Top 10 technologies from science fiction
In the XXI century we can not discover new lands and fight for pirate wealth. Fangled gadgets today it is difficult to surprise someone, and to the conquest of space is still very far away. And what about the technologies that exist only in draft form? In this article, we have assembled the technology, which can be seen in science fiction ... but there is no doubt that they will become our present in the next couple of years.
10. The contact lens with a zoom
Little contact lens on your eye may have a 3x zoom. A consortium of scientists from the University of California San Diego and Switzerland developed the first contact lens with a variable focal length. It allows you to see distant objects as a normal zoom lens camera.
The lens operates in two modes: a normal light it passes through the central zone, and it hits the most sensitive area of the retina, and in the zoom mode, the light is refracted at the diffraction optics around the perimeter of the lens and is incident on a region of the edge of the retina. Because the area around the edges have a reduced sensitivity, even tripling not give a strong growth of detail.
However, for the elderly can be a lens saving, since the sensitivity of the peripheral area of the retina they retain high, whereas the central zone weakens with age.
9. 3D-printing
The boom of 3D-printing is expected in 2014. The fact is that expire patent on the technology of selective laser sintering, used for the production of metal and plastic products.
For example, the patent expired on the simplest 3D-printing technology by fusing laminating brought down rates corresponding printers 10 times, from several thousand to $ 200-300. There were hundreds of models of 3D-printers. And if the same thing will happen with laser printers print, it will be an important step towards the production of domestic goods. You will be able to print a broken household item or even a piece of the car. However, it is already clear - printed gun shoots really prostheses function and takes the form of gifts that have been impossible to get on the machine.
8. Electronic Tattoo
Remembering passwords becomes a real problem when the number of sites on which you are registered, more than a decade. Motorola offers a new method of authorization - electronic tattoo BioStamp. New technology to protect the password from prying eyes, as well as eliminate the need to type it on the keyboard.
In fact, a tattoo is more a label, which is a thin silicon substrate with imprinted into it electronically: temperature sensors, photodetectors and LED-matrix, as well as wireless.
The advantage of the tattoo - it can neither forget nor lose. Initially, the technology was conceived solely as a medical, to control the parameters of the patient.
7. Exoskeletons
Robocop enjoyed it. Iron Man takes advantage of this. It's time for war.
Military DARPA lab work to develop a new line of combat exoskeletons. Most close to reality samples will be lighter, cheaper, but not spectacular superpowers. Now the Marines will not be able to walk around a few hours with a 200-pound backpack, but full exoskeleton "resets" the weight of equipment and weapons. It also provides protection against injuries, reduce fatigue and increase the power of a fighter. And thus did not give himself under the uniform.
The principle of operation is relatively simple: mechanism for tracking the user motion and repeats them with the help of actuators, wherein multiple reinforcing. Use the exoskeleton is recommended for fighting in the city, special operations behind enemy lines ... and for loading and unloading.
6. 3D-printing of
So far, grown in the laboratory authorities are quite simple - it is a tube surface. Also, scientists have still not too good at creating capillary structures, without which the existence of a body is unthinkable. Today printing is located on the cell frame of the gel, which also performs the function of the nutrient medium and maintains the shape of the organ. After placing the gel eluted in the bioreactor. Scientists can also print the stem cells, which are under the influence of hormones - growth factors turn into any tissue.
How is this useful to us? Soon it will be printed organs suitable for testing new drugs. And it saved millions of laboratory mice and better drugs.
Thanks to 3D-print, you can create any form of support for the construction of realistic facial features such as the nose and ears.
5. Instant charging electronics
You probably know about the allotropic modifications of carbon - graphite from a pencil conventional and diamond; You may have heard something about fullerenes. All this creates entirely of carbon atoms, however, the structural arrangement of atoms in space is different. Special hopes scientists have placed on the graph - another allotropic modification of carbon thin film thickness of one atom and the structure of the honeycomb.
If you modify the conventional lithium-ion battery with the films of this material, they can be charged from 0 to 100 percent in a matter of minutes instead of hours.
Not long ago, the European Union has allocated EUR 1 billion to explore the possibilities of this material. According to one view, the graphene film can dislodge from silicon electronics, he once drove the iron.
4. Nanorobots
Canadian researchers are developing a new vaccine against type I diabetes, and decided to resort to nanobots. Type I diabetes - autoimmune disease, that is, the body unleashes war with itself and destroys healthy cells. In the case of diabetes, the immune system focuses its attack on the beta cells of the pancreas - the only cells in our body that are engaged in the production of insulin. As a result, patients with Type I diabetes have to inject themselves with insulin alone and regularly. Now, there are several methods of systemic treatment of diabetes, but they are accompanied by a greater risk, such as the probability of developing cancer.
Researchers in Canada have found a mechanism that allows self-regulatory cells of the immune system to deal with defective immune cells that attack the pancreas. However, the "correct" cells are not strong enough to suppress the defective and suffer defeat in the power struggle.
Researchers have developed a special vaccine nanoparticle coated antigens that are associated with molecules to promote immune-regulatory cells. As a result, instead of self-defeating attacks on strong immune cells self-regulating immune cells act smarter: They turn off the signal that causes the normal immune cells to attack the pancreas.
3. Martial lasers
At the beginning of next year, the United States is going to send to the Persian Gulf landing ship "Ponce", armed with a laser gun. It will confront Iranian unmanned aircraft and high-speed boat. The weapon is based on solid state laser power of 33 kilowatts.
The gun can operate in several modes of fire, "warm" targets for easier missile guidance, a dazzling optical modules unmanned, well, finally, just to destroy the equipment.
In the laser has an important advantage over the missiles, he easily induced in the fast lens, one shot is worth less than a dollar. And the absolute success of its application has already been proved in tests.
2. Pipelines
Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX space and car Tesla Motors, talked about his new creation, the transport pipe Evacuated Tube Transport. Currently, the test line is being built in Colorado.
The transport system is "a mixture of Concord, electromagnetic rail guns, and the table for the game of air hockey." That is, it will be the pipeline system with a magnetic suspension as in high-speed trains. Inside the pipe creates a vacuum environment close to a vacuum, so the capsule can be accelerated to very high speeds with virtually no resistance.
The speed of the capsule will be 6,500 kilometers per hour, which will cross the whole of Belarus in less than 6 minutes and a few hours to overcome the continent. Pipeline transportation is very cheap and Ultrasafe. The size of the capsule corresponds to a large car, it will fit 6 people. Read more about Elon Musk tell very soon, on 12 August.
1. Visualization thoughts
Neuroscientists from the University of California, Berkeley have learned to be removed from the dynamic image of the human brain - the visual images that appear when watching movies - and record it on video.
How they did it? The researchers used the scanner for functional magnetic resonance imaging. Such a device is a huge cylindrical magnet, which was placed in liquid helium to achieve the effect of superconductivity and get a very powerful magnetic field. This allows to distinguish the hemoglobin in the blood with oxygen from hemoglobin without it. When a person about something thinks some parts of the brain actively consume oxygen. Tomograph, may thus capture zone brain activity in real time.
Neuroscientists at Berkeley have created a complex algorithm that assigns the brain activity with the video, which showed the patient. Now he accurately guessing the color and individual images. The reconstructed video is more like a scene from a nightmare, but the similarity in color, shape and dynamics are striking.
This technology can be used for the prevention of diseases of the brain, the rehabilitation of paralyzed people, and of course, for the visualization of dreams and vivid memories. Of course, it is necessary to understand that the law enforcement agencies and marketers are also eagerly waiting for her to know what crimes you are plotting, well or to sell you a new dandruff shampoo.
Taken from onliner.by. That's all I wanted to say.

