Diary of a volunteer. Minsk student in Sochi
On Friday in Sochi will be held the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics. Denis, a student of the Minsk university, went there as a volunteer. In the first part of his diary, he tells about the Russian hospitality, accommodation and other organizational details of a large-scale sporting event.
26 photo. Source.
My path to the Olympics began in December of the year before. The idea to combine my old hobbies - sports and travel - nurtured for a long time. I do not remember how came to the site of the volunteer movement of the Sochi Olympics, but without any hesitation filled the form and send your request. I had to pass several tests designed to convince the organizers that my IQ and knowledge of English is high enough so as not to lose face in front of the guests of the Games. The tests I went through in January, followed by six months safely forgot about the whole adventure. In fact, even it had to be held Skype-interview, and later I had to go for test events, which would be something of a dress rehearsal before the Games themselves. But neither the one nor the other did not happen. Yes, and my desire to go to the most important sporting event every four years slowly began to fade.
But as fate evening of February 1, I still stepped on the platform of the railway station of Sochi.
Going to the Olympics, I knew what to expect perfect and trouble-free organization of its not worth it. After all, it happens in Russia, which is always fraught with adventures. It began almost immediately after my late arrival to the resort town. On the eve of my departure, I learned that I would live in the village of fun, where they built a special volunteer village. The e-mail is also making information about how to get there from the station. To reach, by the way, I had more than an hour: the roads are rife with sharp turns, ups and downs, which significantly slows
Incidentally, the lion's share of work here on the city bus routes - Belarusian MAZ. When you go in for such streets of Sochi, there is absolutely no feeling that you are a thousand kilometers away from his native Belarus. Only an electronic voice saying, "Next stop" and not "the following prypynak" returns to reality.
By the way, a small digression about the stops and their names. Every second is here in its name the word "resort", "hotel" or "hotel". But there are exotic, as a "traffic light" or "gas station." And in English, they are duplicated in the same way. It's hard not to laugh when you hear the voice of serious electronic announcer pronounces «Next station - Svyetofor». But the most unexpected translation stop had "50 years of the USSR." In English speaker utters it as ... «Fifty let USSR». This, you know, the Anglo-Russian "trasianka."
But back to the village of fun, which I hoped I would be my home for the next three weeks. At the entrance to the village is a funny monument to Lenin on a background of the inscription Sochi 2014.
Then move on sidewalks is clearly unfinished, which now and then interrupted by holes with gravel to the checkpoint. At this point the security guard is on duty around the clock, on the shoulder which flaunts chevron with the word "angel." Hands him a passport in order to "Angel" found my name on the list arrived at the settlement. "Something I can not find you," - he utters after brief search. The morning Moscow time. Sleep I still nowhere.
But the local security guards at the checkpoint is not as harsh as their counterparts from the Minsk hypermarkets. So I was allowed to go to the location in the territory of the village volunteer headquarters. There I met a girl with a cheerful smile that the soul becomes calmer. This is not exactly throw a foreigner in the morning in the cool streets of an unfamiliar city. "Do not worry, we now look for you in the lists, - she says. - Let's passport. " Opening in my passport page (for some reason that where Schengen visa), drives to database search lyrics "Schengen Valstybes ... You know, you and in the list of volunteers there." Barely suppressing wild laughter, girl explains that Schengen Valstybes - it's not my name, but the name of a Schengen visa in the Lithuanian language. In general, Russians unusual to see the name of the passport holder on the last, not the first page, so always have to help them in the search.
Finally, I show up in the list under his real name, and it turns out that I'm going to live in the village is not fun, and in the nearby village volunteer "Omega". In due time it no one warned me, but I did not resent. "Relax, it's Russia," - I thought. A guy named Sasha, also worked at the headquarters, decides to call me a cab, and offers a long drink tea with a cake. We drink a second glass, but a taxi is not. Sasha is a taxi other services - but it does not go. Drivers just do not orient themselves in the area of volunteer village built (and not through) a matter of months ago. The names of local streets are simply not available in the charts controllers taxi services. And then take me to a place called Anton on his new Hyndai. "You do not wear a seat, I got to do exactly no one will stop," - he winks at me confidence and gives gazku. Five minutes later, he slows down near the checkpoint of the village volunteer "Omega". I suggest to him to accept in gratitude 200 Russian rubles, but Anton modest smiles and says, "Thank you, no need! I earn a lot. " The function of this mysterious Anton remained a mystery to me. But he was a nice guy. In the same pleasant as the sound of his engine Hyundai.
