How are movies without special effects?
When we watch the film, we forget that much of what is happening on the screen - it is computer graphics. We monitor the performance of the actors and believe in the reality of all that surrounds them.
This is the result of professional work studios for creating special effects for movies.
Movies "Gravity," "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug," "Iron Man 3", "The Lone Ranger", "Star Trek Into Darkness" nominated for "Oscar-2014" in the category "Best Special Effects." I wonder, could you find these movies, if you remove them to draw a picture of? I do not know what's interesting.
There will be 15 special effects =)
2.Alisa in Wonderland
3.Veliky Gatsby
5.Volk Wall Street
6.Golodnye Games
7.Zhelezny people
8.Zhizn Pi (apparently filmed in the pool) =)
10.Odinoky ranger
11. Oz the Great and Powerful
12.Chelovek steel
13.Tihookeansky abroad
14. How Scarlett Johansson flew across the sky =)
15. The Dark Knight Rises
Vosmidesyatitysyachnuyu crowd at the stadium played only four people.
This is the result of professional work studios for creating special effects for movies.
Movies "Gravity," "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug," "Iron Man 3", "The Lone Ranger", "Star Trek Into Darkness" nominated for "Oscar-2014" in the category "Best Special Effects." I wonder, could you find these movies, if you remove them to draw a picture of? I do not know what's interesting.
There will be 15 special effects =)


2.Alisa in Wonderland

3.Veliky Gatsby


5.Volk Wall Street

6.Golodnye Games

7.Zhelezny people

8.Zhizn Pi (apparently filmed in the pool) =)


10.Odinoky ranger

11. Oz the Great and Powerful

12.Chelovek steel

13.Tihookeansky abroad

14. How Scarlett Johansson flew across the sky =)

15. The Dark Knight Rises
Vosmidesyatitysyachnuyu crowd at the stadium played only four people.
