Prince Bandar - on his knees
While Ukraine continues to match, in other geopolitical areas occur no less interesting, but completely ignored by Russian analysts events. On the one hand, the fact that the Saudis and official Washington (ie, the Obama team, not to be confused with the other elite groups of the United States) is now moving into a phase of confrontation is not just lazy writing. But! On the other hand, we now have an extremely interesting details that paint a picture of the new and new paint.
Context: Obamychu (more precisely those who proposed it) is vital not to lose the remnants of control of the Senate, because then steer well become impossible. In the longer term, the need to ensure the ineligibility of all radical republican candidates, otherwise the whole group will be very, very, very painful. Group Obamycha not forgive plums Syria sweep of heads of law enforcement agencies (the CIA director, adultery, retirement) and the IMF (the maid Shtros Cana) and of many other chips on the little things, such as scrapping over his knee Larry Summers (By the way, if you have the suspicion than his "broken", write in comments, I wonder pobreynstormit).
With the implementation of these tasks, the "Group Obamycha" full seams: **** economy, the reform of medicine has failed miserably and has become a disgrace, instead of triumph, too **** rating. What to do? We need radical solutions. And then "a group Obama" gets out of the wide leg last argument of kings ... no, not what you think ...
Two Congressman Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch suddenly brought to Congress a draft resolution, according to which the need to declassify and publish a full report of the commission that investigated the September 11 attacks. All who know the subject, but most of the population of the United States and the world does not know that in the middle of this weighty tome on 830 pages have 28 "secret" of pages in all public version of the report published blank or completely black. Congressmen who have read these 28 pages (only now, yeah!) Say something in shock from reading, but because of privacy can not tell all.
With the help of the useful "cistern" / "analyst" Paul Sperry of the Hoover Institution, the world learned that some contain "secret page" (the rumors on this subject was before but without details). Roughly speaking, 28 pages contain a detailed description of diplomats, consular officers and employees of the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia helped, guided and organized action, "the 11 September terrorist." The level of detail is good - the names, appearance, family. And such lovely details like organization "welcoming party" for future pilots of suicide when they first arrived in the United States, "spiritual" work "pocket Imam" of the Saudi Embassy in Washington, DC with terrorists, sending 130 000 $ from the accounts of Arabian diplomats to cover the costs of terrorists while residing in the United States and so on. Full vyrviglaznoy and horror that in any orthodox American cause two questions:
1. Why did the Bush administration to classify this part of the report?
2. Why all Saudi diplomats and agents who participated in this operation given safely get out of the US?
The answer may be many and the "group of Bush" will have to work hard to find satisfactory answers. The fact that "Obamovtsy" can use the "nuclear option" and roll through their media the most obvious and simple answer: the Bush administration covered Saud because of that she ordered on 11 September. This scandal can actually destroy the Republican Party, and therefore such a threat can make it very accommodating to some important issues. Or maybe not. Blackmail may not work.
In the current configuration, one thing is clear: no matter how far will the scandal to discredit the Republican plan, Saudi Arabia would be his victim. To the extent that it will "humanitarian bombing" of a terrorist attack on the United States (Sperry and formulated the "Saudis conducted against US military action") and although such an extreme option - unlikely at the top leadership in Riyadh there is a serious reason to think about the future . Special piquancy of the situation makes the fact that, as the main coordinator of the September 11 events in the report appears Prince Bandar, the current head of Saudi intelligence and diplomacy, who was then ambassador to the United States. Uncomfortable it turns out, yes. Here and without humanitarian bombing can literally lose your head as part of a palace coup.
Before "home Saud" and before Bandar personally stands up to his full height question: What should I do? or, more specifically, how to save his own skin?
Roughly speaking, any rescue plan must satisfy two conditions:
1. Protect from regional conflicts or at least greatly complicate regional rivals Saudi connection to the fight against foreign players.
2. Create clear to bustling establishment sauditskogo clear narrative that will calm the passions and allow at least bring some order in the upper echelons of power.
What can Saud offer in return:
1. Oil.
1.1 can offer "blow petrodollar system" in favor of the new roof. Now, the need to buy oil in dollars - one of the main elements hold demand for dollars at a high level. If the Saudis choose some other currency - this is a heavy blow to the dollar and the greatest gift in the currency of the country which will be sold to Saudi oil.