At the checkpoint ohrannik- new "Angel" to my great joy I find in the lists. After carefully studying the contents of the bags, "You know, we're not so much looking for bombs as alcohol. Many people try to carry, and it is forbidden. " Well, a few weeks to live without alcohol I can do. But a couple of days without sleep - no. Therefore, as soon as possible in a hurry to "reception" where I last reported number of entrance and the apartment in which I have to live. The apartment is in the village volunteer - are two small rooms with four beds in each.
By the time I arrived, seven of the eight beds were occupied. Everyone was asleep. A minute was fast asleep and I have.
In the morning, I finally saw what is a volunteer, my village. Pile monotonous houses and dining room in a white tent slightest aesthetic admiration not cause.
But the landscape surrounding them, incredibly beautiful. On one side of the mountain to the village looms, the other - the sea.
And as a result - an incredibly pure air.
However, sometimes violate the purity of passing through the local streets of the improvised machine. Among them suddenly showed up and BMW with Minsk accommodation.
The next morning I met with roommates. They were two of Alexander: the young and older - and Roman. Roman represented the city of Vladimir, the young Alexander - Kursk, and geographical information about his senior namesake was not available. Everyone has different volunteer functions. My - Assistant to the press. However, officially a member of the family can be a volunteer, just received accreditation. Behind her is what we went to Alexander Kursk in the Olympic Park. Its function - translator. Each volunteer is assigned to the time of arrival for accreditation. I stood 14:30 Alexander - and at 17:00. But knowledgeable people tell us that it is better to come to the Olympic Park well before the specified time as a queue of volunteers reached there Newly unprecedented length. This advice is great help to save time.
Queues for accreditation and uniforms really remotely resembled the queue for tickets for the match, "BATE" in the Champions League in 2008. And then if you could run into a speculator and rid themselves of anxious waiting, speculating that accreditations in Sochi no risks.
Accreditation - unremarkable bureaucratic procedure. Whether it following this issue uniforms. Uniforms divided into two types: for the Mountain Cluster (area with Olympic venues) and coastal cluster. The first is more insulated, because the weather in the mountains is much tougher than at their feet. But the second is notable for excellent Olympic brand shoes, which in any shoe store would cost a lot of money. Here are all volunteers shall be issued free of charge. Once, after a long wait, I go to the fitting room, lovely girl immediately brings me to a set of jackets, sweaters and pants, even without specifying the desired size. To my surprise, the eye of the girl turned out to be stoned perfect - all the elements of Olympic uniforms immediately sat down on me like a glove. But jacket, sweater and pants with boots - not all. Includes more gloves, thermal underwear, hat, cap and other weird parts where I was too lazy to deal immediately after receiving the form.
At the end of the procedure to issue a check, which contains the total value of issued equipment - 28 thousand. Russian rubles (about 8 million Belarusian). Apparently, it is necessary to ensure that in case of damage of the item of clothing to recover from the careless volunteer or that amount.
In many places, the wall can be seen a large map of the world stands on which each volunteer can leave a memory of himself and his hometown. Based on these cards, and the stands, "volunteers" to the Olympics, people came not only from the Russian cities and CIS countries, but also from such exotic places for the Winter Olympics, Madrid, Tel Aviv and Sydney.
Finally a little bit of food. Food is provided to volunteers, free on-site dining villages.
However, there can be here only twice a day, morning and evening. Morning menu is not very calorie: usually a couple pancakes with cottage cheese, buckwheat semi-finished, which must be diluted with boiling water, and tea / coffee. Frankly, a boost of energy for a day on this diet do not get. Especially if you're a tough guy growth of 195 cm, which is the self.
But quite a decent dinner. Borsch and a large portion of pilaf with vegetables were quite a decent taste
This is all for today, the continuation of the story of Denis forward in the near future.
26 photo. Source.

