Albino pup (5 photos)
1. This pup sitting on the beach, all alone. Did have a reddish-brown skins and blue eyes is a crime? His family rejected the poor man just because he is an albino. These photos were taken on a Anatoly Insurance Seal Island - on the territory of Russia.
via fototelegraf.ru
"I was lucky to photograph such a rare animal", - says Anatoly.
2. This poor guy was hiding behind logs, afraid to seem, and waited for him to come to the mother to feed him.
3. pup different from his black brothers skin and eye color, so that his family rejected him, leaving itself.
4. Unfortunately, the baby almost completely blind, and such individuals do not last long in nature.
5. However, the good end of the story: seal pup sheltered Dolphinarium, in which he will have all the necessary care.
via fototelegraf.ru
"I was lucky to photograph such a rare animal", - says Anatoly.
2. This poor guy was hiding behind logs, afraid to seem, and waited for him to come to the mother to feed him.
3. pup different from his black brothers skin and eye color, so that his family rejected him, leaving itself.
4. Unfortunately, the baby almost completely blind, and such individuals do not last long in nature.
5. However, the good end of the story: seal pup sheltered Dolphinarium, in which he will have all the necessary care.