Serious vulnerability social network inContact!
The largest social network has found a serious vulnerability,
through which attackers could publish any messages on the wall of victims, with no access to their pages.
11 ph via stepashka.com
in greater detail - in a continuation of the post!
I do not know what an idiot this should be, but some users VK became specify this email as a registration on various govnoservisah! Services in principle do not care where to send letters with any advertising fucked * that, so after a while formulaic appeals to buy another pressure cooker began to surface on the walls of different people. Well, after a trick:
1. We are looking for e-mail domain, and mention any service sends emails to the user's wall:
2. Select a sacrifice
3. Do what you want! You can zasrat dull wall can potrallit zhert friends, you can steal your account via the password recovery, you name it! :)
A wave of break-ins pages not long in coming
VKontakte developers have already announced that no action against the Dolby * CWA on the Internet do not intend to take:
Poor course, because thousands of users and the rebate will be on the Internet.
On the other hand, and we what? Hole in the head is not prikroesh, so have fun on!
through which attackers could publish any messages on the wall of victims, with no access to their pages.
11 ph via stepashka.com
in greater detail - in a continuation of the post!


I do not know what an idiot this should be, but some users VK became specify this email as a registration on various govnoservisah! Services in principle do not care where to send letters with any advertising fucked * that, so after a while formulaic appeals to buy another pressure cooker began to surface on the walls of different people. Well, after a trick:
1. We are looking for e-mail domain, and mention any service sends emails to the user's wall:


2. Select a sacrifice
3. Do what you want! You can zasrat dull wall can potrallit zhert friends, you can steal your account via the password recovery, you name it! :)
A wave of break-ins pages not long in coming





VKontakte developers have already announced that no action against the Dolby * CWA on the Internet do not intend to take:

Poor course, because thousands of users and the rebate will be on the Internet.
On the other hand, and we what? Hole in the head is not prikroesh, so have fun on!

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