My path to the Olympics began in December of the year before. The idea to combine my old hobbies - sports and travel - nurtured for a long time. I do not remember how came to the site of the volunteer movement of the Sochi Olympics, but without any hesitation filled the form and send your request. I had to pass several tests designed to convince the organizers that my IQ and knowledge of English is high enough so as not to lose face in front of the guests of the Games. The tests I went through in January, followed by six months safely forgot about the whole adventure. In fact, even it had to be held Skype-interview, and later I had to go for test events, which would be something of a dress rehearsal before the Games themselves. But neither the one nor the other did not happen. Yes, and my desire to go to the most important sporting event every four years slowly began to fade.

But as fate evening of February 1, I still stepped on the platform of the railway station of Sochi.


Going to the Olympics, I knew what to expect perfect and trouble-free organization of its not worth it. After all, it happens in Russia, which is always fraught with adventures. It began almost immediately after my late arrival to the resort town. On the eve of my departure, I learned that I would live in the village of fun, where they built a special volunteer village. The e-mail is also making information about how to get there from the station. To reach, by the way, I had more than an hour: the roads are rife with sharp turns, ups and downs, which significantly slows

Incidentally, the lion's share of work here on the city bus routes - Belarusian MAZ. When you go in for such streets of Sochi, there is absolutely no feeling that you are a thousand kilometers away from his native Belarus. Only an electronic voice saying, "Next stop" and not "the following prypynak" returns to reality.
By the way, a small digression about the stops and their names. Every second is here in its name the word "resort", "hotel" or "hotel". But there are exotic, as a "traffic light" or "gas station." And in English, they are duplicated in the same way. It's hard not to laugh when you hear the voice of serious electronic announcer pronounces «Next station - Svyetofor». But the most unexpected translation stop had "50 years of the USSR." In English speaker utters it as ... «Fifty let USSR». This, you know, the Anglo-Russian "trasianka."


But back to the village of fun, which I hoped I would be my home for the next three weeks. At the entrance to the village is a funny monument to Lenin on a background of the inscription Sochi 2014.

Then move on sidewalks is clearly unfinished, which now and then interrupted by holes with gravel to the checkpoint. At this point the security guard is on duty around the clock, on the shoulder which flaunts chevron with the word "angel." Hands him a passport in order to "Angel" found my name on the list arrived at the settlement. "Something I can not find you," - he utters after brief search. The morning Moscow time. Sleep I still nowhere.
But the local security guards at the checkpoint is not as harsh as their counterparts from the Minsk hypermarkets. So I was allowed to go to the location in the territory of the village volunteer headquarters. There I met a girl with a cheerful smile that the soul becomes calmer. This is not exactly throw a foreigner in the morning in the cool streets of an unfamiliar city. "Do not worry, we now look for you in the lists, - she says. - Let's passport. " Opening in my passport page (for some reason that where Schengen visa), drives to database search lyrics "Schengen Valstybes ... You know, you and in the list of volunteers there." Barely suppressing wild laughter, girl explains that Schengen Valstybes - it's not my name, but the name of a Schengen visa in the Lithuanian language. In general, Russians unusual to see the name of the passport holder on the last, not the first page, so always have to help them in the search.
Finally, I show up in the list under his real name, and it turns out that I'm going to live in the village is not fun, and in the nearby village volunteer "Omega". In due time it no one warned me, but I did not resent. "Relax, it's Russia," - I thought. A guy named Sasha, also worked at the headquarters, decides to call me a cab, and offers a long drink tea with a cake. We drink a second glass, but a taxi is not. Sasha is a taxi other services - but it does not go. Drivers just do not orient themselves in the area of volunteer village built (and not through) a matter of months ago. The names of local streets are simply not available in the charts controllers taxi services. And then take me to a place called Anton on his new Hyndai. "You do not wear a seat, I got to do exactly no one will stop," - he winks at me confidence and gives gazku. Five minutes later, he slows down near the checkpoint of the village volunteer "Omega". I suggest to him to accept in gratitude 200 Russian rubles, but Anton modest smiles and says, "Thank you, no need! I earn a lot. " The function of this mysterious Anton remained a mystery to me. But he was a nice guy. In the same pleasant as the sound of his engine Hyundai.
At the checkpoint ohrannik- new "Angel" to my great joy I find in the lists. After carefully studying the contents of the bags, "You know, we're not so much looking for bombs as alcohol. Many people try to carry, and it is forbidden. " Well, a few weeks to live without alcohol I can do. But a couple of days without sleep - no. Therefore, as soon as possible in a hurry to "reception" where I last reported number of entrance and the apartment in which I have to live. The apartment is in the village volunteer - are two small rooms with four beds in each.