10. The contact lens with a zoom
Little contact lens on your eye may have a 3x zoom. A consortium of scientists from the University of California San Diego and Switzerland developed the first contact lens with a variable focal length. It allows you to see distant objects as a normal zoom lens camera.
The lens operates in two modes: a normal light it passes through the central zone, and it hits the most sensitive area of the retina, and in the zoom mode, the light is refracted at the diffraction optics around the perimeter of the lens and is incident on a region of the edge of the retina. Because the area around the edges have a reduced sensitivity, even tripling not give a strong growth of detail.
However, for the elderly can be a lens saving, since the sensitivity of the peripheral area of the retina they retain high, whereas the central zone weakens with age.


9. 3D-printing
The boom of 3D-printing is expected in 2014. The fact is that expire patent on the technology of selective laser sintering, used for the production of metal and plastic products.
For example, the patent expired on the simplest 3D-printing technology by fusing laminating brought down rates corresponding printers 10 times, from several thousand to $ 200-300. There were hundreds of models of 3D-printers. And if the same thing will happen with laser printers print, it will be an important step towards the production of domestic goods. You will be able to print a broken household item or even a piece of the car. However, it is already clear - printed gun shoots really prostheses function and takes the form of gifts that have been impossible to get on the machine.

8. Electronic Tattoo

Remembering passwords becomes a real problem when the number of sites on which you are registered, more than a decade. Motorola offers a new method of authorization - electronic tattoo BioStamp. New technology to protect the password from prying eyes, as well as eliminate the need to type it on the keyboard.
In fact, a tattoo is more a label, which is a thin silicon substrate with imprinted into it electronically: temperature sensors, photodetectors and LED-matrix, as well as wireless.
The advantage of the tattoo - it can neither forget nor lose. Initially, the technology was conceived solely as a medical, to control the parameters of the patient.

7. Exoskeletons
Robocop enjoyed it. Iron Man takes advantage of this. It's time for war.
Military DARPA lab work to develop a new line of combat exoskeletons. Most close to reality samples will be lighter, cheaper, but not spectacular superpowers. Now the Marines will not be able to walk around a few hours with a 200-pound backpack, but full exoskeleton "resets" the weight of equipment and weapons. It also provides protection against injuries, reduce fatigue and increase the power of a fighter. And thus did not give himself under the uniform.
The principle of operation is relatively simple: mechanism for tracking the user motion and repeats them with the help of actuators, wherein multiple reinforcing. Use the exoskeleton is recommended for fighting in the city, special operations behind enemy lines ... and for loading and unloading.

