Sheremetyevo is a plane with 20 billion euros
"Moskovsky Komsomolets" talked about 20 billion euros in cash, which in 2007 was taken to the airport "Sheremetyevo", and since then no one took. According to the publication, the money brought in from Frankfurt, Germany, is listed as the owner of a cargo Farzin Koroorian Motlag.
The recipient of the goods in the invoice is not specified. The document also says that the aircraft were delivered to Moscow is money. The invoice stated only that the airport "Sheremetyevo" delivered 200 pallets, but cargo type is not specified. Author Eva Merkacheva on Facebook said that there is issued later and not published "MK" bill, which states that "each pallet of hundred million».
Details inside ...
According to "Moskovsky Komsomolets", trying to get money to fund "a world of good people" to whom the documents (they will not be published) Farzin Koroorian Motlag donated all of 20 billion euros. Contract of donation was allegedly concluded in March 2013. Fund Manager Alexander Shipilov declined to comment on the situation.
According to the publication, Farzin Koroorian Motlag can be con man who tried to steal $ 14 billion from the Central Bank of the UAE.
The article is unconfirmed version according to which 20 billion euros, supposedly located in the "Sheremetyevo" could previously belonged to Saddam Hussein. The article also states that a "security officer" warned the author of the publication, that to understand the story of "dangerous" than she can imagine.
20 billion euros - is about two times more than Russia, according to preliminary plans, will spend on education in 2014. This amount is comparable to the GDP of these countries, Estonia, Cyprus, Afghanistan and Nepal.
Meanwhile, the specific consignee is not specified. At the disposal of "MK" was an agreement under which the above-mentioned amount was donated to Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "World of good people", who is in Moscow, and was registered in the metropolitan tax office back in 2004. as a foreign entity.
We also know that directs the Foundation 53-year-old Muscovite Alexander Shipilov, which is now trying to withdraw money, upholstering thresholds officials. According to the documents, it is the organization entrusted by the board to get to Sheremetyevo load and execute on its storage at the airport until the re-fund with the change of the status of "Ukrainian" on the "international". This 1 billion Euro A.Shipilov should withdraw and make available to the management of the organization to carry out statutory activities on demand.
It was also reported that members of the fund have already applied to several most influential lawyers to help pick up the money and promised them a fee of 2 billion euros. However, none of the lawyers did not undertake this business.
According to the "MK", the cargo was under the scrutiny of several intelligence agencies. According to rumors, a particularly strong interest in it shows the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
Interviewed by "MK" experts offer two versions of the origin of the mysterious cargo. The first is that some fraudsters is trying to launder money and for this and decided to act through a charitable foundation.
"Most likely, the money was intended for shady operations. They would have caused quite a stir in the informal sector, "- said Professor of Economics Nikita Krichevsky. He noted that 20 billion euros - about 6% of the Russian budget. According to him, with the help of this money can solve the housing problem of a whole generation.
According to another version, voiced by some intelligence personnel, the money could belong to former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. "I'm not saying it is, but only a guess. There is evidence that even in 2002. Before the war with the United States, Husain moved to Moscow about 12 billion dollars. Cash: they were sent illegally, including suitcases diplomats, all of which were invested in real estate ", - said the security official.
"So that the experience of clandestine investment in Russia had been. It is well known that all over the world walk by 60 billion to 100 billion dollars. Iraqi dictator, "- said the source publication.
The recipient of the goods in the invoice is not specified. The document also says that the aircraft were delivered to Moscow is money. The invoice stated only that the airport "Sheremetyevo" delivered 200 pallets, but cargo type is not specified. Author Eva Merkacheva on Facebook said that there is issued later and not published "MK" bill, which states that "each pallet of hundred million».
Details inside ...

According to "Moskovsky Komsomolets", trying to get money to fund "a world of good people" to whom the documents (they will not be published) Farzin Koroorian Motlag donated all of 20 billion euros. Contract of donation was allegedly concluded in March 2013. Fund Manager Alexander Shipilov declined to comment on the situation.
According to the publication, Farzin Koroorian Motlag can be con man who tried to steal $ 14 billion from the Central Bank of the UAE.
The article is unconfirmed version according to which 20 billion euros, supposedly located in the "Sheremetyevo" could previously belonged to Saddam Hussein. The article also states that a "security officer" warned the author of the publication, that to understand the story of "dangerous" than she can imagine.
20 billion euros - is about two times more than Russia, according to preliminary plans, will spend on education in 2014. This amount is comparable to the GDP of these countries, Estonia, Cyprus, Afghanistan and Nepal.
Meanwhile, the specific consignee is not specified. At the disposal of "MK" was an agreement under which the above-mentioned amount was donated to Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "World of good people", who is in Moscow, and was registered in the metropolitan tax office back in 2004. as a foreign entity.
We also know that directs the Foundation 53-year-old Muscovite Alexander Shipilov, which is now trying to withdraw money, upholstering thresholds officials. According to the documents, it is the organization entrusted by the board to get to Sheremetyevo load and execute on its storage at the airport until the re-fund with the change of the status of "Ukrainian" on the "international". This 1 billion Euro A.Shipilov should withdraw and make available to the management of the organization to carry out statutory activities on demand.
It was also reported that members of the fund have already applied to several most influential lawyers to help pick up the money and promised them a fee of 2 billion euros. However, none of the lawyers did not undertake this business.
According to the "MK", the cargo was under the scrutiny of several intelligence agencies. According to rumors, a particularly strong interest in it shows the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
Interviewed by "MK" experts offer two versions of the origin of the mysterious cargo. The first is that some fraudsters is trying to launder money and for this and decided to act through a charitable foundation.
"Most likely, the money was intended for shady operations. They would have caused quite a stir in the informal sector, "- said Professor of Economics Nikita Krichevsky. He noted that 20 billion euros - about 6% of the Russian budget. According to him, with the help of this money can solve the housing problem of a whole generation.
According to another version, voiced by some intelligence personnel, the money could belong to former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. "I'm not saying it is, but only a guess. There is evidence that even in 2002. Before the war with the United States, Husain moved to Moscow about 12 billion dollars. Cash: they were sent illegally, including suitcases diplomats, all of which were invested in real estate ", - said the security official.
"So that the experience of clandestine investment in Russia had been. It is well known that all over the world walk by 60 billion to 100 billion dollars. Iraqi dictator, "- said the source publication.