By the time I arrived, seven of the eight beds were occupied. Everyone was asleep. A minute was fast asleep and I have.

In the morning, I finally saw what is a volunteer, my village. Pile monotonous houses and dining room in a white tent slightest aesthetic admiration not cause.

But the landscape surrounding them, incredibly beautiful. On one side of the mountain to the village looms, the other - the sea.

And as a result - an incredibly pure air.

However, sometimes violate the purity of passing through the local streets of the improvised machine. Among them suddenly showed up and BMW with Minsk accommodation.

The next morning I met with roommates. They were two of Alexander: the young and older - and Roman. Roman represented the city of Vladimir, the young Alexander - Kursk, and geographical information about his senior namesake was not available. Everyone has different volunteer functions. My - Assistant to the press. However, officially a member of the family can be a volunteer, just received accreditation. Behind her is what we went to Alexander Kursk in the Olympic Park. Its function - translator. Each volunteer is assigned to the time of arrival for accreditation. I stood 14:30 Alexander - and at 17:00. But knowledgeable people tell us that it is better to come to the Olympic Park well before the specified time as a queue of volunteers reached there Newly unprecedented length. This advice is great help to save time.

Queues for accreditation and uniforms really remotely resembled the queue for tickets for the match, "BATE" in the Champions League in 2008. And then if you could run into a speculator and rid themselves of anxious waiting, speculating that accreditations in Sochi no risks.



Accreditation - unremarkable bureaucratic procedure. Whether it following this issue uniforms. Uniforms divided into two types: for the Mountain Cluster (area with Olympic venues) and coastal cluster. The first is more insulated, because the weather in the mountains is much tougher than at their feet. But the second is notable for excellent Olympic brand shoes, which in any shoe store would cost a lot of money. Here are all volunteers shall be issued free of charge. Once, after a long wait, I go to the fitting room, lovely girl immediately brings me to a set of jackets, sweaters and pants, even without specifying the desired size. To my surprise, the eye of the girl turned out to be stoned perfect - all the elements of Olympic uniforms immediately sat down on me like a glove. But jacket, sweater and pants with boots - not all. Includes more gloves, thermal underwear, hat, cap and other weird parts where I was too lazy to deal immediately after receiving the form.

At the end of the procedure to issue a check, which contains the total value of issued equipment - 28 thousand. Russian rubles (about 8 million Belarusian). Apparently, it is necessary to ensure that in case of damage of the item of clothing to recover from the careless volunteer or that amount.


In many places, the wall can be seen a large map of the world stands on which each volunteer can leave a memory of himself and his hometown. Based on these cards, and the stands, "volunteers" to the Olympics, people came not only from the Russian cities and CIS countries, but also from such exotic places for the Winter Olympics, Madrid, Tel Aviv and Sydney.


Finally a little bit of food. Food is provided to volunteers, free on-site dining villages.

However, there can be here only twice a day, morning and evening. Morning menu is not very calorie: usually a couple pancakes with cottage cheese, buckwheat semi-finished, which must be diluted with boiling water, and tea / coffee. Frankly, a boost of energy for a day on this diet do not get. Especially if you're a tough guy growth of 195 cm, which is the self.
But quite a decent dinner. Borsch and a large portion of pilaf with vegetables were quite a decent taste

This is all for today, the continuation of the story of Denis forward in the near future.
