Diving mask, turns a man into an amphibian
Korean designer Dzhebyun Jon has developed something really exciting. In fact - he was able to turn a man into a fish.
With the help of its development - the oxygen respirator Triton, you can breathe underwater. This invention is in the field of diving equipment does not require bulky cylinders, and therefore very ergonomic.
The controller includes a plastic mouthpiece that you need to just bite. Two wing sides act as effective mask gills marine animal. Their scaly texture hides small hole through which water is sucked inside the respirator. Cameras inside the wings separated oxygen and release liquid back - thus allowing you to comfortably breathe underwater.
Here are some of the specific details of the work Triton.
- It retrieves the oxygen through the water filter in the form of tiny holes that is less than a water molecule.
- Due to the very small size, but very powerful compressor, it compresses oxygen and stores it in the tank.
- Microcompressors powered respirator of microbatteries, which is a development of the next generation, has a size of less than 30 currently existing batteries - and thus charging is 1000 times faster blocked.

With the help of its development - the oxygen respirator Triton, you can breathe underwater. This invention is in the field of diving equipment does not require bulky cylinders, and therefore very ergonomic.
The controller includes a plastic mouthpiece that you need to just bite. Two wing sides act as effective mask gills marine animal. Their scaly texture hides small hole through which water is sucked inside the respirator. Cameras inside the wings separated oxygen and release liquid back - thus allowing you to comfortably breathe underwater.

Here are some of the specific details of the work Triton.
- It retrieves the oxygen through the water filter in the form of tiny holes that is less than a water molecule.
- Due to the very small size, but very powerful compressor, it compresses oxygen and stores it in the tank.
- Microcompressors powered respirator of microbatteries, which is a development of the next generation, has a size of less than 30 currently existing batteries - and thus charging is 1000 times faster blocked.



