Burned kitten Justin found a family
In the north of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) to passers-by was found burning with a kitten. He was still alive, and the fire still rushed on his skin, poured something flammable. Passer immediately rushed to extinguish the fire, and then brought the kitten to the hospital.
Having learned about this terrible case of human cruelty to an animal, Humane Society The Animal Alliance of New Jersey took over the care of a kitten and was in charge of his treatment. They called him Justin.
7 photos via lifewithcats.tv
The kitten was badly burned, especially suffered back and ears. But veterinarians and volunteers to do everything to help him, and the kitten began to recover quickly. For the healing of the terrible burns on his back and head, they used laser procedures. When the wounds began to heal, Justin donned a special cone, so he did not combed.
Soon, Justin was ready to, to find a new home and he quickly found a home. They were not scared off by the idea of taking himself crippled Earless kitten. Soon nothing except the ears betrayed Justin victims. His fur is growing back and become thick and smooth.
Having learned about this terrible case of human cruelty to an animal, Humane Society The Animal Alliance of New Jersey took over the care of a kitten and was in charge of his treatment. They called him Justin.
7 photos via lifewithcats.tv

The kitten was badly burned, especially suffered back and ears. But veterinarians and volunteers to do everything to help him, and the kitten began to recover quickly. For the healing of the terrible burns on his back and head, they used laser procedures. When the wounds began to heal, Justin donned a special cone, so he did not combed.

Soon, Justin was ready to, to find a new home and he quickly found a home. They were not scared off by the idea of taking himself crippled Earless kitten. Soon nothing except the ears betrayed Justin victims. His fur is growing back and become thick and smooth.




