Underground Moscow.
Cellars complex of tenement houses Moscow Merchant Society
Will be 30 photos and comments of the author.
2. This overview about the complex of tenement houses at the address. Soljanka d. 1/2, and the legendary dungeon historical system located underneath. History of the quarter goes to the origin of the street name. Around the XVII century, at the corner of the present street. Solyanka and st. Zabelin was built a huge, on those standards, stone building with a commercial trade pavilions and a large courtyard. Place in a short time has gained popularity among residents and received in the "people" called "Salt fish yard." Shopping malls have repeatedly rebuilt and expanded, but in the absence of comprehensive repair dilapidated over time. Merchants Company repurchased fully hydrochloric yard, which by the beginning of the twentieth century was falling apart, as each location owned by a particular owner and the local council could not collect from each means of repair of the building (a typical situation for the shopping malls of the time, the same situation were The top number of a trade)
Dome roof Soljanki d. 1/2 building №2.
3. In 1913 the yard was completely razed to the foundations and at the site of the former Salt rows of high-rise apartment buildings built for the Moscow Merchant Society in the neoclassical style. Under the houses were built spacious cellars with high arches. Interesting fact - strengthening old foundations required huge funds, so the layout of the cellars in some places did not change. The main difference from the old cellars of the current - no sectional division. In the courtyard of salt each shop had its own fenced off cellar.
Initially, spacious premises used for household and food stores, but later settled here underground garages and workshops for the needs of the Ministry of Interior. However, due to increased moisture, the dungeon were thrown over time. Vacant cellars become the habitat of looters and robbers car. In the former underground garages understood stolen from the streets of the city cars and motorcycles. After coming back adjustment system it was abandoned and gradually gets cluttered with trash, exported here from the street and from the heat a little - the negligence of public services - communication here a long time have not been repaired.
Recently, the whole complex of apartment buildings do thorough. Operations were performed on all measurements of space and then based on these re-created the exact layout of the complex. The next step was to strengthen existing structures and relining outdated communications. Who are the major work on the surface - being restored facades.
4. In the early 2000s about the cellars suddenly remembered, and even showed a series of reports on television. From that time began a new sheet of history - caused a stir among the dungeon newly "researchers", with a light hand received a laconic name "Solyanka". It has repeatedly gathered groups of young people and even arranged illegal squats. Accumulated over decades of waste than once ignited drunken teenagers, thereby causing outrage residents of neighboring houses. Around the year 2008 peaked a disgrace - the last straw was arson smoke signal. Management bodies have been taken drastic measures. The system virtually mothballed embedded numerous descents to the lower floors of homes and a hole in the street.
For years, the cellars are difficult to access for illegal visit. Recently I was able to visit the updated "Solyanka". What I saw is very different from the state in 2008, when the system was a stench and dampness and dust in some places reached nearly to the vaults. Galleries dramatically cleaned up, reinforced vaults and shifted communication. Part of the space is now enabled for the storage professional. technology, and in all the major galleries running lights.
Crossing Podkolokolny lane. and st. Solyanka.
5.Lyuboy passerby can see the building from the outside, so let us go down into the underground galleries.
6.Tak looks the main entrance in the cellars.
7.Srazu the gate. Once upon a time long ago no gratings or thick sheets of iron were not here. The descent was all available with an internal courtyard.
8.Pervoe that comes our way - small tractors "Belarus" with trailers.
9.Traktor was in working order, but with an empty tank :) Nearby are locked gate leading to lit room - inside is different spices. machinery and equipment.
10.Podvaly have a height of 5 meters, two-tier and three-tier structure in some places. The underground part of the building, there are roads that can freely disperse colliding cars.
11.Za 5 years passages in the system become much cleaner.
12.Odnako in distant parts of podzmely still preserved erstwhile "atmosphere".
13.Pochti all the doors and gates were dismantled and now look much bigger cellars.
14.Pod arches extend brand new water pipe
15.Ostatki body stolen during Soviet time car.
16.Ukreplennye vaults.
17. In one of the corners of the grid fenced rooms.
18. In the basement of the pump operates periodically.
19.Tsarstvo web.
20. In the present state of vaults are available in about one and a half times less than that after the construction of the house. Many areas captured by shops and offices above, part of moves bricked up or closed.
22.Bely "room." The name of this part of the premises received due to the presence of decoration. Previously, these rooms housed the office archives.
23.Lestnitsa leading to another level.
27.Proniknutsya system and bypass all at once of course I could not, so I decided to repeat the walk with friends. Those, in turn, decided to make a sudden surprise. The quiet hum of the ventilation pipe and flowing suddenly replaced the loud mechanical noise!
28.Bylo whether something similar in the past 10 years? :)
30.Mozhno hours admiring the dimensions of the central galleries, numerous passages, abandoned empty rooms, and sometimes to find a way to other levels of the system.
That's all. Thanks to all. That's the Moscow too there.
Will be 30 photos and comments of the author.

