Photos of the Universe
If we have not yet evicted in the universe is something truly beautiful, it is the universe itself. What is surprising - after all the rules of the universe is bound to be a huge space devoid of any colors, its lights still, as in a vacuum - a vacuum and stardust vaguely gray tide. Especially skeptical observers at all can compare the color with the phenomenon of the universe fotochki coloring pictures obtained with an electron microscope, all sorts of supposedly colored viruses and bacteria.
However, the universe has its own palette of color and literally gushes. Especially pleasing to the eye pictures of the cosmos when the observer understands what is going on in a particular picture, the majority of which are born in the "eye of the beholder", which is called the Hubble telescope.
10 photos and a few letters to each
1. The August storm on the Sun
Thirty-first August 2012 the magnetic field with you our main luminary played a merry jest, to rise above the visible surface of the star a huge arc of hot plasma.
Arch subsequently exploded, throwing the dead space in space, millions of tons of superheated matter in all directions at a speed of 1,400 km / s - a thousand times faster than a rifle bullet. The diameter of the solar rainbow appeared 25 times larger than the Earth.
2. Venus kontrazhure
Orbit Venus is closer to the Sun than the orbit of our Mother Earth. Very rarely, but it happens that two planets line up in a "mini-parade" and then Venus can be seen as it is against the light. These things happened in 2004, 5 June 2012, and the next time - as much in 2117. We do not live to see - so admire in the picture, leaving the archives of NASA:
3. Martian vacation
One of the most important and positive with the events of 2012 and the work began landing on Mars propelled research laboratory named "Curiosity". Miracle of technology is equipped with a great lot of cameras, geological units and even high-powered laser drilling Martian pebbles and boulders. On the eve of All Saints' Day "Curiosity" is transmitted to the earth your own self-portrait. This "bow" was glued of 55 high-resolution pictures:
4. Another "creature" to the Red Planet
Mars charming. Sometimes it still seems cold, dead wasteland. However, the planet has an atmosphere thereof, which are born from time to time dust devils. That might look nice with a Mars orbit.
"Worm", printed on the photos, is about 800 meters long. And - yes - cast a shadow, therefore, not a ghost or a hallucination diseased nostalgia for Earth camera.
5. Typhoon Saturn
The planet Saturn is primarily known for its many moons bagel. However, at the gas giant is constantly going on something interesting. Saturn is very dense, and "oily" and atmosphere at the north pole of the planet works tirelessly hurricane diameter of 25 thousand kilometers. If appropriate, but not the wild, polar storm on Saturn is able to absorb and digest the Earth. Taken these things natural phenomenon from the interplanetary station "Cassini".
6. Cold lights Orion
The human eye sees only in a rather narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum, koi can be called light. When we observe the nebula M78, a huge cloud of gas and dust in the constellation of Orion, we see this object universe only in reflected light. However, if yes if our eyes were sensitive to infrared radiation, it would have admired the M78 as well as it does a telescope "APEX". And the nebula would have looked no dark spot in the sky, and something like three cosmic fires. Incidentally, so new stars are born.
7. Black Hole trapeznichat deigned
If it were not the topic of "Space", one would assume that the photo below captures the process of dividing a prokaryotic cell.
But it is not in micro- and macrocosm in the galaxy Hercules A. In the very heart of it is a monstrous black hole, absorbing insatiable heated to temperatures of millions stellar "mess." Weight mouth of the black hole is estimated at 2, 5 billion times the mass of our sun. Or 832455000000000 Earth masses.
8. Galaxy-Ophiuroidea
There are sea creatures - brittle. They are related to sea stars, but, unlike them, have long arms, which number ten. The spiral galaxy NGC 5033, located 50 million light years from Earth, its shape resembles the above echinoderm. Equally impressive distance to this beautiful galaxy - by the standards of the universe in two steps. Photo NGC 5033 is made with 13 hours of exposure.
9. Portrait of a dying star
The life of a star by the name R in the constellation Sculptor came troublesome time. Asterisk old and decrepit. An asterisk by the name "P", a red giant, dies on the "eyes" of terrestrial telescopes. Once it was similar to our sun, but everything comes to an end - the poor R Sculptor swollen, swollen and bleeds into space. However, rarely die of something grand is so beautiful:
That's all, a reference to the original source.
However, the universe has its own palette of color and literally gushes. Especially pleasing to the eye pictures of the cosmos when the observer understands what is going on in a particular picture, the majority of which are born in the "eye of the beholder", which is called the Hubble telescope.
10 photos and a few letters to each
1. The August storm on the Sun
Thirty-first August 2012 the magnetic field with you our main luminary played a merry jest, to rise above the visible surface of the star a huge arc of hot plasma.

