As I was stuck in a cave.
Anton Tushin / Ridus.ru, 11 pics + text
Syanovskie caves, they also Siagne, they also Syanovskie catacombs - largely artificial, though there are caverns and craters. Around the XVII to the XIX century there was mined limestone for construction in Moscow. The total length of honest report caves and mines - about 30 km. It is estimated that the real length Syanovskih caves - approx. 70 km.
In the early 70-ies of the last century, the cave became actively visited by tourists, and "underground movement" has become so powerful that the authorities in 1974, the entrance to the quarry filled with concrete. Siagne were again heroically opened in 1988 by a team of speleologists syanovskih old whose names are immortalized on the wall of one of the caves. Now Siagne - the most popular of the suburban quarries, at the weekend it is visited by hundreds of people. My friends call the cave system, and cavers and spelestologov "systems analyst».
2.Priehali at noon. We climbed up the hill and went to the store with a large vestibule, where they began to change. The most important thing is the clothes you do not mind - it will crawl on your stomach, back, Wipe the walls, which are not always dry and smooth. On his feet - comfortable sturdy shoes or old sneakers, which then does not throw a pity. I chose the second option.
Knee on the fan, but I'm having a two-meter height, knew in advance that his knees would have to spend a lot of time and has acquired a thick knee pads with plastic cups. The head is protected by a thick cap, helmets are not there do not recognize, they are the only ones who assorted debris and paving the new drifts. And, of course, headlamp with good batteries.
3. On the neck hung a string tied lighter in his pocket - candle candle. During the stop lights are turned off to save the batteries, and lights a candle. Dressed. Clean clothes removed in backpacks winter jackets also removed - a constant temperature in the caves of eight.
4.Bystrym step went further 300 meters to a small pit, the bottom of which was a bus stop near which was a large pile of garbage. There already dressed and waiting for their turn to descend into the systems of other "systems analysts" spelestologi and amateurs to climb. We started to pack backpacks into large plastic bags, "sugar." Most drifts low altitude - not more than one and a half meters, - and carry a backpack on his shoulders impossible. His or dragged along, or carried in the hand.
5.Dozhdavshis your turn, we have come to a halt, which dragged and established to protect the entrance from rain and snow, and started down the iron ladder into the pit of concrete rings. Once at the bottom, we climbed a few meters and saw a magazine with a pen. There need to enroll everyone who enters the cave. How many people, for how long and in what cave group will dwell. Recorded and drinking vodka, started to move in "our" grotto.
6.Vezde low ceilings, constantly need to go with your knees bent and your back, head tilted, in the hands of a heavy backpack with clothes, sleeping bags and food. Long way to go is difficult, therefore, to all the big forks installed benches, ashtrays made of stones collected. Immediately we find the "locals." All greet and say goodbye to the word "good" - underground no day or night, and not all of the counter wants to know the day or night. With us in the system was still about fifty people.
7.Dobravshis to our grotto, I was relieved to find that the high ceiling and then I can finally stand up straight. The only unpleasant moment - a toilet, to which it was necessary to travel about 100 meters. And one walk in these dark caves and absolute silence is not very nice. Feels like before we went home grotto, climbed and crawled are not very far away, no more half a kilometer. But it turned out that we are at the far end of the system. In the driest parts away from the river, and therefore - the most stable. There is almost never falls, so you can shout and sing songs. All the drifts and caves near the river - "wet" and are called "drift of death." Those of my friends who have been there, do not want to repeat their journey.
