Pat the lion
How big pet cat, which can kill you paw and then eat?
Go to the territory of pride?
Look into the eyes male?
Take a picture? Second ...
And in the eyes of many female lion and astonished spectators watching with high safety walkways ...
In fact, everything is real. Crank rolls over. Each step of the car in the direction of Lions - as a step into the abyss.
Every glance the king of beasts - a blow.
Shooting inside the park lions, among the animals, knowing that in case of danger of options you do not ... it was incredibly cool !!!
4 Photo © Sergey Anashkevich
Go to the territory of pride?
Look into the eyes male?
Take a picture? Second ...
And in the eyes of many female lion and astonished spectators watching with high safety walkways ...
In fact, everything is real. Crank rolls over. Each step of the car in the direction of Lions - as a step into the abyss.
Every glance the king of beasts - a blow.
Shooting inside the park lions, among the animals, knowing that in case of danger of options you do not ... it was incredibly cool !!!
4 Photo © Sergey Anashkevich



