Malachite - mineral, basic copper carbonate (digidroksokarbonat copper (II)), part of which is almost exactly expressed by the chemical formula CuCO3 · Cu (OH) 2.
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Stones love
Deep sea submarine "Losharik"
16 most beautiful views of Russian folk art
Seven traditional Russian brands
Russian folk art post
Rare Minerals
Not only decorations: 9 semi-precious stones that treat!
What jewelry is suitable for different zodiac signs
Careful: spoilage! This is how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye of detractors without grandmothers and rituals.
Work underground
Almost silently in the deep sea
What can be done from stone.
Red Banner Northern Fleet submarine force
Diving-missile boats.
Chelyabinsk helicopter
One day in the mine
Russian "Piranha" in the shadows "Mistral"
Unprecedented investments in the jewelry finish work a couple of Moors.
Chakras and block their emotions.
Planting and caring for Apium graveolens Dulce
What dress to celebrate the year of the Rabbit by the zodiac sign
How to choose a ring
Here is what to consider when choosing fancy jewelry and jewelry, replenishing the box in 2018.
For your for finishing baths: ideas for use
Stones love
Deep sea submarine "Losharik"
16 most beautiful views of Russian folk art
Seven traditional Russian brands
Russian folk art post
Rare Minerals
Not only decorations: 9 semi-precious stones that treat!
What jewelry is suitable for different zodiac signs
Careful: spoilage! This is how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye of detractors without grandmothers and rituals.
Work underground
Almost silently in the deep sea
What can be done from stone.
Red Banner Northern Fleet submarine force
Diving-missile boats.
Chelyabinsk helicopter
One day in the mine
Russian "Piranha" in the shadows "Mistral"
Unprecedented investments in the jewelry finish work a couple of Moors.
Chakras and block their emotions.
Planting and caring for Apium graveolens Dulce
What dress to celebrate the year of the Rabbit by the zodiac sign
How to choose a ring
Here is what to consider when choosing fancy jewelry and jewelry, replenishing the box in 2018.
For your for finishing baths: ideas for use
Martian lake is in the Crimea.
Stuck in the USSR