Abandoned construction equipment on the mountain Ai-Petri
Unfortunately, we are more and more getting used to plastic, plastic bags, cigarette packs and other debris on the roadsides, urban canyons and even forests. Not in the sense to get used to perceive as normal, but in the sense of permanent presence, no matter where we were.
The greater the disappointment brings debris found in unexpected places - in the mountains, inaccessible areas, reserves, major cultural, historical or landscape features. But sometimes the garbage is completely unexpected, not to say exotic.
Probably many who strolled through the vast expanses of beautiful dresses on the Ai-Petri, pay attention to the cemetery abandoned construction machinery Taraktashskoy very close to trails and cordon foresters.
A dozen metal monsters, rotting in the open remained on the mountain-gasman, who started, but never managed to finish the construction of the pipeline Sevastopol-Yalta. And it did not, and clean up after themselves forgotten. And the authorities do not care for the peninsula is related to one of the most beautiful places in the Crimea, judging by the fact that this technique is rotting here is not the first year ...
20 photos via Sergei Anashkevich
2. Walking on a dirt road in the direction of Taraktash cordon foresters, suddenly you see a strange picture. Out of the mist suddenly appear one after the other metal monsters. At this point, the surrounding reality reminiscent of footage from the film about the Apocalypse. Fog, dead silence and rusty machinery piled along the road.
3. That here and there lying parts of it. It seems as if this is some battlefield, where the cars came face-to-face. Such an excavator Kursk in the Crimean mountains
4. The bodies of those killed in this battle, tractors and excavators are everywhere - on the side of the road, the trees, the bushes.
5. raise his hand in the death throes of the tractor-transformer ...
6. Of course, the above picture has nothing to do with the sci-fi movie, Robot Wars, and the Apocalypse.
Although the latter is debatable. Mini-Apocalypse is probably still there. In government offices. In other words, many things can not be called.
Where did all these rusty monsters?
But they are not alone. Here there is still half-buried kilometers of trenches penetrating the Ai-Petri plateau, wallowing in their pipes, coming slowly into disrepair, and millions of dollars have already burrowed from the state budget. Trenches and abandoned appliances are linked directly.
All of this marks stupidity and mismanagement of state and commercial structures.
In already distant 2004 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has allocated 40 million hryvnia budget for the construction of high pressure gas pipeline from Sevastopol to Yalta, part of which was to be held on the Ai-Petri plateau, down to Yalta on the territory of the Yalta mountain forest reserve.
7. But unfortunately, one year the financing was suspended, and a year later found the money again. But here's the problem - because of rainfall and temperature changes of the pipe insulation fallen into disrepair and had to be changed. Then we began to make futirovku (cover strips) previously boiled gas pipeline, and then refolding it into the trench and backfilling. So did 13 of the 26 kilometers in the mountainous part.
8. As a result of the branch of the plateau still built, but then crept up a new sadness.
Construction began without the consent of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In November 2005 the Ministry of Environment issued a negative conclusion regarding the environmental assessment of the gas pipeline, because the pipe can not pass through the territory of the nature reserve. And until a positive decision the construction again froze.
In 2006, reported the "decision of the issue and the resumption of construction", then the same thing in 2008, then in 2011 ... but things are there.
Trenches and are abandoned, waiting neotfutirovannye pipe from the sea weather, and the technique ... technique we are going to look further
9. falls asleep part of the pipeline. As if a scar on the mountain plateau. Scar cost of 45 million hryvnia
10. Scars left, cast pipe, machinery left. Here she is.
No windows, no doors, bucket and all that peelability and can be useful at the farm
11. Some caterpillars even dredges removed.
12. Piles of metal do not care about anyone - neither the Ministry of Environment or environmental services or Chernomorneftegaz who built the pipeline, nor Ukrgazstroy who owned and owns the technology, nor the power of the peninsula.
13. Warriors desk apocalypse ...
14. ... the other left to smoke, and in response to the silence ... Yesterday he did not return from the battlefield ... ©
15. Make it would be for any of the leaders here office.
16. The tractor drove all the way from Vinnitsa ...
Home he boolshe verneetsya ... not ... And do not come to visit ... ©
17. Since it has even sand fray.
18. Fist proletarian head off waiting bureaucrat
19. Perhaps the builders scared this inscription, and they just do not know how to get down from the mountains to the technique? And it is not cheap KATO!
20. Oversized garbage mountain area ...
The greater the disappointment brings debris found in unexpected places - in the mountains, inaccessible areas, reserves, major cultural, historical or landscape features. But sometimes the garbage is completely unexpected, not to say exotic.
Probably many who strolled through the vast expanses of beautiful dresses on the Ai-Petri, pay attention to the cemetery abandoned construction machinery Taraktashskoy very close to trails and cordon foresters.
A dozen metal monsters, rotting in the open remained on the mountain-gasman, who started, but never managed to finish the construction of the pipeline Sevastopol-Yalta. And it did not, and clean up after themselves forgotten. And the authorities do not care for the peninsula is related to one of the most beautiful places in the Crimea, judging by the fact that this technique is rotting here is not the first year ...
20 photos via Sergei Anashkevich