2. This overview about the complex of tenement houses at the address. Soljanka d. 1/2, and the legendary dungeon historical system located underneath. History of the quarter goes to the origin of the street name. Around the XVII century, at the corner of the present street. Solyanka and st. Zabelin was built a huge, on those standards, stone building with a commercial trade pavilions and a large courtyard. Place in a short time has gained popularity among residents and received in the "people" called "Salt fish yard." Shopping malls have repeatedly rebuilt and expanded, but in the absence of comprehensive repair dilapidated over time. Merchants Company repurchased fully hydrochloric yard, which by the beginning of the twentieth century was falling apart, as each location owned by a particular owner and the local council could not collect from each means of repair of the building (a typical situation for the shopping malls of the time, the same situation were The top number of a trade)
Dome roof Soljanki d. 1/2 building №2.

3. In 1913 the yard was completely razed to the foundations and at the site of the former Salt rows of high-rise apartment buildings built for the Moscow Merchant Society in the neoclassical style. Under the houses were built spacious cellars with high arches. Interesting fact - strengthening old foundations required huge funds, so the layout of the cellars in some places did not change. The main difference from the old cellars of the current - no sectional division. In the courtyard of salt each shop had its own fenced off cellar.
Initially, spacious premises used for household and food stores, but later settled here underground garages and workshops for the needs of the Ministry of Interior. However, due to increased moisture, the dungeon were thrown over time. Vacant cellars become the habitat of looters and robbers car. In the former underground garages understood stolen from the streets of the city cars and motorcycles. After coming back adjustment system it was abandoned and gradually gets cluttered with trash, exported here from the street and from the heat a little - the negligence of public services - communication here a long time have not been repaired.
Recently, the whole complex of apartment buildings do thorough. Operations were performed on all measurements of space and then based on these re-created the exact layout of the complex. The next step was to strengthen existing structures and relining outdated communications. Who are the major work on the surface - being restored facades.

4. In the early 2000s about the cellars suddenly remembered, and even showed a series of reports on television. From that time began a new sheet of history - caused a stir among the dungeon newly "researchers", with a light hand received a laconic name "Solyanka". It has repeatedly gathered groups of young people and even arranged illegal squats. Accumulated over decades of waste than once ignited drunken teenagers, thereby causing outrage residents of neighboring houses. Around the year 2008 peaked a disgrace - the last straw was arson smoke signal. Management bodies have been taken drastic measures. The system virtually mothballed embedded numerous descents to the lower floors of homes and a hole in the street.
For years, the cellars are difficult to access for illegal visit. Recently I was able to visit the updated "Solyanka". What I saw is very different from the state in 2008, when the system was a stench and dampness and dust in some places reached nearly to the vaults. Galleries dramatically cleaned up, reinforced vaults and shifted communication. Part of the space is now enabled for the storage professional. technology, and in all the major galleries running lights.
Crossing Podkolokolny lane. and st. Solyanka.

5.Lyuboy passerby can see the building from the outside, so let us go down into the underground galleries.

6.Tak looks the main entrance in the cellars.

7.Srazu the gate. Once upon a time long ago no gratings or thick sheets of iron were not here. The descent was all available with an internal courtyard.

8.Pervoe that comes our way - small tractors "Belarus" with trailers.

9.Traktor was in working order, but with an empty tank :) Nearby are locked gate leading to lit room - inside is different spices. machinery and equipment.

10.Podvaly have a height of 5 meters, two-tier and three-tier structure in some places. The underground part of the building, there are roads that can freely disperse colliding cars.

11.Za 5 years passages in the system become much cleaner.

12.Odnako in distant parts of podzmely still preserved erstwhile "atmosphere".

13.Pochti all the doors and gates were dismantled and now look much bigger cellars.

14.Pod arches extend brand new water pipe

15.Ostatki body stolen during Soviet time car.

16.Ukreplennye vaults.

17. In one of the corners of the grid fenced rooms.

18. In the basement of the pump operates periodically.

19.Tsarstvo web.

20. In the present state of vaults are available in about one and a half times less than that after the construction of the house. Many areas captured by shops and offices above, part of moves bricked up or closed.


22.Bely "room." The name of this part of the premises received due to the presence of decoration. Previously, these rooms housed the office archives.

23.Lestnitsa leading to another level.




27.Proniknutsya system and bypass all at once of course I could not, so I decided to repeat the walk with friends. Those, in turn, decided to make a sudden surprise. The quiet hum of the ventilation pipe and flowing suddenly replaced the loud mechanical noise!

28.Bylo whether something similar in the past 10 years? :)


30.Mozhno hours admiring the dimensions of the central galleries, numerous passages, abandoned empty rooms, and sometimes to find a way to other levels of the system.
That's all. Thanks to all. That's the Moscow too there.