6. 3D-printing of

So far, grown in the laboratory authorities are quite simple - it is a tube surface. Also, scientists have still not too good at creating capillary structures, without which the existence of a body is unthinkable. Today printing is located on the cell frame of the gel, which also performs the function of the nutrient medium and maintains the shape of the organ. After placing the gel eluted in the bioreactor. Scientists can also print the stem cells, which are under the influence of hormones - growth factors turn into any tissue.
How is this useful to us? Soon it will be printed organs suitable for testing new drugs. And it saved millions of laboratory mice and better drugs.
Thanks to 3D-print, you can create any form of support for the construction of realistic facial features such as the nose and ears.

5. Instant charging electronics
You probably know about the allotropic modifications of carbon - graphite from a pencil conventional and diamond; You may have heard something about fullerenes. All this creates entirely of carbon atoms, however, the structural arrangement of atoms in space is different. Special hopes scientists have placed on the graph - another allotropic modification of carbon thin film thickness of one atom and the structure of the honeycomb.
If you modify the conventional lithium-ion battery with the films of this material, they can be charged from 0 to 100 percent in a matter of minutes instead of hours.
Not long ago, the European Union has allocated EUR 1 billion to explore the possibilities of this material. According to one view, the graphene film can dislodge from silicon electronics, he once drove the iron.

4. Nanorobots
Canadian researchers are developing a new vaccine against type I diabetes, and decided to resort to nanobots. Type I diabetes - autoimmune disease, that is, the body unleashes war with itself and destroys healthy cells. In the case of diabetes, the immune system focuses its attack on the beta cells of the pancreas - the only cells in our body that are engaged in the production of insulin. As a result, patients with Type I diabetes have to inject themselves with insulin alone and regularly. Now, there are several methods of systemic treatment of diabetes, but they are accompanied by a greater risk, such as the probability of developing cancer.
Researchers in Canada have found a mechanism that allows self-regulatory cells of the immune system to deal with defective immune cells that attack the pancreas. However, the "correct" cells are not strong enough to suppress the defective and suffer defeat in the power struggle.
Researchers have developed a special vaccine nanoparticle coated antigens that are associated with molecules to promote immune-regulatory cells. As a result, instead of self-defeating attacks on strong immune cells self-regulating immune cells act smarter: They turn off the signal that causes the normal immune cells to attack the pancreas.

3. Martial lasers
At the beginning of next year, the United States is going to send to the Persian Gulf landing ship "Ponce", armed with a laser gun. It will confront Iranian unmanned aircraft and high-speed boat. The weapon is based on solid state laser power of 33 kilowatts.
The gun can operate in several modes of fire, "warm" targets for easier missile guidance, a dazzling optical modules unmanned, well, finally, just to destroy the equipment.
In the laser has an important advantage over the missiles, he easily induced in the fast lens, one shot is worth less than a dollar. And the absolute success of its application has already been proved in tests.

2. Pipelines
Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX space and car Tesla Motors, talked about his new creation, the transport pipe Evacuated Tube Transport. Currently, the test line is being built in Colorado.
The transport system is "a mixture of Concord, electromagnetic rail guns, and the table for the game of air hockey." That is, it will be the pipeline system with a magnetic suspension as in high-speed trains. Inside the pipe creates a vacuum environment close to a vacuum, so the capsule can be accelerated to very high speeds with virtually no resistance.
The speed of the capsule will be 6,500 kilometers per hour, which will cross the whole of Belarus in less than 6 minutes and a few hours to overcome the continent. Pipeline transportation is very cheap and Ultrasafe. The size of the capsule corresponds to a large car, it will fit 6 people. Read more about Elon Musk tell very soon, on 12 August.

1. Visualization thoughts

Neuroscientists from the University of California, Berkeley have learned to be removed from the dynamic image of the human brain - the visual images that appear when watching movies - and record it on video.
How they did it? The researchers used the scanner for functional magnetic resonance imaging. Such a device is a huge cylindrical magnet, which was placed in liquid helium to achieve the effect of superconductivity and get a very powerful magnetic field. This allows to distinguish the hemoglobin in the blood with oxygen from hemoglobin without it. When a person about something thinks some parts of the brain actively consume oxygen. Tomograph, may thus capture zone brain activity in real time.
Neuroscientists at Berkeley have created a complex algorithm that assigns the brain activity with the video, which showed the patient. Now he accurately guessing the color and individual images. The reconstructed video is more like a scene from a nightmare, but the similarity in color, shape and dynamics are striking.
This technology can be used for the prevention of diseases of the brain, the rehabilitation of paralyzed people, and of course, for the visualization of dreams and vivid memories. Of course, it is necessary to understand that the law enforcement agencies and marketers are also eagerly waiting for her to know what crimes you are plotting, well or to sell you a new dandruff shampoo.
Taken from onliner.by. That's all I wanted to say.