Stars are not found
A small selection of the most famous films,
where the stars played a role, hiding their true face of makeup or a mask.
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1.Les Grossman ("Tropic Thunder", 2008) - Tom Cruise (Tom Cruise)
2. Chewbacca ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Peter Mayhew (Peter Mayhew)
3. Darth Vader ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - David Prowse (David Prowse)
4. C-3PO («Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Anthony Daniels (Anthony Daniels)
5. General Teide ("Planet of the Apes," 2001) - Tim Roth (Tim Roth)
6. Samara Morgan ("The Ring", 2002) - Dave Chase (Daveigh Chase)
7. Frankenstein ("Frankenstein", 1931) - Boris Karloff (Boris Karloff)
8. V («V - for Vendetta", 2006) - Hugo Weaving (Hugo Weaving)
9. Michael Dorsey, aka Dorothy Michaels ("Tootsie", 1982) - Dustin Hoffman (Dustin Hoffman)
10. Daniel Hillard, aka Mrs. Doubtfire ("Mrs. Doubtfire," 1993) - Robin Williams (Robin Williams)
11. Edna Ternblad ("Hairspray", 2007) - John Travolta (John Travolta)
12. Crossroads and Mr. Wong ("Norbit", 2007) - Eddie Murphy (Eddie Murphy)
13. Predator ("predator", 1987) - Kevin Peter Hall (Kevin Peter Hall)
14. Harry ("Harry and the Hendersons" 1987) - Kevin Peter Hall (Kevin Peter Hall)
15. Rosemary ("Shallow Hal," 2001) - Gwyneth Paltrow (Gwyneth Paltrow)
16. Aileen Wuornos ("Monster", 2003) - Charlize Theron (Charlize Theron)
17. Witch ("Snow White - a terrible tale," 1997) - Sigourney Weaver (Sigourney Weaver)
18. Dzheriba Sheehan "Jerry" ("Enemy Mine", 1985) - Louis Gossett (Louis Gossett)
19. Diva Plavalaguna ("The Fifth Element", 1997) - Maiwenn Le Besco (Maiwenn Le Besco)
20. Godzilla ("Godzilla", 1954) - Haruo Nakajima (Haruo Nakajima)
21. Dr. Evil ("Austin Powers", 1997) - Mike Myers (Mike Myers), aka Austin Powers
22. Dracula ("Dracula", 1992) - Gary Oldman (Gary Oldman)
23. Caprice Stiklz ("Dirty Shame", 2004) - Selma Blair (Selma Blair)
24. Freddy Krueger ("A Nightmare on Elm Street", 1984) - Robert Englund (Robert Englund)
25. Creepers ("Jeepers Creepers", 2001) - Jonathan Breck (Jonathan Breck)
26. Michael Myers ("Halloween", 1978) - Nick Castle (Nick Castl)
27. Wicket W. Warrick («Star Wars" 1983), Leprechaun ("Leprechaun" 1993) - Warwick Davis (Warwick Davis)
28. Nikabrik («The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," 2008), Professor Flitwick and several goblins Potteriane - Warwick Davis (Warwick Davis)
29. Voldemort (Harry Potter movies, starting with 2005) - Ralph Fiennes (Ralph Fiennes)
30. Count Olaf ("Lemony Snicket - 33 unhappiness", 2004) - Jim Carrey (Jim Carrey)
31. Mystic ("X-Men", 2000-3006) - Rebecca Romijn (Rebecca Romijn)
32. Neytiri ("Avatar", 2009) - Zoe Saldana (Zoe Saldana)
33. Pennivayz ("It", 1990) - Tim Curry (Tim Curry)
34. Pinhed ("Hellraiser", 1987) - Doug Bradley (Doug Bradley)
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35. Rorschach (Keepers of 2009) - Jackie Earle Haley (Jackie Earle Haley)
36. Being ("Fantastic Four", 2005) - Michael Chiklis (Michael Chiklis)
37. Faun ("Pan's Labyrinth", 2006) - Doug Jones (Doug Jones)
38. Fantomas ("Fantomas", 1964) - Jean Marais (Jean Marais)
39. Baba Yaga ("Frost", 1964) - George Millyar
where the stars played a role, hiding their true face of makeup or a mask.
39 ph
1.Les Grossman ("Tropic Thunder", 2008) - Tom Cruise (Tom Cruise)

