themselves from the royal semen, which allegedly consisted of snakes and scorpions. In ancient Africa, condoms are made from crocodile skin. In Europe - from the intestines of animals and cotton. In China - silk. Naturally, when condoms were reusable. They were washed and then soaked in a special spermicidal solution, dried and stacked in a box, and then fetched as needed.
Posted in [mergetime] 1316022343 [/ mergetime]
8.4 thousand. Years ago and began to use intrauterine contraception. That women themselves are not only laid - silver beads, rings, springs. Cleopatra, for example, used sponges soaked in wine vinegar, - receive double protection.

9.Suschestvovali and totally inexplicable method. For example, in medieval Europe it was believed that a woman can become pregnant only if you reach orgasm at the same time with a man. Also, some "experts" were convinced that the woman can become pregnant only during menstruation, and all the rest of the time it is protected.

10. In the USSR and contraceptives things were bad because government policy was aimed at having children: the more - the better. Therefore, women are used as a means of protection and slices of lemon, and soap and aspirin, douche potassium permanganate, vinegar. As a result of the country due to lack of affordable contraception has been an incredible number of abortions.

This exhibit has been seen in the courtyard of one of the driving schools.
In the past, this factory cars were on everyone's lips.