Fishing Cat
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There is a wonderful exotic shorthair - Asian fishing cat, she's fishing cat, she vivverina. This cat lives and feeds near the water. She is not afraid of water, great swimming and they say, can dive to get rybu.Felis viverrinus belongs to the class of mammals, detachment - predatory, family - cat; She lives in South East Asia in small areas of India, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Sumatra and Java. The cat got its name because of the amazing ability to hunt in water. The uniqueness of the fishing cat is that all members of the cat family not love and fear of water, and fish for cats Asian water - native element.
She likes moist swampland near rivers and streams. An adult male weighs 11 to 15 kg, females are much smaller - 6-7 kg. The body length of an adult cat is 95, 0-120, 0 cm, height at the withers - 38, 0-40, 0 cm. It has a sturdy build, has great power.
The muzzle is short and wide; small round ears, set low on the sides of the head; jaw round bottom is very strong, equipped with sharp teeth. The head of the animal round, planted in a short neck.
In cat fisherman short legs, a tail as short and thick. Color grayish-brown cat with black spotted, behind the ears, there are black spots.
On the upper part of the trunk of the body along the spots arranged on the lower - side to side. End hvosta- dark. The forehead is decorated with rows of longitudinal stripes or pyaten.Mezhdu fingers forelegs are webbed, which helps the cat to catch fish.
During the hunt, the cat sits on the banks of the river and patiently waiting for the fish swims by. His prey cat angler never miss: strikes clawed paw on the big fish skewer and held her claws like hooks. Sometimes the cat even dive for prey at the bottom of the river.
Fish for this cat - a favorite food, but the cat did not hesitate and other foods: eat as frogs, snakes, snails, birds, small mammals and carrion.
Multiply cat fish all year round. Pregnancy in females lasts for 2-2, 5 months, after which she gives birth, usually 2-3 kittens. After 9 months, the kittens become adults. Captive males help take care of the female offspring, but how they behave in the wild - is unknown.
These wild cats to avoid encounters with the man, but when they met with other opponents did not back down safely enter the fray and can stand up for themselves. Fish cats have a reputation for strife and action.
It deserves a genuine interest in the fact that the fishing cat, male, especially large specimen contained in the zoo, escaped from the cage, breaking it, went into the cage to the leopard, fought with him and killed him.
Fishing cat, like many cats, leads a solitary life. Each animal has its own individual territory.
Caught in the young cat and anglers are well tamed and become attached to people. Local people pursuing those cats who steal their poultry and devastate fish stocks. Meat and hides vivverin natives used in folk medicine for the preparation of drugs.
It recognized two varieties of the cat-fisherman. The species that lives in Sri Lanka, along the coast of South and South-East Asia up to Malacca and Sumatra - is larger animals. In Java and Bali inhabit smaller members of the species.
Swimming, fishing cat can use their short flattened tail like a steering wheel to help change the direction and balance on the surface of the water.
There is a wonderful exotic shorthair - Asian fishing cat, she's fishing cat, she vivverina. This cat lives and feeds near the water. She is not afraid of water, great swimming and they say, can dive to get rybu.Felis viverrinus belongs to the class of mammals, detachment - predatory, family - cat; She lives in South East Asia in small areas of India, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Sumatra and Java. The cat got its name because of the amazing ability to hunt in water. The uniqueness of the fishing cat is that all members of the cat family not love and fear of water, and fish for cats Asian water - native element.

She likes moist swampland near rivers and streams. An adult male weighs 11 to 15 kg, females are much smaller - 6-7 kg. The body length of an adult cat is 95, 0-120, 0 cm, height at the withers - 38, 0-40, 0 cm. It has a sturdy build, has great power.

The muzzle is short and wide; small round ears, set low on the sides of the head; jaw round bottom is very strong, equipped with sharp teeth. The head of the animal round, planted in a short neck.

In cat fisherman short legs, a tail as short and thick. Color grayish-brown cat with black spotted, behind the ears, there are black spots.

On the upper part of the trunk of the body along the spots arranged on the lower - side to side. End hvosta- dark. The forehead is decorated with rows of longitudinal stripes or pyaten.Mezhdu fingers forelegs are webbed, which helps the cat to catch fish.

During the hunt, the cat sits on the banks of the river and patiently waiting for the fish swims by. His prey cat angler never miss: strikes clawed paw on the big fish skewer and held her claws like hooks. Sometimes the cat even dive for prey at the bottom of the river.

Fish for this cat - a favorite food, but the cat did not hesitate and other foods: eat as frogs, snakes, snails, birds, small mammals and carrion.

Multiply cat fish all year round. Pregnancy in females lasts for 2-2, 5 months, after which she gives birth, usually 2-3 kittens. After 9 months, the kittens become adults. Captive males help take care of the female offspring, but how they behave in the wild - is unknown.

These wild cats to avoid encounters with the man, but when they met with other opponents did not back down safely enter the fray and can stand up for themselves. Fish cats have a reputation for strife and action.

It deserves a genuine interest in the fact that the fishing cat, male, especially large specimen contained in the zoo, escaped from the cage, breaking it, went into the cage to the leopard, fought with him and killed him.

Fishing cat, like many cats, leads a solitary life. Each animal has its own individual territory.

Caught in the young cat and anglers are well tamed and become attached to people. Local people pursuing those cats who steal their poultry and devastate fish stocks. Meat and hides vivverin natives used in folk medicine for the preparation of drugs.

It recognized two varieties of the cat-fisherman. The species that lives in Sri Lanka, along the coast of South and South-East Asia up to Malacca and Sumatra - is larger animals. In Java and Bali inhabit smaller members of the species.

Swimming, fishing cat can use their short flattened tail like a steering wheel to help change the direction and balance on the surface of the water.