8.Ostaviv heavy things and have a snack, went for a walk. From beginners, and I was the girl Vika. We had to pass the "rite of passage" and we went to the pike. This is a natural hole in the rock about ten meters in length, a width not exceeding half a meter and a height of 20-30 centimeters. Climb on it can only forward, only with arms outstretched. Some have compared the passage pike since the birth of man. Special difficulties for us, "Pioneers", the passage has not caused. I played a joke on me, after covering the stones out of the pike - I must admit, the moment was not very pleasant.
9.Zatem we went into the "Great kolonnik." Here you could straighten up again in full growth, because it is a large room with a ceiling height of more than three meters. In general, a very large system of caves, and view all of the hours that we were there, it is impossible. We have shown only a small part, without the habit and skill to keep moving in a bent condition is very difficult. An hour later, the back has "fall off" and stiff neck. And I do not want to - nor climb nor know, nor take pictures. However, it is felt only in the long passages of drifts once comes an interesting place - all the difficulties are forgotten. And following such a place was "Aristarchus" - a large stone slab hanging on chains. She lay clothes. My escort told me that 10 years ago there lay the skeleton of a man, dressed in the clothes, stuffed with stones. But gradually his bone taken away as souvenirs.
10.After "Aristarchus" we have got to the grotto Gromov. And there was a pocket. This pocket I will remember for life. I was stuck there. This is a dead-end angular diameter hole about half a meter. First he goes horizontally about one meter, two meters and then sharply upright, and below ground diameter of 3 meters, but! a height of about thirty centimeters. Why to climb, I did not say, but I was fascinated by all these caves and was ready to go for new experiences without looking back. It turns out that you need to climb to get out there .... Vika is no problem happened, and I have not. Under the coaching of an experienced escort, crawled here all along and across, backwards, sideways and upside down, I started trying to get out. At centimeter and then millimeter.
As a result, it is in the L-shaped fracture of the manhole, I could not move further. Taz stuck his feet could not bend at the knees. Sand the walls fell asleep eyes. For half an hour forces left, and panic gets to the throat, has not let go smoothly. Soothing only the presence of close friends. And I amuse the story that one day a girl stuck here weighing 150kg. And getting out of her MChSniki that this hole increased. It turns out that this was still a pocket already. As a result, I got to help escort. By the time I had a cramped leg, arm and back. We had to descend down again with my savior, who, by the way, and drove me back. And I just came out with it, he pushed me to the bottom and has been a mainstay for my feet. Another 10 minutes and painful ... Cheers! Freedom. Friends. Necking. 100 grams. Nearly exhausted, I returned home to the grotto and could not move. After drinking and eating more, I went to sleep.
11.Prosnuvshis, I was surprised to learn that I have a muscle that I have no idea. And they're all sick. It was painful to even breathe. More than once in my life I'm so tired. The only desire since I had to get out of these caves and go home. What I did. In the end, I still want to go back there. Considering the card system is now, I realize how much more interesting there. The main thing I was baptized and, I hope, like I did not have to be. While looking at the name of the caves and drifts, I begin to doubt. But be sure to come back again.
Syanovskie caves, they also Siagne, they also Syanovskie catacombs - largely artificial, though there are caverns and craters. Around the XVII to the XIX century there was mined limestone for construction in Moscow. The total length of honest report caves and mines - about 30 km. It is estimated that the real length Syanovskih caves - approx. 70 km.
In the early 70-ies of the last century, the cave became actively visited by tourists, and "underground movement" has become so powerful that the authorities in 1974, the entrance to the quarry filled with concrete. Siagne were again heroically opened in 1988 by a team of speleologists syanovskih old whose names are immortalized on the wall of one of the caves. Now Siagne - the most popular of the suburban quarries, at the weekend it is visited by hundreds of people. My friends call the cave system, and cavers and spelestologov "systems analyst».

