Reincarnation of Peter Burns
Photo not for the faint of heart. Vivid illustrations of what people are willing to go in order to attract attention. Here is a little story of a large transformation of the musician Pete Burns.
So it was:
And so began the result:
Another TA arranged session on Mamayev Kurgan
Plastic surgery
Klitschko is the champion!
Korea is experiencing an unprecedented boom in plastic surgery
Aging stars (28 photos)
As stars age
Plastic surgery in Turkey. What you need to know
How to create a "robot - the police" (18 photos)
Most idiotic cars in the world
Science explains why some people fall for scoundrels
25 facts about Homer Simpson
Villains on TV
Tony Burns (Tony Burns) and his lonely planet
Facts about Family Guy
If your man is the Eternal adolescent...
Utko girl
The amazing result after 30 plastic surgeries
The operation by the appearance of the press blocks
Another victim of plastic surgery
Caterpillar Snake
Tuning reincarnation Peugeot 406
Reincarnation actors. Part 2.
25 facts about plastic surgery
Another TA arranged session on Mamayev Kurgan
Plastic surgery
Klitschko is the champion!
Korea is experiencing an unprecedented boom in plastic surgery
Aging stars (28 photos)
As stars age
Plastic surgery in Turkey. What you need to know
How to create a "robot - the police" (18 photos)
Most idiotic cars in the world
Science explains why some people fall for scoundrels
25 facts about Homer Simpson
Villains on TV
Tony Burns (Tony Burns) and his lonely planet
Facts about Family Guy
If your man is the Eternal adolescent...
Utko girl
The amazing result after 30 plastic surgeries
The operation by the appearance of the press blocks
Another victim of plastic surgery
Caterpillar Snake
Tuning reincarnation Peugeot 406
Reincarnation actors. Part 2.
25 facts about plastic surgery
The tragedy of the century
iPotty - children pot holder for tablets