7 legendary guns
February 12, 1942 on arms was adopted by the most massive Soviet WWII gun ZIS-3, which has become, along with the T-34 and SCB-41, one of the symbols of Victory.
7 photos with text. A source.
1. 76 mm divisional guns model 1942 (ZIS-3)
ZIS-3 was the most massive instrument of the Great Patriotic War. Divisional gun, developed under the leadership vasiliy grabin, appeared on the front during the second half of 1942. Lightweight and maneuverable ZIS-3 found very widely used to address both manpower and equipment to the enemy. Divisional guns proved essentially universal, and most importantly easy to use, and the production, at the very moment when required at short notice to send in the army the greatest possible number of guns. In all there were more than 100 thousand. ZIS-3 - more than all other tools together during the war.
2. 37-mm anti-aircraft gun model 1939
Intended to destroy low-flying targets. Power was carried out of the cage five artillery rounds. But often in the beginning of the war, these weapons were used, and as an anti. The gun with a high muzzle velocity in 1941 pierced the armor of any German tanks. The disadvantage of guns was that the failure of one of the gunners was doing the shooting alone impossible. The second drawback - the lack of armor shield that originally AAAs was laid, and appeared only in 1944. In all there were at least 18 thousand 37-mm automatic anti-aircraft guns
3. howitzer-gun ML-20
The unique instrument combines a range of shooting guns and howitzers ability to maintain grazing fire. None of the battle, including the Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Berlin, not without the participation of these guns. At the same time, no army in the world, including Germany's, had at that time adopted similar systems.
It is noteworthy that the ML-20 was the first Soviet guns opened fire on the territory of Germany. In the evening of the 2nd of August 1944 ML-20 on the German positions in East Prussia were fired about 50 shells. And then in Moscow it sent a report that the shells are now torn in Germany. From the middle of the war ML-20 was established on the Soviet SU-152 self-propelled guns, and later in the ISU-152. All were released about 6,900 guns ML-20 of various modifications.
4. ZIS-2
ZIS-2 (57-mm anti-tank gun of the sample. 1941) - a tool with a very difficult destiny. One of the two anti-tank guns in the Soviet Union during World War II - the second was "sorokopyatki." It appeared in 1941, but then for the purposes of this gun is simply not found - any German tank ZIS-2 is sewn through, and in difficult conditions translation industry on a war footing by manufacturing technologically complex and expensive tools, it was decided to refuse. Reminded of the ZIS-2 in 1943, when the German troops were heavy tanks. Again, these guns were at the front in the summer of 1943 at Kursk in the future are very good, coping with virtually all German tanks. At a distance of several hundred meters ZIS-2 break through the 80-mm side armor of the "Tigers".
5. 85-mm anti-aircraft gun model 1939
It is a weapon in the Great Patriotic War is very widely used on both front and rear to protect the facilities and major transportation hubs. During the Great Patriotic War, 85-mm anti-aircraft guns had been destroyed up to 4 thousand. Enemy aircraft. During the fighting, this tool is often applied as an anti-tank. And before the start of mass production of the ZIS-3, it was practically the only gun capable of long range combat the "tigers". Known feat calculate Senior Sergeant GA Shadunts that in two days of fighting in the area of the modern city Lobnya Moscow region killed eight German tanks. This episode is devoted to the Battle of Moscow film "Do your threshold".
Universal naval gun mount. In Soviet ships (eg cruisers "Kirov") was used as anti-aircraft artillery ranged. The gun was equipped with armored shield. The firing range of 22 km; ceiling - 15 km. Since track the movement of enemy aircraft heavy guns was impossible, the shooting is usually conducted in a certain range curtains. A useful tool and it turned out to hit ground targets. Just before the start of the Great Patriotic War were fired 42 guns. As production has been concentrated in Leningrad, was in the blockade, build ships of the Pacific Fleet were forced not to equip the 100-mm and 85-mm guns as artillery ranged.
7. "sorokopyatki»
45-mm antitank gun model 1937 was the main anti-tank gun of the Red Army in the initial period of the war and was able to hit almost any German technology. Since 1942, it has been accepted into service its new version (45-mm antitank gun model 1942) with a long barrel. From the middle of the war, when the enemy has used tanks with a powerful armor protection, the main objectives of "sorokopyatok" steel belts and self-propelled guns and enemy firing points. On the basis of 45-mm anti-tank gun was set up and 45-mm semi-automatic gun ship's 21-K, which has appeared due to the low rate of fire and lack of special sights ineffective. Therefore, 21-K to be replaced by automatic guns passing shot artillery on the strengthening of the position of ground troops in the field and as an anti-tank guns.
7 photos with text. A source.

