That's the way to Central Asia.
That's the way to Central Asia. Namely, in Karaganda, coexist and mutually celebrate religious holidays representatives of different religious denominations. Stay people and be on the positive!
Photo stole from a friend with soap!
17 the best ornamental shrubs for alkaline soils
Bukhara Roma-Luli
25 tropical fruits that you need to try
Ferrets in the house is not boring
Megafauna. The world we have lost forever (30 photos + text)
Megafauna. The world we have lost forever
What to do if you were attacked by Viper
Where to go and what to see in Uzbekistan: 10 ideas
Lilac: types, varieties, characteristics of growing
15 amazing animals that you probably have not seen. Wealth fauna are no borders!
Unusual cucumbers and their exotic relatives
20 exotic fruits, which we did not know anything
The Asia Super Grid – the Union of the four countries for the optimal use of renewable energy sources
Here is a list of the most precious of all the world's low-cost airlines
Danger snake
Facts About Earth
School years unnoticed. Part one
How to grow goji berries in your area
Consciousness - the wind, we can not see it, but we can distinguish between results
Photo excursion
The most popular profession in the US
Want villa in the Canary Islands!
Lake full of color
17 the best ornamental shrubs for alkaline soils
Bukhara Roma-Luli
25 tropical fruits that you need to try
Ferrets in the house is not boring
Megafauna. The world we have lost forever (30 photos + text)
Megafauna. The world we have lost forever
What to do if you were attacked by Viper
Where to go and what to see in Uzbekistan: 10 ideas
Lilac: types, varieties, characteristics of growing
15 amazing animals that you probably have not seen. Wealth fauna are no borders!
Unusual cucumbers and their exotic relatives
20 exotic fruits, which we did not know anything
The Asia Super Grid – the Union of the four countries for the optimal use of renewable energy sources
Here is a list of the most precious of all the world's low-cost airlines
Danger snake
Facts About Earth
School years unnoticed. Part one
How to grow goji berries in your area
Consciousness - the wind, we can not see it, but we can distinguish between results
Photo excursion
The most popular profession in the US
Want villa in the Canary Islands!
Lake full of color
On all-wheel drive for the Soviet motherland
IOC member zayavivil of theft in Sochi