2. Money. Much money. We Saudis are very serious foreign exchange reserves.
After sorting options is clear that Saudi exactly two choices: China and Russia. Everyone has their own pros and cons, and not the fact that at least someone agrees to deal with Saud. Obviously, they will have to try both. Chances are Saud would be more likely in Moscow than in Beijing: China has not yet learned how to defend their allies outside the South-East Asia, and move to a direct confrontation with the United States Chinese still prefer to clear and close areas - see. Scandal with a controversial air defense zone in the East China Sea
It is possible that in the near future there will be quite a funny scene. Prince Bandar, the one who came to Putin threatened attacks if Russia does not hand over Syria will be in an uncomfortable position before the Putin and beg the Saudi take under his wing. It is touching, of course. From an emotional point of view, the promise of Bandar three letters will be clear and correct, but on the other hand, such a vulnerable position Saudis reveals some extraordinary opportunities for geopolitical trolling. A couple of options:
1. "Cover-for-valve" - if the Kremlin will be able to control the amount of oil that Saud dumped on the international market, in fact, the world price of oil will be in the hands of Putin. Saud do not care, plus or minus a million barrels a day, they have huge reserves, but world oil prices - no, that is, even not very significant decrease in supply can easily keep the price at a high level.
2. "Cover-for loot" - the Saudi American bond portfolio can at any moment turn into dust ("the country helped the terrorists, which debts ???!"), So may be worth to spend the money on something to gain allies with a nuclear umbrella ? Russia is just a very useful money for (re) development of Siberia ...
3. "Always bahnem! the whole world into dust! "(c) DMB - this option would be more useful to China with his plans for the internationalization of the RMB, but for the Russian Federation may also be interested in as a" strategic financial weapons ". Saudis have to offer to buy their security by paying the destruction of petrodollar system, switch it to some other currency ...
We expect a very fun 2014. Especially funny is if Saud will negotiate with Moscow and Beijing.
PS: I understand that readers would be interested about Ukraine, but so far I have interesting news - no. There is only one interesting faktoyd: agency Fitch, as neutral as possible, without excluding any options, but favored in terms of the fact that "the continuation of protests is putting pressure on the rating of Ukraine." Note, not 'further stay Yanukovych as "or" continued failure to sign the agreement with the EU, "and" continuation of the protests. " Draw your own conclusions.

Context: Obamychu (more precisely those who proposed it) is vital not to lose the remnants of control of the Senate, because then steer well become impossible. In the longer term, the need to ensure the ineligibility of all radical republican candidates, otherwise the whole group will be very, very, very painful. Group Obamycha not forgive plums Syria sweep of heads of law enforcement agencies (the CIA director, adultery, retirement) and the IMF (the maid Shtros Cana) and of many other chips on the little things, such as scrapping over his knee Larry Summers (By the way, if you have the suspicion than his "broken", write in comments, I wonder pobreynstormit).
With the implementation of these tasks, the "Group Obamycha" full seams: **** economy, the reform of medicine has failed miserably and has become a disgrace, instead of triumph, too **** rating. What to do? We need radical solutions. And then "a group Obama" gets out of the wide leg last argument of kings ... no, not what you think ...
Two Congressman Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch suddenly brought to Congress a draft resolution, according to which the need to declassify and publish a full report of the commission that investigated the September 11 attacks. All who know the subject, but most of the population of the United States and the world does not know that in the middle of this weighty tome on 830 pages have 28 "secret" of pages in all public version of the report published blank or completely black. Congressmen who have read these 28 pages (only now, yeah!) Say something in shock from reading, but because of privacy can not tell all.
With the help of the useful "cistern" / "analyst" Paul Sperry of the Hoover Institution, the world learned that some contain "secret page" (the rumors on this subject was before but without details). Roughly speaking, 28 pages contain a detailed description of diplomats, consular officers and employees of the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia helped, guided and organized action, "the 11 September terrorist." The level of detail is good - the names, appearance, family. And such lovely details like organization "welcoming party" for future pilots of suicide when they first arrived in the United States, "spiritual" work "pocket Imam" of the Saudi Embassy in Washington, DC with terrorists, sending 130 000 $ from the accounts of Arabian diplomats to cover the costs of terrorists while residing in the United States and so on. Full vyrviglaznoy and horror that in any orthodox American cause two questions:
1. Why did the Bush administration to classify this part of the report?
2. Why all Saudi diplomats and agents who participated in this operation given safely get out of the US?
The answer may be many and the "group of Bush" will have to work hard to find satisfactory answers. The fact that "Obamovtsy" can use the "nuclear option" and roll through their media the most obvious and simple answer: the Bush administration covered Saud because of that she ordered on 11 September. This scandal can actually destroy the Republican Party, and therefore such a threat can make it very accommodating to some important issues. Or maybe not. Blackmail may not work.