2. Chewbacca ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Peter Mayhew (Peter Mayhew)

3. Darth Vader ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - David Prowse (David Prowse)

4. C-3PO («Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Anthony Daniels (Anthony Daniels)

5. General Teide ("Planet of the Apes," 2001) - Tim Roth (Tim Roth)

6. Samara Morgan ("The Ring", 2002) - Dave Chase (Daveigh Chase)

7. Frankenstein ("Frankenstein", 1931) - Boris Karloff (Boris Karloff)

8. V («V - for Vendetta", 2006) - Hugo Weaving (Hugo Weaving)

9. Michael Dorsey, aka Dorothy Michaels ("Tootsie", 1982) - Dustin Hoffman (Dustin Hoffman)

10. Daniel Hillard, aka Mrs. Doubtfire ("Mrs. Doubtfire," 1993) - Robin Williams (Robin Williams)

11. Edna Ternblad ("Hairspray", 2007) - John Travolta (John Travolta)

12. Crossroads and Mr. Wong ("Norbit", 2007) - Eddie Murphy (Eddie Murphy)

13. Predator ("predator", 1987) - Kevin Peter Hall (Kevin Peter Hall)

14. Harry ("Harry and the Hendersons" 1987) - Kevin Peter Hall (Kevin Peter Hall)

15. Rosemary ("Shallow Hal," 2001) - Gwyneth Paltrow (Gwyneth Paltrow)

16. Aileen Wuornos ("Monster", 2003) - Charlize Theron (Charlize Theron)

17. Witch ("Snow White - a terrible tale," 1997) - Sigourney Weaver (Sigourney Weaver)

18. Dzheriba Sheehan "Jerry" ("Enemy Mine", 1985) - Louis Gossett (Louis Gossett)

19. Diva Plavalaguna ("The Fifth Element", 1997) - Maiwenn Le Besco (Maiwenn Le Besco)

20. Godzilla ("Godzilla", 1954) - Haruo Nakajima (Haruo Nakajima)

21. Dr. Evil ("Austin Powers", 1997) - Mike Myers (Mike Myers), aka Austin Powers

22. Dracula ("Dracula", 1992) - Gary Oldman (Gary Oldman)

23. Caprice Stiklz ("Dirty Shame", 2004) - Selma Blair (Selma Blair)

24. Freddy Krueger ("A Nightmare on Elm Street", 1984) - Robert Englund (Robert Englund)

25. Creepers ("Jeepers Creepers", 2001) - Jonathan Breck (Jonathan Breck)

26. Michael Myers ("Halloween", 1978) - Nick Castle (Nick Castl)

27. Wicket W. Warrick («Star Wars" 1983), Leprechaun ("Leprechaun" 1993) - Warwick Davis (Warwick Davis)

28. Nikabrik («The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," 2008), Professor Flitwick and several goblins Potteriane - Warwick Davis (Warwick Davis)

29. Voldemort (Harry Potter movies, starting with 2005) - Ralph Fiennes (Ralph Fiennes)

30. Count Olaf ("Lemony Snicket - 33 unhappiness", 2004) - Jim Carrey (Jim Carrey)

31. Mystic ("X-Men", 2000-3006) - Rebecca Romijn (Rebecca Romijn)

32. Neytiri ("Avatar", 2009) - Zoe Saldana (Zoe Saldana)

33. Pennivayz ("It", 1990) - Tim Curry (Tim Curry)

34. Pinhed ("Hellraiser", 1987) - Doug Bradley (Doug Bradley)
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35. Rorschach (Keepers of 2009) - Jackie Earle Haley (Jackie Earle Haley)

36. Being ("Fantastic Four", 2005) - Michael Chiklis (Michael Chiklis)

37. Faun ("Pan's Labyrinth", 2006) - Doug Jones (Doug Jones)

38. Fantomas ("Fantomas", 1964) - Jean Marais (Jean Marais)

39. Baba Yaga ("Frost", 1964) - George Millyar