1. 76 mm divisional guns model 1942 (ZIS-3)
ZIS-3 was the most massive instrument of the Great Patriotic War. Divisional gun, developed under the leadership vasiliy grabin, appeared on the front during the second half of 1942. Lightweight and maneuverable ZIS-3 found very widely used to address both manpower and equipment to the enemy. Divisional guns proved essentially universal, and most importantly easy to use, and the production, at the very moment when required at short notice to send in the army the greatest possible number of guns. In all there were more than 100 thousand. ZIS-3 - more than all other tools together during the war.

2. 37-mm anti-aircraft gun model 1939
Intended to destroy low-flying targets. Power was carried out of the cage five artillery rounds. But often in the beginning of the war, these weapons were used, and as an anti. The gun with a high muzzle velocity in 1941 pierced the armor of any German tanks. The disadvantage of guns was that the failure of one of the gunners was doing the shooting alone impossible. The second drawback - the lack of armor shield that originally AAAs was laid, and appeared only in 1944. In all there were at least 18 thousand 37-mm automatic anti-aircraft guns

3. howitzer-gun ML-20
The unique instrument combines a range of shooting guns and howitzers ability to maintain grazing fire. None of the battle, including the Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Berlin, not without the participation of these guns. At the same time, no army in the world, including Germany's, had at that time adopted similar systems.
It is noteworthy that the ML-20 was the first Soviet guns opened fire on the territory of Germany. In the evening of the 2nd of August 1944 ML-20 on the German positions in East Prussia were fired about 50 shells. And then in Moscow it sent a report that the shells are now torn in Germany. From the middle of the war ML-20 was established on the Soviet SU-152 self-propelled guns, and later in the ISU-152. All were released about 6,900 guns ML-20 of various modifications.

4. ZIS-2
ZIS-2 (57-mm anti-tank gun of the sample. 1941) - a tool with a very difficult destiny. One of the two anti-tank guns in the Soviet Union during World War II - the second was "sorokopyatki." It appeared in 1941, but then for the purposes of this gun is simply not found - any German tank ZIS-2 is sewn through, and in difficult conditions translation industry on a war footing by manufacturing technologically complex and expensive tools, it was decided to refuse. Reminded of the ZIS-2 in 1943, when the German troops were heavy tanks. Again, these guns were at the front in the summer of 1943 at Kursk in the future are very good, coping with virtually all German tanks. At a distance of several hundred meters ZIS-2 break through the 80-mm side armor of the "Tigers".

5. 85-mm anti-aircraft gun model 1939
It is a weapon in the Great Patriotic War is very widely used on both front and rear to protect the facilities and major transportation hubs. During the Great Patriotic War, 85-mm anti-aircraft guns had been destroyed up to 4 thousand. Enemy aircraft. During the fighting, this tool is often applied as an anti-tank. And before the start of mass production of the ZIS-3, it was practically the only gun capable of long range combat the "tigers". Known feat calculate Senior Sergeant GA Shadunts that in two days of fighting in the area of the modern city Lobnya Moscow region killed eight German tanks. This episode is devoted to the Battle of Moscow film "Do your threshold".

Universal naval gun mount. In Soviet ships (eg cruisers "Kirov") was used as anti-aircraft artillery ranged. The gun was equipped with armored shield. The firing range of 22 km; ceiling - 15 km. Since track the movement of enemy aircraft heavy guns was impossible, the shooting is usually conducted in a certain range curtains. A useful tool and it turned out to hit ground targets. Just before the start of the Great Patriotic War were fired 42 guns. As production has been concentrated in Leningrad, was in the blockade, build ships of the Pacific Fleet were forced not to equip the 100-mm and 85-mm guns as artillery ranged.

7. "sorokopyatki»
45-mm antitank gun model 1937 was the main anti-tank gun of the Red Army in the initial period of the war and was able to hit almost any German technology. Since 1942, it has been accepted into service its new version (45-mm antitank gun model 1942) with a long barrel. From the middle of the war, when the enemy has used tanks with a powerful armor protection, the main objectives of "sorokopyatok" steel belts and self-propelled guns and enemy firing points. On the basis of 45-mm anti-tank gun was set up and 45-mm semi-automatic gun ship's 21-K, which has appeared due to the low rate of fire and lack of special sights ineffective. Therefore, 21-K to be replaced by automatic guns passing shot artillery on the strengthening of the position of ground troops in the field and as an anti-tank guns.