In the current configuration, one thing is clear: no matter how far will the scandal to discredit the Republican plan, Saudi Arabia would be his victim. To the extent that it will "humanitarian bombing" of a terrorist attack on the United States (Sperry and formulated the "Saudis conducted against US military action") and although such an extreme option - unlikely at the top leadership in Riyadh there is a serious reason to think about the future . Special piquancy of the situation makes the fact that, as the main coordinator of the September 11 events in the report appears Prince Bandar, the current head of Saudi intelligence and diplomacy, who was then ambassador to the United States. Uncomfortable it turns out, yes. Here and without humanitarian bombing can literally lose your head as part of a palace coup.
Before "home Saud" and before Bandar personally stands up to his full height question: What should I do? or, more specifically, how to save his own skin?
Roughly speaking, any rescue plan must satisfy two conditions:
1. Protect from regional conflicts or at least greatly complicate regional rivals Saudi connection to the fight against foreign players.
2. Create clear to bustling establishment sauditskogo clear narrative that will calm the passions and allow at least bring some order in the upper echelons of power.
What can Saud offer in return:
1. Oil.
1.1 can offer "blow petrodollar system" in favor of the new roof. Now, the need to buy oil in dollars - one of the main elements hold demand for dollars at a high level. If the Saudis choose some other currency - this is a heavy blow to the dollar and the greatest gift in the currency of the country which will be sold to Saudi oil.
2. Money. Much money. We Saudis are very serious foreign exchange reserves.
After sorting options is clear that Saudi exactly two choices: China and Russia. Everyone has their own pros and cons, and not the fact that at least someone agrees to deal with Saud. Obviously, they will have to try both. Chances are Saud would be more likely in Moscow than in Beijing: China has not yet learned how to defend their allies outside the South-East Asia, and move to a direct confrontation with the United States Chinese still prefer to clear and close areas - see. Scandal with a controversial air defense zone in the East China Sea
It is possible that in the near future there will be quite a funny scene. Prince Bandar, the one who came to Putin threatened attacks if Russia does not hand over Syria will be in an uncomfortable position before the Putin and beg the Saudi take under his wing. It is touching, of course. From an emotional point of view, the promise of Bandar three letters will be clear and correct, but on the other hand, such a vulnerable position Saudis reveals some extraordinary opportunities for geopolitical trolling. A couple of options:
1. "Cover-for-valve" - if the Kremlin will be able to control the amount of oil that Saud dumped on the international market, in fact, the world price of oil will be in the hands of Putin. Saud do not care, plus or minus a million barrels a day, they have huge reserves, but world oil prices - no, that is, even not very significant decrease in supply can easily keep the price at a high level.
2. "Cover-for loot" - the Saudi American bond portfolio can at any moment turn into dust ("the country helped the terrorists, which debts ???!"), So may be worth to spend the money on something to gain allies with a nuclear umbrella ? Russia is just a very useful money for (re) development of Siberia ...
3. "Always bahnem! the whole world into dust! "(c) DMB - this option would be more useful to China with his plans for the internationalization of the RMB, but for the Russian Federation may also be interested in as a" strategic financial weapons ". Saudis have to offer to buy their security by paying the destruction of petrodollar system, switch it to some other currency ...
We expect a very fun 2014. Especially funny is if Saud will negotiate with Moscow and Beijing.
PS: I understand that readers would be interested about Ukraine, but so far I have interesting news - no. There is only one interesting faktoyd: agency Fitch, as neutral as possible, without excluding any options, but favored in terms of the fact that "the continuation of protests is putting pressure on the rating of Ukraine." Note, not 'further stay Yanukovych as "or" continued failure to sign the agreement with the EU, "and" continuation of the protests. " Draw your own conclusions.