2. Walking on a dirt road in the direction of Taraktash cordon foresters, suddenly you see a strange picture. Out of the mist suddenly appear one after the other metal monsters. At this point, the surrounding reality reminiscent of footage from the film about the Apocalypse. Fog, dead silence and rusty machinery piled along the road.

3. That here and there lying parts of it. It seems as if this is some battlefield, where the cars came face-to-face. Such an excavator Kursk in the Crimean mountains

4. The bodies of those killed in this battle, tractors and excavators are everywhere - on the side of the road, the trees, the bushes.

5. raise his hand in the death throes of the tractor-transformer ...

6. Of course, the above picture has nothing to do with the sci-fi movie, Robot Wars, and the Apocalypse.
Although the latter is debatable. Mini-Apocalypse is probably still there. In government offices. In other words, many things can not be called.
Where did all these rusty monsters?
But they are not alone. Here there is still half-buried kilometers of trenches penetrating the Ai-Petri plateau, wallowing in their pipes, coming slowly into disrepair, and millions of dollars have already burrowed from the state budget. Trenches and abandoned appliances are linked directly.
All of this marks stupidity and mismanagement of state and commercial structures.
In already distant 2004 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has allocated 40 million hryvnia budget for the construction of high pressure gas pipeline from Sevastopol to Yalta, part of which was to be held on the Ai-Petri plateau, down to Yalta on the territory of the Yalta mountain forest reserve.

7. But unfortunately, one year the financing was suspended, and a year later found the money again. But here's the problem - because of rainfall and temperature changes of the pipe insulation fallen into disrepair and had to be changed. Then we began to make futirovku (cover strips) previously boiled gas pipeline, and then refolding it into the trench and backfilling. So did 13 of the 26 kilometers in the mountainous part.

8. As a result of the branch of the plateau still built, but then crept up a new sadness.
Construction began without the consent of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In November 2005 the Ministry of Environment issued a negative conclusion regarding the environmental assessment of the gas pipeline, because the pipe can not pass through the territory of the nature reserve. And until a positive decision the construction again froze.
In 2006, reported the "decision of the issue and the resumption of construction", then the same thing in 2008, then in 2011 ... but things are there.
Trenches and are abandoned, waiting neotfutirovannye pipe from the sea weather, and the technique ... technique we are going to look further

9. falls asleep part of the pipeline. As if a scar on the mountain plateau. Scar cost of 45 million hryvnia

10. Scars left, cast pipe, machinery left. Here she is.
No windows, no doors, bucket and all that peelability and can be useful at the farm

11. Some caterpillars even dredges removed.

12. Piles of metal do not care about anyone - neither the Ministry of Environment or environmental services or Chernomorneftegaz who built the pipeline, nor Ukrgazstroy who owned and owns the technology, nor the power of the peninsula.

13. Warriors desk apocalypse ...

14. ... the other left to smoke, and in response to the silence ... Yesterday he did not return from the battlefield ... ©

15. Make it would be for any of the leaders here office.

16. The tractor drove all the way from Vinnitsa ...
Home he boolshe verneetsya ... not ... And do not come to visit ... ©

17. Since it has even sand fray.

18. Fist proletarian head off waiting bureaucrat

19. Perhaps the builders scared this inscription, and they just do not know how to get down from the mountains to the technique? And it is not cheap KATO!

20. Oversized garbage mountain area ...