Arch subsequently exploded, throwing the dead space in space, millions of tons of superheated matter in all directions at a speed of 1,400 km / s - a thousand times faster than a rifle bullet. The diameter of the solar rainbow appeared 25 times larger than the Earth.

2. Venus kontrazhure
Orbit Venus is closer to the Sun than the orbit of our Mother Earth. Very rarely, but it happens that two planets line up in a "mini-parade" and then Venus can be seen as it is against the light. These things happened in 2004, 5 June 2012, and the next time - as much in 2117. We do not live to see - so admire in the picture, leaving the archives of NASA:

3. Martian vacation
One of the most important and positive with the events of 2012 and the work began landing on Mars propelled research laboratory named "Curiosity". Miracle of technology is equipped with a great lot of cameras, geological units and even high-powered laser drilling Martian pebbles and boulders. On the eve of All Saints' Day "Curiosity" is transmitted to the earth your own self-portrait. This "bow" was glued of 55 high-resolution pictures:

4. Another "creature" to the Red Planet
Mars charming. Sometimes it still seems cold, dead wasteland. However, the planet has an atmosphere thereof, which are born from time to time dust devils. That might look nice with a Mars orbit.

"Worm", printed on the photos, is about 800 meters long. And - yes - cast a shadow, therefore, not a ghost or a hallucination diseased nostalgia for Earth camera.
5. Typhoon Saturn
The planet Saturn is primarily known for its many moons bagel. However, at the gas giant is constantly going on something interesting. Saturn is very dense, and "oily" and atmosphere at the north pole of the planet works tirelessly hurricane diameter of 25 thousand kilometers. If appropriate, but not the wild, polar storm on Saturn is able to absorb and digest the Earth. Taken these things natural phenomenon from the interplanetary station "Cassini".

6. Cold lights Orion
The human eye sees only in a rather narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum, koi can be called light. When we observe the nebula M78, a huge cloud of gas and dust in the constellation of Orion, we see this object universe only in reflected light. However, if yes if our eyes were sensitive to infrared radiation, it would have admired the M78 as well as it does a telescope "APEX". And the nebula would have looked no dark spot in the sky, and something like three cosmic fires. Incidentally, so new stars are born.

7. Black Hole trapeznichat deigned
If it were not the topic of "Space", one would assume that the photo below captures the process of dividing a prokaryotic cell.

But it is not in micro- and macrocosm in the galaxy Hercules A. In the very heart of it is a monstrous black hole, absorbing insatiable heated to temperatures of millions stellar "mess." Weight mouth of the black hole is estimated at 2, 5 billion times the mass of our sun. Or 832455000000000 Earth masses.
8. Galaxy-Ophiuroidea
There are sea creatures - brittle. They are related to sea stars, but, unlike them, have long arms, which number ten. The spiral galaxy NGC 5033, located 50 million light years from Earth, its shape resembles the above echinoderm. Equally impressive distance to this beautiful galaxy - by the standards of the universe in two steps. Photo NGC 5033 is made with 13 hours of exposure.

9. Portrait of a dying star
The life of a star by the name R in the constellation Sculptor came troublesome time. Asterisk old and decrepit. An asterisk by the name "P", a red giant, dies on the "eyes" of terrestrial telescopes. Once it was similar to our sun, but everything comes to an end - the poor R Sculptor swollen, swollen and bleeds into space. However, rarely die of something grand is so beautiful:
That's all, a reference to the original source.