2.Priehali at noon. We climbed up the hill and went to the store with a large vestibule, where they began to change. The most important thing is the clothes you do not mind - it will crawl on your stomach, back, Wipe the walls, which are not always dry and smooth. On his feet - comfortable sturdy shoes or old sneakers, which then does not throw a pity. I chose the second option.
Knee on the fan, but I'm having a two-meter height, knew in advance that his knees would have to spend a lot of time and has acquired a thick knee pads with plastic cups. The head is protected by a thick cap, helmets are not there do not recognize, they are the only ones who assorted debris and paving the new drifts. And, of course, headlamp with good batteries.

3. On the neck hung a string tied lighter in his pocket - candle candle. During the stop lights are turned off to save the batteries, and lights a candle. Dressed. Clean clothes removed in backpacks winter jackets also removed - a constant temperature in the caves of eight.

4.Bystrym step went further 300 meters to a small pit, the bottom of which was a bus stop near which was a large pile of garbage. There already dressed and waiting for their turn to descend into the systems of other "systems analysts" spelestologi and amateurs to climb. We started to pack backpacks into large plastic bags, "sugar." Most drifts low altitude - not more than one and a half meters, - and carry a backpack on his shoulders impossible. His or dragged along, or carried in the hand.

5.Dozhdavshis your turn, we have come to a halt, which dragged and established to protect the entrance from rain and snow, and started down the iron ladder into the pit of concrete rings. Once at the bottom, we climbed a few meters and saw a magazine with a pen. There need to enroll everyone who enters the cave. How many people, for how long and in what cave group will dwell. Recorded and drinking vodka, started to move in "our" grotto.

6.Vezde low ceilings, constantly need to go with your knees bent and your back, head tilted, in the hands of a heavy backpack with clothes, sleeping bags and food. Long way to go is difficult, therefore, to all the big forks installed benches, ashtrays made of stones collected. Immediately we find the "locals." All greet and say goodbye to the word "good" - underground no day or night, and not all of the counter wants to know the day or night. With us in the system was still about fifty people.

7.Dobravshis to our grotto, I was relieved to find that the high ceiling and then I can finally stand up straight. The only unpleasant moment - a toilet, to which it was necessary to travel about 100 meters. And one walk in these dark caves and absolute silence is not very nice. Feels like before we went home grotto, climbed and crawled are not very far away, no more half a kilometer. But it turned out that we are at the far end of the system. In the driest parts away from the river, and therefore - the most stable. There is almost never falls, so you can shout and sing songs. All the drifts and caves near the river - "wet" and are called "drift of death." Those of my friends who have been there, do not want to repeat their journey.

8.Ostaviv heavy things and have a snack, went for a walk. From beginners, and I was the girl Vika. We had to pass the "rite of passage" and we went to the pike. This is a natural hole in the rock about ten meters in length, a width not exceeding half a meter and a height of 20-30 centimeters. Climb on it can only forward, only with arms outstretched. Some have compared the passage pike since the birth of man. Special difficulties for us, "Pioneers", the passage has not caused. I played a joke on me, after covering the stones out of the pike - I must admit, the moment was not very pleasant.

9.Zatem we went into the "Great kolonnik." Here you could straighten up again in full growth, because it is a large room with a ceiling height of more than three meters. In general, a very large system of caves, and view all of the hours that we were there, it is impossible. We have shown only a small part, without the habit and skill to keep moving in a bent condition is very difficult. An hour later, the back has "fall off" and stiff neck. And I do not want to - nor climb nor know, nor take pictures. However, it is felt only in the long passages of drifts once comes an interesting place - all the difficulties are forgotten. And following such a place was "Aristarchus" - a large stone slab hanging on chains. She lay clothes. My escort told me that 10 years ago there lay the skeleton of a man, dressed in the clothes, stuffed with stones. But gradually his bone taken away as souvenirs.

10.After "Aristarchus" we have got to the grotto Gromov. And there was a pocket. This pocket I will remember for life. I was stuck there. This is a dead-end angular diameter hole about half a meter. First he goes horizontally about one meter, two meters and then sharply upright, and below ground diameter of 3 meters, but! a height of about thirty centimeters. Why to climb, I did not say, but I was fascinated by all these caves and was ready to go for new experiences without looking back. It turns out that you need to climb to get out there .... Vika is no problem happened, and I have not. Under the coaching of an experienced escort, crawled here all along and across, backwards, sideways and upside down, I started trying to get out. At centimeter and then millimeter.
As a result, it is in the L-shaped fracture of the manhole, I could not move further. Taz stuck his feet could not bend at the knees. Sand the walls fell asleep eyes. For half an hour forces left, and panic gets to the throat, has not let go smoothly. Soothing only the presence of close friends. And I amuse the story that one day a girl stuck here weighing 150kg. And getting out of her MChSniki that this hole increased. It turns out that this was still a pocket already. As a result, I got to help escort. By the time I had a cramped leg, arm and back. We had to descend down again with my savior, who, by the way, and drove me back. And I just came out with it, he pushed me to the bottom and has been a mainstay for my feet. Another 10 minutes and painful ... Cheers! Freedom. Friends. Necking. 100 grams. Nearly exhausted, I returned home to the grotto and could not move. After drinking and eating more, I went to sleep.

11.Prosnuvshis, I was surprised to learn that I have a muscle that I have no idea. And they're all sick. It was painful to even breathe. More than once in my life I'm so tired. The only desire since I had to get out of these caves and go home. What I did. In the end, I still want to go back there. Considering the card system is now, I realize how much more interesting there. The main thing I was baptized and, I hope, like I did not have to be. While looking at the name of the caves and drifts, I begin to doubt. But be sure to come back again.
